
Different sides of the story

Rain was more confused than ever after the king told him the truth concerning his mother's death.

"Then, who asked me to be brought back?" He inquired.

"I was the one, my son." The king placed a gentle hand on Rain's back. "I was the one who asked you to be brought back, Despite my promise to your late mother, that I won't." The king sniffed back tears. "This kingdom is dying. I can't sit back and watch as it withers. That was why I broke my promise to your late mother." He glanced up, "I'm sorry, my love."

Rain was touched by the pure expression of sorrow on the king's face, but he didn't move to console him.

This was the first time he has met him, he can't just act as if they have known each other for long.

He sat still and watched the king bawl his eyes like a kid.

"What do I do to make things right? Do I need to sit on the throne, now?" Rain gestured to the throne.

He made to rise, but the king placed a hand on his back, to stop him.