

Lyre struggled to open his eyes.

Deep down, he felt that something was wrong, but at the same time, he wanted to sleep a bit.

"Rain." He whispered, struggling to open his eyes, but it seemed impossible. "Rain," he whispered once more.

Meanwhile, the fight was still on.

Groaning, Rain rose from the ground and turned to face Lyre's brothers.

"You, mers, are no match for me. You are just a pathetic bunch of mermen."

"What did you say?" The eldest son angrily balled his hands into fists.

With his eyes narrowed at Rain, he took a step towards him, aiming to finish him off.

"You are merely a pathetic bunch of mermen who bully your brother to feel strong. If you think you are strong, face me off!" He challenged.

"If you—"

The eldest prince didn't get to complete his words before Rain threw him off his legs.