

Looking at the few bundles of herbs in his hand, Luck moved to powder them and add them to his food.

"Supposedly it's richer in mana so it should be effective...let's see."

Putting the blended herb powder into a bowl, Luck sprinkled some of the new 'spices' over the meat he was cooking in the skillet.

As the mouth-watering aroma wafted from the cooked meat, he hesitated for a moment.

"If I were home now, I might test the effects with Black or Smart first."

After taking the meat out of the pan and placing it on his plate, Luck sat down at the dining table, cut a piece of meat from the plate and put it in his mouth.

Why should we be afraid? 

We already know that these herbs are not harmful.

It's just a herb with a little more mana in it!

Let's try it.

Luck sighed with pleasure as the delicious meat cooked in butter crumbled in his mouth.

Compared to before, the herbs he was eating now had a much more distinct flavor.

"The herbs taste sharper this time!"

As the meat he was chewing slid down his throat, a fire of warmth spread through his throat, and when the piece of meat landed in his stomach, the warmth spread throughout his body.

Suddenly convulsing with the sudden pain, Luck collapsed to the floor.

"Fuck...it's stronger this time..."

Luck fainted in pain before he realized what had happened.


Istanbul, Monster Burger.

Arya was sitting in her office, looking out the window.

There seemed to be an increasing number of customers who were tired of waiting in line and had gone to other restaurants in the neighborhood.

Arya asked without turning around.

"Have you finished looking at the shops?" 

"Yes, we found a shop 3 streets away and there are some good locations in Arnavutköy and Nişantaş where we can set up shop."

Arya turned to Albert in surprise.

"You looked in 2 different neighborhoods?"

Albert nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes, opening another shop in this neighborhood will relieve us for now, but in the long run we will face the same problem again."

"I see..." Arya hesitated for a moment, but her eyes shone with determination.

"Do we have the budget to rent all 3 shops?"

This time it was Albert's turn to be surprised.

"Three shops? I thought it would be 2 stores..."

Arya silenced Albert with a wave of her hand.

"Do we have enough funds? Rent, deposit, renovations...how much for 3 shops?"

Albert did a quick calculation in his head.

"We need 3 million start-up capital for the shop here, about 4 million for the one in Arnavutköy and 6 million for the one in Nişantaşı...and that doesn't include the wages of the employees who will work in the shops."

"Thirteen million federation dollars...what about the burrito shop Luck mentioned?"

Freezing for a moment, Albert said coyly, "That price doesn't include a separate burrito shop. I thought we could sell burritos along with hamburgers in one of the shops we will open here."

Arya shook her head no.

"Luck specifically said he wanted a separate burrito shop. So we should open a separate burrito shop."

"Then that would cost us extra. Depending on the size and location of the shop, it could cost us between 2 and 6 million Federation dollars."

Sitting back at her desk, Arya said, "A medium-sized taco shop will be enough for now, and don't worry about the money. We're already making close to 8 million Federation dollars a month, it shouldn't be a problem to take out a loan and open those shops."

Seeing Arya's determined attitude, Albert nodded. 

"As you wish, Ms. Arya."



Senna finished reading the last paper in her hand and leaned back tiredly.

"I'm finished...if I do paperwork every day, I'll be dead soon..."

Senna was exhausted, just like her sister, and lay with her head on the table.

"That's it for me too! My head is about to explode! Even my eyes hurt..."

Senna squinted her eyes with determination and after making sure that no one was listening, she approached her sister and whispered.

"How about we run away from here? We'll hunt some star beasts in the wild...when we come back in a few days this will all be over."

Senna's sudden offer was very tempting, but Elsa shook her head and rejected the idea.

"We can get rid of the paperwork for now, but then our father will put a guard over us and make us do a lot more than paperwork!"

Senna bowed her neck, resigned to her fate.

"You're right, let's get up and call it a day!"

Rubbing her aching back, Elsa got up with her sister.

"For the first time since I became a starfighter, I felt my back ache from sitting for so long!"

"Aghh...me too..."

As the two sisters stepped out into the street, a smile appeared on their faces, as if they had found their freedom.

Elsa's eyes twinkled as she looked at the crowd moving towards the market. "How about some shopping?"

Senna nodded in agreement, although she did not share her sister's shopping curiosity.

"I don't mind as long as we relax a bit..."

Elsa, who also received approval from her sister, eagerly began to stroll around the market area.

At first, Elsa enjoyed walking around the market, but gradually her eyebrows began to furrow as she walked around the market.

The streets were filthy, a man took his last bite of an apple, threw it away and continued walking.

But it wasn't the man throwing his trash on the ground that caused Emma to frown...it was the fact that the workers responsible for cleaning up the trash weren't doing their job.

"There's garbage in the streets...why haven't they come to pick it up yet?"

Not much later, the same man who threw the apple trash on the ground looked around, took off his pants and started urinating on the wall of a house.

Unintentionally exposed to this scene, Senna frowned and shouted.

"Hey! There is a place called a toilet, you idiot! Don't pee in the street!"

Startled by the sudden shout, she cursed angrily as he splashed urine on her.

"Fuck your tongue, woman! Can't you see I'm peeing, don't scream! My clothes are ruined!"

Enraged that the man yelled back at him, Senna was about to activate his star power when he was stopped by his sister Elsa.

"Why are you peeing in the street when you can use the compound toilets? Do you realize that if the guards see you, you'll be punished?"

Adam shrugged off Elsa's words with a shrug.

"Campus restrooms..." The man spat on the floor as if he had something bad in his mouth.

"That damn place has been overflowing with shit for weeks! No one cleans it! Instead of the guards writing me a ticket for urinating in the street, they should clean the toilets first!"

Remembering the toilet problem she had read about in previous reports, Elsa could not say anything.

As the man said, the compound had a toilet problem for a long time.

"If you are done with your interrogation, I will continue to pee! Now fuck off and don't bother me!"