
Opening a Shop, Selling Fast Food

"Yes, I want to supply uncooked food in bulk." Luck looked at the confused Burger Quenn employee.

"What are you going to do with all that uncooked food? Are you thinking of selling it somewhere else?"

He didn't realize how true his sarcastic remark was.

Yes, he was thinking of selling his purchases later, but not in the world.

"I'm planning to have a party, a big party..."

"Give us the address and we'll bring the food to the party place." The man didn't seem to believe the lie about having a party

"The party will be on a boat... we're going out to sea on a boat." 

Luck was overwhelmed by the Burger Quenn employee's interrogation and was thinking 'Maybe I should go to a convenience store and buy some random brand of frozen products' when a man who was curious about the conversation between Luck and the Burger Quenn employee approached the two.

"Sam, what's going on here?" the man asked looking at Sam, the man Luck had been talking to for a while.

 "Manager!" Sam looked alarmed.

"This gentleman wants enough frozen meatball meat, fries, and hamburger buns for 100 classic menus."

"Huh?" The manager's eyes widened, but unlike Sam, he didn't bother to question Luck but held out his hand to Luck.

"Hello, I'm the manager of this branch. Come into my office and let's talk about the cost of your order."


After talking for a while, Luck agreed with the manager to pay $100 per serving for the equivalent of one serving of frozen food.

So he would pay 10,000 dollars for 100 servings of food.

The manager had a big smile on his face as he saw Luck out of the store.

"Mr. Luck, it's a pleasure doing business with you, come again."

"I have a feeling we'll see each other again soon," Luck said, taking the man's outstretched hand.

The manager was excited to hear that he could make such a big profit again.

 "Mr. Luck, I will send all the goods to the address you gave me, and if you come again, feel free to come to my office immediately!

 "Hahaha, see you again." And Luck turned and left. In his mind, he had a list of other things he needed to buy. 

Frying oil, ketchup, mayonnaise, cardboard cups, and the must-have sodas of a fast food joint.

When Luck arrived home with the bags full of groceries before his mother got home, he noticed a truck with a freezer parked in front of the apartment building.

"They're really fast, I've been out of there less than an hour." Luck was surprised at the speed at which the manager was running things.

He went to the freezer truck and told the truck driver to take the frozen food home.

"Is this guy crazy? All this food will soon melt and spoil!" the man said in surprise as he dropped the bags of frozen meat in the middle of the room.

"Is it any of your business? They pay you to carry these goods here, not to ask questions."

"Oh man," the man complained, "But am I right? This is ridiculous." 

He gestured to the refrigerator and said, "That refrigerator won't even hold half of this stuff! The rest will rot!"

"All waste..." When the man who was busy carrying the frozen food looked at him with icy eyes, he suddenly stopped talking.

"I'd better shut up and do my job, right?"

Overhearing the two men talking, Luck realized something.

'Bringing so many frozen treats will draw unwanted attention to me. Even my mom might find out."

Thinking for a while, Luck said, "If I'm going to continue in the fast food business, it makes sense to get myself a separate house or warehouse."

Seeing the delivery man off with the last bag of frozen meatballs, it was time for Luck to move on.

Looking at the bags of frozen food in front of him, Luck wasn't sure if he could sell it all in one day.

"If I can't sell it all in one day, I don't know where I can find a place to store it..."



Halt and Horace were waiting for Luck when he walked through the door with bags in his hands.

Horace noticed that Luck's hands were more full of bags than ever and he stood up and took some of them from Luck's hands.

"What's all this stuff, Luck?" Halt asked with a puzzled look.

"The food I gave out the other day."

"Huh? Horace felt something hard and cold hit his leg inside the bags.

Meanwhile, Halt, curiously taking one of the bags from Luck's hand, pulled out a frozen potato.

"I thought you said you brought some of that food you gave out yesterday..."

Noticing the suspicion in Halt's voice and Horace's eyes, Luck said, "Everything in the bags is frozen, and when I cook it and put it together, it will make a great meal.

"If you say so..." Halt was still skeptical.

Ignoring Halt's skepticism, Luck turned to Horace and said, "You advised me to open a store, didn't you?"

"Yes, but why mention it now?"

Putting his hand on his chin, Luck said, "I remember there was an empty shop in the marketplace."

"Yes you are right, I know the owner of that shop." Halt joined the conversation even though he did not know the basis of the conversation between the two.

"Oh yeah?" Luck's eyes were burning with excitement.

"Can we meet the owner of that store? I want to rent it right away."

Halt and Horace were surprised by Luck's expression.

"What's the hurry?" Even though Horace had offered to open a shop, he hadn't expected Luck to want to open a shop so quickly.

Not bothering to explain himself, Luck said, "I also need a few other things.


Seeing Luck's determination, Halt asked no more questions and brought Luck to the owner of the empty store. 

After long negotiations, he managed to rent the shop for 100 gold a month, even though it made Luck's heart bleed.

"Luck, I brought everything you asked for." Horace arrived at Luck's shop with three men and many supplies.

A crystal stove for cooking meat, a cauldron for frying potatoes, and many kitchen utensils.

Luck looked at the 3 men with Horace and said "They have cooking experience, don't they?"

Horace confirmed, "Yes, these 3 men have worked as cooks in restaurant kitchens before, so they have cooking experience."

It was a chapter I wrote quickly, there may be mistakes, please let me know.

PuckGoodfellowcreators' thoughts