
The Medals Store

New York, eight in the evening In that big three-floor house’s, a group of girls were found forced to live with each other for a while with a group of police officers to protect them from a matter that they did not dare to admit to some of them or to these men because they could not trust anyone at least after they saw what happened in the Medallions store.

My_light · perkotaan
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20 Chs

Chapter Eighteen  

Cesar to Joseph after the others was go

-Dad, do you know about Emelia's past life with her family?

-Your mother and I know that you know because your mother as soon as she found out that you love a girl. She sent a special detective who said that someone had distorted her reputation because she did not agree to sleep with him.

-Is there any evidence

- Yes, why are you asking

-I want to prove her innocence

-Well, go to the office and give you the recording of the person who distorted her reputation. The fool confessed to the detective

Rosalina : Come on, the food is ready

Cesar and Joseph leave the office

Hilda and Emelia leave from Sesar's room

After they finished eating lunch

Cesar : Emelia and I will go to Chicago ( where Emelia's family lives )

; Everyone nod, except for Emelia

After Cesar returned Emelia to her apartment in the evening

-What did you mean to go to Chicago tomorrow? Why ??

-Because your family is there

-Why do you want to meet my family?

-To prove your innocence


-I have a recording of Julian ...

She interrupt him sadly : Have you been talking about him the whole time ??

He answers her quickly : No, I swear, I did not know until you told me

-Then when did you register?

-After my mother felt that there was something wrong with me because I was burying myself at work and I did not even care about my meals, so she was worried about me, my father had to tell her that I like you and I do not know where you are and you are in danger and he gave her your name so she assigned a special detective to search for all the information and Julian confessed to the investigator who played the role in recording Julian's confession

-So, because of that she treated me kindly

-She loved you. She may have treated you in the beginning because of what happened, but she would not have treated you the same way if you were less than her expectations..

Emelia : Thank you

Cesar : For what

-Because you didn't get angry

-Were you not my love secondly, if you hadn't asked, you would have suspected me and it would be a big problem so always ask me before you judge me

she smiles: yes sir

On the way to Chicago

Cesar : Are you afraid?

Emelia : If you were with me, I would not be. But if you mean about my family, it does not matter to me whether they believe me or not. Even if you believe me now, it is too late.

-I will stay with you no matter what happens and my father is the one who arranged this meeting

-I got it

-You can sleep until we get


She slept until they got to Chicago

Cesar : We'll meet them in an hour

Emelia : Okay

In the restaurant where Sesar and Emelia are waiting for Emelia's family, where Emilia and Cesar were drinking coffee

At that time a man and a woman who seems to be in their forty and man of twenty decades after the man noticed Amelia, he felt anger mixed with disgust to realize that Cesar was looking at something or someone to follow her gaze to see the man and woman who are her parents to point to them to come and sit down and indeed forward

Cesar: Please sit d own