

Once upon a time actually i forgot that its a TRUE STORY in India .That was a pleasant day in a village named Salkapur in A.P. There was a lady named sravani is a mentally disorderd .No one in village liked her. But a man came who was good hearted man married her. He took care of her very we. Actually he was a ARMY men. So, he left her to do duty. After some days it was day of delivery of that poor lady. Unfortunately the baby died due to some disorder problem. The doctor in that hospital told "YOUR BABY HAD DIED".But the last took the baby and ran away from hospital. She went home later she used to know to that her husband had died in a terrarist attack. Then she went totally dippression and converted into a psycho. She believes that her baby was alive. All the villagers misbelieved that due to her presence there will be a harm to the village .So, all the people rid of her from the village. As she is a psysic patient. She didn't know what the world is she too ran from village by carrying some clothes and the dead body of a half decomposed baby. She go on moving and setteld at a big banyan tree. one day she went out for some food. As she moved far some dogs taken away the baby body and thrown somewhere. Then the lady came,noticed the absence of the baby.She thought that villagers had taken her baby.she went to village back all the villagers saw her and they chased her by beating and throwing rocks she left village with deadly wounds. Due to internal bleeding she DIED. one that onward there was a disturbance in that village. That a lady is asking for her baby at mid night 12:00.vilagers said that she is not visible clearly she appears in white.she always knocks the door if villagers and askes QA for a baby u took. Villagers always says "oh! stri repu ra". which mean oh lady come tomorrow.Then the lady comes at that same time of same house. Day by day the newsence became more. The villagers left the village.....Later understood that The white apperence at night is sravani's ghost😟😟😱
