
Mom, I was joking...

Luck was admiring the puddle of mud that was slowly rising from the ground into a rectangular wall, but the real work he had to do was still at the back of his mind.

"Keep the mortar like this!"

The star warriors, the earth users, were sweating beads of sweat from the exertion as they struggled to hold the cement mixture, mixed with the slag from the old wall built using star beast blood, into a wall.

Luck turned to Elsa, realizing he didn't have much time.

"Elsa, quick, use your flame to dry this wall quickly!"

Although Elsa had a lot of questions, she recognized the urgency in Luck's voice and used her star power to bury the cement that had become the wall in flames.

The pile of cement rising from the ground seemed to be engulfed in the flames of hell as it vaporized all the water in it.

Luck: .... 

That's a bit of an exaggeration!

The starfighters breathed a sigh of relief as they realized that the muddy cement was getting easier and easier to control.

As Luck watched the cement solidify, he decided it was time to stop and ordered everyone to stop.

"Elsa, that's enough! Everyone stop using star power!"

Elsa wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand as the earth users slumped to the ground in relief.

Even as a star warrior with 4 star power, Elsa felt a little tired after using her star power so intensely.

Looking at the 7 meter long, 5 meter high and 3 meter wide wall with smoke billowing from it, Nikolai couldn't help but smile.

What would normally have taken at least two days was completed in minutes thanks to the cement, which was even more amazing than star power.

Looking at the newly built city wall in front of him, Luck sighed with satisfaction that his plan had succeeded.

"Give it another day to dry and then you can add stairs or anything else you want.

Looking at the newly built raw wall with pleasure, Nikolai nodded.

"No problem, even this is quite enough...just..."

"Just what?"

Nikolai clenched his fist and turned to Luck as he walked slowly to the newly built wall.

"I just want to know how strong this wall is."

Luck's eyes widened in surprise as he realized what Nikolay was about to do.

"Nikolay, wait! The wall has just been built...!"

BAM! Dust and smoke erupted from the wall.

Before Luck could finish his sentence, Nikolay had already brought his fist down on the wall!

Luck: ....

Earth-user starfighters: ...

Elsa: ...

They all had one thing on their minds.

We just built this wall, damn it!


Nikolay's laughter exploded like thunder as the dust and smoke in the area of the wall dissipated.

Everyone, especially Luck, who felt the force of Nikolai's punch, stared at the newly built wall in shock.

Even though parts of the wall had crumbled at the point where Nikolai's punch landed, the wall was still intact and in one piece.

It must be remembered that the punch of a 5 star power like Nikolai easily contains tons of force.

Elsa looked at the newly built wall, impressed.

"You can't expect better from a wall built in minutes, even if it's not as good as the previous one..."

Nikolai hugged Luck, laughing, satisfied with the solidity of the wall 

"You did it, Luck! You really did it!"

Luck, who felt like his lungs were going to burst from Nikolay's hug, forced a laugh.

"Hahaha yeah....ööhööö let me go!"

Realizing that Luck was dying, Nikolay, embarrassed, immediately released Luck.

'Well, gentlemen! As you can see, the cement is working! Now all we have to do is produce more cement and rebuild the walls of the compound! We'll work harder!'


Day after day, the starfighters in Nikolai's compound did almost nothing but build the walls around the compound, so much so that the number of starfighters on their regular patrols was reduced and replaced by ordinary people with firearms.

During all this construction, Luck's only job was to supervise the cementing and check the walls as they were being built.

'Volcanic mould is low! Bring more volcanic mould!'

'Earth users keep the shape of the wall! The wall hasn't solidified yet!'

'I said dry the wall, not burn it! Watch out!'

Luck, who was constantly exposed to the heat from being next to the walls being built, had just started to get darker and darker, so much so that he had a tanned skin as if he had sunbathed by the sea on a summer day.

Luck's mother, who noticed Luck's darkening skin, could not stand it any longer at the dining table.

'Luck...are you going to the solarium?'

Luck: ?????


Luck's mother looked out of the window sceptically.

Although it was not cold, the sun in the sky was not as hot as in summer.

Remembering that she hadn't seen Luck for a few days, Arya asked suspiciously, 'Did you go on holiday to another country without telling me?'

'No? Why do you ask that mum?'

Arya looked her son up and down.

'I remember when I gave birth to you...you were a white child like white cheese...'

Luck: (0_0)

'Anyway, I'm not going to ask what you're doing...but maybe you'd like to go and see the new shops, they've been open for almost a week now and you haven't been in to see them.'

Luck, who had been busy building walls in Gliese for the last few days, hadn't really been to any of the new shops...

Luck bowed his head embarrassedly and said, 'You're right mum, I feel like I've put all the work on your shoulders...sorry.'

'My son's job is kind of my job...I really like taking care of the shop, but it wouldn't be bad if you showed up once in a while as the main boss.'

'You're right mum...so how are things at the shop?'

Arya smiled brightly and said, 'You'd be surprised! Business is booming and even your new idea of a burrito shop has been a big hit with customers!'

'Especially the monster statue we put in front of the store in Nişantaşı has officially become a tourist spot!'

Hearing his mum's boast, Luck smiled cheerfully, 'Isn't that the statue that was your great idea?'

'That's right! Hahahah!'

Luck jokingly said, 'Maybe we should get a bigger statue, Mum, like the gundam statue in Japan! Or the Eiffel Tower!'

Arya froze for a moment when she heard this idea.

'That's a great idea! That way, maybe we can be recognised all over the world!'

Luck: ....

Mum, I was joking.