
The Mate You Give

Wealth, fame, power, Alpha Davien is the stereotypical playboy who has both the looks and commitment issues. Leading one of the most powerful packs in the whole of New York, life couldn't be much better for him. That was, till his father made an announcement that changed his all so perfect life. With his father stepping down from chairman and their company merging with their number one rival. Davien was left with no choice but to agree to a marriage between himself and the heir of their rivals to preserve the peace and keep his inheritance. Infamous for rejecting three mates in a row, Davien is certain that his so called marriage would end as miserably as any other of his entanglements. However, on the night of his engagement party to Silvia, the eldest daughter and heir to the company, a surprise guest arrives at the event. Kian Saint. The nineteen year old rebel son of the rival company, rumoured to have gone to prison abroad and was deported. Tension rises when Davien and Kian both discover that they're actually each other's mates! Determined not to lose his inheritance, Davien offers Kian a large sum of money with the intention of rejecting the mate bond. Things go south when Davien hears what Kian has to say... "Do I look stupid? Why should I accept this small amount when I can become your husband and have all your money to myself?" Conflicted, he tries to approach Silvia but is left stunned at what she has to say. "I'll admit, I'm a bit shocked myself, but I'm glad Kian has a mate! As long as you keep my brother happy, I won't run your company into the ground." Left with no other choice, the playboy Davien marries an omega seven years younger!

Riceballs_25 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
267 Chs

Chapter 5

Davien's P. O. V

He used his palm to push my chest back, then walked away from me towards the direction of the main hall, where his family were. Not wanting to return to the drama filled room, I used the mind link to communicate with Oliver, and told him I would be leaving.

He tried to talk me out of it and insist I come back to apologize to all the important Alphas who had taken time to come to the engagement.

I shrugged off the idea and instead drove off in my car, leaving him to clean up after my mess.

Oliver was going to kill me.


Roughly four days had passed since the scandal at the hotel, and with each passing second, my life became all the more miserable.

"Sir, it's your father on the line again, he wants you to contact the Saints and settle the issue." Gwendolyn said, handing my second phone to me.

I reluctantly took it off her hands and brought it to my right ear, prepared to get scolded by father for messing things up.

"Yes?" I groaned into the phone exhausted from not just his but the elders nagging as well.

"Just what the hell are you doing Davien? Why haven't you given Silvia a call?" He hollered into the phone in a panicked voice.

I placed the phone away from my ear wearing a scowl on my face, it seemed as though he was serious keen about the deal pushing through, even after what had happened.

"And tell her what exactly?" I retorted sharply, uncertain about how exactly to act in this situation.

"Her brother is my mate, what do you think she would say?"

"Don't act like it's the first time you've rejected a mate before! Tell her you're not interested in men and push through with the meager...I mean marriage. Would you want to upset her over a worthless kid?" Father's voice spat into the phone, my interest piqued.

Just as I wanted to ask him for details, he ended the call with a stern warning to not waste any more time. Gwendolyn perceived how angry this conversation made me and quietly turned around to leave.

"I need you to do something for me, find out everything you can about Silvia's younger brother and report directly back to me." I told her right before she left the office.

"Yes sir, I'll have it sent to your email as soon as possible." She replied in a stiff tone, I could tell from her wandering eyes that something was bothering her.

"Spit it out, what's wrong?" My question caught her off guard for a second, she straightened her back before dry coughing awkwardly.

"It's just... Our rival company is being agressive again, they're poaching away business deals we've had our eyes on. It's almost like they're trying to send us a message." She informed me, sharing my thoughts exactly.

"Well, what do you suppose I do? Get married to Silvia even though it means having to reject her younger brother?" When I worded it that way, I almost felt sorry for the kid.

"My apologies, I'll gather all the information I can about him and have it sent to you tonight." Said Gwendolyn as she hurriedly ushered herself out of the office, wearing a focused look on her face.

I took out my phone from my breast pocket and dialled Oliver's number, after the phone rang twice he picked up.

"How are things at the pack house?" I asked him, after the scandal at the hotel, I kept my distance to think things over.

"Everyone is agitated, we thought we'd finally have a Luna, but then this went and happened. I'm having a hard time lying to their faces that you're working on it." He replied in a genuine tired voice.

"Just give me a little more time, one more day and I'll have this mess sorted out."

"Do you have any plans in particular?" Oliver inquired, wanting to squeeze as much information out of me as possible.

"I have one, but it's dependent on what Gwendolyn is able to find out about the pup." I told him then ended the call, telling him to keep me posted about everything that happens in the pack.

Especially with the elders.


I sat in my dark blue bathroom robe, working late at night on my computer, trying to escape the stress from father and the business. In my right hand was a half empty glass of red wine given to me by one of my many admirers. I smiled at the thought, but immediately found myself frowning when a notification popped up.

"It's here." I remarked, staring at the image Gwendolyn just sent to me, titled;

Kian Saint.

"What the fuck?" My eyes read through the information two times for clarification, my insides felt sickened as I digested all there was to know about Kian.

"This kid...he really is dangerous." I voiced under my breath, as I began to rethink what it was I would do with him.

I immediately dashed for my phone and placed a call through to Gwendolyn, my eyes drifted to the clock which read eleven pm. The call rang a few times before my secretary finally answered.

"Don't you know it's almost midnight?! Some of us have a demon boss to work for in the morning." She talked angrily in her sleep without looking at the caller ID.

"Spare me. I need you to set up a meeting tomorrow, urgently." I spoke into the phone, letting her know that it was said demon boss on the line.

"Sir?!" She screeched in horror, I could tell how mortified she must have felt over the phone. Nonetheless, she switched back to her professional self, "Yes sir, and who do you intend to meet with?" Gwendolyn inquired.

"Kian Saint." I spoke into the phone, earning a surprised gasp on the other end of the phone.

*Next day*

Gwendolyn rented out the entire VIP room of my favorite club, where I usually hooked up with the daughters of any rival company. I grinned from ear to ear as I stared at the checkbook in my right hand.

All that was needed was for him to arrive and this little facade would end before anything could become of it.

Or so I thought.

"It's been almost two hours, where the fuck is he?" I voiced out my thought, staring animatedly at my phone, wondering if he got the address wrong.

I immediately speed dialled Gwendolyn to demand why I had to wait for such a long time without even getting to see him. She answered after the first ring, sounding panicked.

"Sir...the Silverfang pack is in the building and they're laying siege, they're stationed at every entry and exit, refusing to leave without meeting you." Gwendolyn reported, her voice shaking half way through.

I could hear some noise in the background followed by snarling and growling. I tensed up, knowing that I left a rogue by herself, in the midst of a pack that despised rogues more than anything!

"Whose leading this foolish march?" I asked while dashing towards the door, completely forgetting all about my little mate.

"It's Tyson!" Gwendolyn answered sharply, "and he's breaking everything!"

"I'll be there in ten minutes, find a place to hide yourself and don't let them catch your scent." I told her then disconnected the call, walking past the staff that tried to pester me into staying longer.

I started the engine of my red convertible then drove off in high speed, ignoring the red traffic light, narrowly escaping an almost gruesome accident.

"Damn it!" I cursed, "just why the hell are the Saints making a move now?!" I cursed as I made a sharp U-turn, I reached for my phone and dialled Oliver's number.

He answered after the second ring and said the words I wanted to hear.

"Gwen told me already, I'm on my way with Rocco, those bastards are going to pay." He angrily said into the phone, perhaps even angrier than I was.