
The Mech Mirage

What was the price of a dream? How much would human sacrificed just not to be awakened from their dreams? Would they sacrificed others? Or would they even sacrificed themselves and their families? For we all knew that human ambitions was boundless. 'The God's Relics' was a group of ultimate treasures coveted by many, though at the same time their existence was marked by 'death' leaving behind trails of blood in their wake. Feared yet also respected by many. Reverie was a young man who aspired to be a legendary pilot awakened from his dream one day. A dream that might very well be a nightmare, that somehow he knew bound to happened in the future. A bleak one where all of his loved one died before him. The one that set himself onto the path of preservation. Would he, the one that might very well be a nameless in the greater scope of universe be able to change his fate? Would he, the one without any talent be able to save others from a certain death? Follow him on his path guided by dreams to uncover the truth and stop the rise of destruction with nothing but a knowledge he obtained from an unknown source. ------ Info dump warning! Ch : 2-5

YayanS · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

1. Blind

The dying sun bend the light as the planet illuminated by its remembrance. On the barren land there was countless mech running about as various factions clashed among themselves, fighting over an unidentified treasure that was suddenly appeared in this once peaceful land.

The once vibrant and full of life, now remains nothing but a lifeless husk. Its inhabitants were long gone from this world since the weapons of mass destruction were released upon the planet. Only few fortunate souls left behind, as they battled for unknown purpose other than trying their best to survive.

At this moment, one of them was lying unconcious inside a battered mech. Its armor has long been broken, leaving the inner machinery exposed to the weather. Only its one eyed visor remained channeling the red light emitted from its power reactor that should have long stopped pumping out energy. But even so the machine persisted against all odds, far beyond what it should have been capable of.

Unfortunately this time, demise was inevitable for its young pilot lying inside the cockpit. The constant battle for an extended period of time have wore him out. Even if his machine could stand against all odds, he was a human afterall. Surrounded by countless enemy mech there was nothing he could do at this point other than waiting for his death. At this moment, only the afterlife would be able to cradle his wearry soul as nothing more mattered when everyone he knew had passed away one by one before him.

His consciousness was faint. His breathing slowed down. This was the first time he felt his life slowly leaving his body. It could be the last time as well, for what he knew he would never wished to repeat the same tragedy once again.

"Fi...re.. fly, " he said.

His voice was hoarse for there was no breath left behind inside his dying lungs.

"For..giv..e me"

Suddenly, an outburst of energy came out of the mech's power reactor. The shapeless energy converged together as they started to form into a giant energy blade that spanned into the atmosphere. The ammount of it could very well filled up an entire black hole. The battered mech slowly stood up as it raised its hand to grasp the energy blade. Its pilot who was dying before started to enter into a dreamlike state as his body rapidly decomposed, replaced with a bright light that shone so bright that even the surrounding started to be engulfed by an unending darkness.

The enemy mechs started to fall back immediately as they had anticipated this from happening. Each and every factions retreated in orderly formations. Meanwhile beyond the atmosphere, various giant spaceships formed their own formation while they readied their weapons of mass destruction.

Giant rifles, gigantic cannons, artifial meteors,...

They brought any and everything in their disposal onto the table. They knew how deadly it was when such treasure was released at full power. They decisively discarded all of their differences and agendas only to join forces with each other. Even those at wars were forced to abandon their grudge in front of the highest and ultimate power in this universe.

'The God's Relics' as they called. Was a group of mysterious treasure that surfaced every once in a millenia. No one knew where they're coming from nor how many there are in this world. One thing for sure though, that each and every of them could grant a heaven-defying power upon its wielder. This enables a faction to rose into prominence overnight. Becoming one of the supreme powerhouses in the galaxy and prosper indefinitely.

As such no one would be willing to share such treasure. The first thing they did as soon as they heard about its appearance was to eradicate all lives close to it. Better to be safe than not they said as they heartlessly massacered countless innocent souls just because a treasure that they didn't want suddenly surfaced on their home worlds.

Hence the connotation of, "Death" was placed alongside the relics glorious legend. Although they was supposed to be a God's relics, each and every one of them leave behind a massive amount of blood in their trails.

Fear and reverence were both placed upon these treasures. That everyone were willing to let go of all things just to obtain one for themselved while they also do not wish for themselves to be the victim of these treasures. Hypocrite we might say, just as they competed among themselves on this planet blessed by the goddess Idrilla. Yet at the same time just as the treasure's power was directed at them, they let lose of themselves as countless projectiles rained upon the surface of the planet.

At the center of it all, was a battered mech model. The kind that you would be able to get at the cheapest price possible. The one that even junior potentates disdained. The only model envisioned to be bigger than it actually was. The oldest model,"Valiant."

And in its hands there was a giant energy blade emitting rainbow lights. Looking upon the horizon it released the final struggle, as the blade quickly slashed downwards.

And immediately, the world went blind while the time and space no longer mattered.