
The Matriarch's Tales

A Collection of Short Stories in a Matriarchal Village led by Aisha.

sasha137 · Sejarah
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6 Chs

New Scheme: Maid Subscription

Once upon a time, in a small village led by the wise and formidable Aisha, a matriarchal society flourished. Women held positions of power and dominance, while men were considered second-class citizens. For years, this balance had worked well, until Aisha introduced a new scheme that would forever change the dynamics of the village.

The scheme proposed that all unemployed men would become household maids, available for hire through the Department of Household. Women could now avail of these male maids for a monthly subscription fee, with the maids themselves being considered property of the state. It was a controversial decision, but one that Aisha believed would empower both the women and the dormant men of the village.

One sunny morning, Aisha stood in front of a bustling crowd in the village square, ready to make a public announcement about the new scheme. Many women gathered eagerly, whispering amongst themselves, curious to hear the details.

Aisha cleared her throat and addressed the crowd, "Ladies, I have come before you today to introduce a revolutionary concept for our village. The time has come to utilize the skills and resources of our unemployed men. Henceforth, they shall serve as household maids, providing assistance and support to our esteemed women."

The voices in the crowd erupted in a mix of surprise, intrigue, and excitement. Aisha continued, "For a small subscription fee, you can avail the services of a male maid from the Department of Household. These maids will be trained to carry out their duties diligently and efficiently."

In the days that followed, women flooded the office of the Household Department, eager to purchase their maid subscriptions. The dialogues between the women and the officers at the department were filled with anticipation and curiosity.

"I would like to avail a male maid subscription," said Sarah, a young woman with two children.

"Certainly, ma'am," the officer replied, handing her an application form. "Please fill this out, and we will match you with a suitable male maid."

As the days turned into weeks, some women found themselves pleased with the professionalism and work ethic of their maids. The dialogues between owners and maids were filled with gratitude and satisfaction.

"Thank you for organizing my closet, Peter," Emma said with a smile. "You're doing a great job."

"Thank you, ma'am," Peter replied. "I'm here to make your life easier."

However, not all owners were content with their maids. One particular woman, Mrs. Simmons, had noticed a decline in the work ethic of her assigned male maid, Thomas.

"Thomas, this is unacceptable," Mrs. Simmons scolded. "You need to be more diligent in your duties!"

Frustrated and desperate for a resolution, Mrs. Simmons stormed into the office of the Household Department and voiced her complaint. However, the officer ignored her, dismissing her concerns with a simple statement.

"You need to communicate better with your maid, ma'am," the officer coldly replied, leaving Mrs. Simmons feeling unheard.

Word soon spread through the village that the officer at the Household Department was disregarding the concerns of the women. More and more women began complaining, but the officer's behavior remained unchanged.

Fed up with their underperforming maids and lack of assistance from the department, a group of disgruntled women decided to take matters into their own hands. They made their way to Aisha to voice their concerns.

Aisha listened attentively as one by one, the women spoke of their frustrations and disappointments. Anger burned within her, and she decided to take immediate action.

"You will all come with me to the office," Aisha commanded. "We will confront the officer together."

The women followed Aisha to the office, where they found the officer smugly sitting at his desk. Aisha's eyes blazed with determination as she scolded the officer.

"You will address the concerns of these women immediately," Aisha commanded. "And for your insolence, you shall do 50 squats while holding your ears."

The officer, shocked and embarrassed, complied with Aisha's command. As he squatted, the women watched triumphantly, feeling empowered by Aisha's intervention.

With the officer reprimanded, Aisha had another plan in mind. She instructed the women to gather their maids the following morning and bring them to the village ground.

As the sun began to rise, the maids stood at attention, their confused expressions evident. Aisha stood before them, her tone stern and unforgiving.

"From this morning on, you will all partake in the murga punishment," Aisha proclaimed. "This will teach you to be submissive and obedient."

With every morning that followed, the maids gathered at the village ground, their bodies contorted in the murga pose. The women, watching their maids, felt a newfound sense of control and authority.

Aisha also recommended that the women use the murga punishment when necessary, to teach their maids a lesson in discipline and respect. And so, under Aisha's guidance, the matriarchal village continued to evolve, finding new ways to maintain its delicate balance of power.