
chapter 5

Ming is surprised by the prince's arrival at such a late time, but then he shrugs his shoulders and allows him to enter.

"Get in , First Prince."

The First Prince enters the Emperor's office, then bows respectfully and says:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I have heard about First Sister's return. Can I ask about the reason for her sudden return?"

Ming raised an eyebrow as he was surprised by the First Prince's question. History stated that he was a cold prince who did not care about those around him even his family. He was not an evil or bad person, but he was certainly not an emotional person and did not care about any of his brothers in particular as long as they did not stand in his way. He knew He is also a solid person who does not budge easily. He has a high sense of justice and places a high value on laws.

Ming: (Why is this person asking about Princess Rong?.....Is he planning something?...or....Is it just a mere curiosity?)

He thought with himself before answering

"It seems that your first sister's husband has died, and she is asking to stay with her children in the palace."

The First Prince looked down for a moment with a stroke of his chin and then says

"The situation in Jiao State is unstable, it would be wise to return here, but she doesn't have any political strength here, swill be a target for political exploitation and the hate of the other princesses and concubines."

Ming was surprised by the First Prince's words and tone and thought to himself, "Wait a minute?!...Is he...worried??!....about the First Princess?!...this cold and indifferent person?" )

Ming: "That's right, my first son...so I have an idea in my head to solve to this problem."

Ming said to First Prince and then thought about his next move

I will test the first prince, whether he really care about the princess, in hope that I will be able to use him in convincing the ministers

Then he said: "First Prince, I am considering the job of managing palace affairs for your first sister."

The First Prince's eyes widened slightly upon hearing the Emperor's words, but he quickly regained his stotic face and answered

"...the appointment of the first sister will solve the problem of managing the palace without angering the political factions, and will stop the pressure of the nobles about appointing a new empress....Also, the first princess has a legal right to the administration as the daughter of the former empress and also a widowed woman.

Ming's eyes blinked after hearing the First Prince's words, and a sly smile appeared in Red

(Well, well, it seems that the cold and cruel first prince does care about his older sister.)

Ming leaned back further in his seat with a satisfied smile, then said in a sly tone:

"Thank you for expressing your point of view. I will await your cooperation in the next meeting with the ministers "

The first looked at him stupidly, as if he realized that he had fallen into a trap, then he politely groaned and said:

"I will do my best. I will my leave now, Your Majesty."

Then he left the office of the Emperor , leaving Ming proud of his great new discovery.


After spending more time in the office doing tones of work, it was already too late, Ming noticed that it's probably past the midnight and decided to call it a day and got back to his bedroom.

Ming arrives at the Emperor's room and lies down on the velvet bed and cotton pillows, staring deeply on the ceiling , the moment his body touched the bed mattress , a strange heaviness and fatigue watched all over Ming's body .

It was a long day , and many events took place today . It started with him going on the trip with his students. His transmission to this era. Then, meeting the historical figures he admired . Waking up on Chinese acupuncture treatment , meeting with the first and second princes, being bothered by a clingy woman, and then a strange prince in the emperial garden , (This was new, as he had never heard that the Ninth Prince was eccentric),He meeting the kindabd cute Sixth Prince , and finally triking the first prince into helping him to evade the pressure of the ministers and discovering a new part of him .

("Wow! All of this happened in one day?!!...I would get old quickly if all my days were like this.")

As he stared at the ceiling of the room, Ming was plagued with all the thoughts he could have during his day but he kept ignoring it , he looked at the ceiling with empty eye as his thoughts were diving elsewhere .... He was thinking :

("How can I do this?.....How.....to live in this era...to work on keeping my secret and not reveal my true identity...to confront conspiracies against the Emperor and solve problems, Reports...as well as... About the two main problems that I have...oknowing how and why did I come here and how to go back home. I have no clue or even an idea, where should I start looking... Ahh (heavy sigh)... Where should I start?

At that moment, Ming finally realized that he wasn't okay, that he was really struggling.

"One hour...two hours...three hours...how much time had passed while Ming was immersed in thinking and planning for what was to come...but...finally...Ming fell in a deep sleep"


The sun rises over the imperial capital and enters threads of golden light to settle on Meng's tired eyes, and his eyes begin to shake as a sign of his awakening.

After some time, Emperor Ming woke up from his sleep, his servant came in to prepare him, and while he was preparing for the day, he was remembering more information about another one of his sons.

The fourth prince . He was known for his intelligence and his abilities in research and analysis. He was very knowledgeable and loved vision. He was a serious and strict person. He did not like to play and joke and hated the useless larg gatherings . It was also mentioned that he loved the game of Go and chess, and he was one of the few princes who learned because of curiosity and love of knowledge. And not for the throne, Although he had a quiet and inactive personality, he had an athletic, healthy body and a strong, tidy, and elegant appearance.

His thoughts were interrupted when the servants finished preparing him , so went the library next, to see the books in it. After all, he was a history professor who was fond of history. For him, ancient books were considered antiquities and priceless, especially the books of the Imperial Library, which were considered the most precious and It contains the richest types of information. .....Once he arrives, he pulls out a bunch of books containing different topics and then went to one of the chaires that was located Near a window overlooking the garden of the Imperial Palace,

As an emperor, Ming can have all the books he wants to come to his own room , but Ming was a person from the modern era and was accustomed to staying in public libraries. Rather, he loved it, and while he was reading the books that he selected, he neglected the passing of time, so that some hours passed , And it's already mid-day , he was feeling hangry and hears the sound of his stomach gurgling

("Thinking about it, I stopped the servants from bothering me under the pretext that I was busy. Well, it doesn't matter. I will order the servant to bring food to my room.")

"He gets up from his place and decides to leave until he notices a young man who looks to be in his twenties in one of the corners of the library, sleeping surrounded by books, with a book covering his face. This surprises Ming a little, but he goes close to him, and as soon as he approaches, he lifts the book from above the young man's face to be surprised by his pale appearance and panda circles That surrounded his tired eyes, and before he could say anything, the young man opened his eyes and was shocked by the sight of Ming in front of him, and before he can say anything she man's eyes wide quickly as he is overcome with shock. The man quickly gets up to greet him, but stumbles over a book and falls in front of the Emperor, who steps aside while recognizing the young man in front of him with astonishment, for many reasons , Ming was sure that the young man in front of him was one of his princely children , but...

("Why are all my sons so eccentric... Uh... I mean the princes. Didn't history say that they are all smart, strong, and exceptional? Is being eccentric the meaning of the word exceptional?")

He thought while staring at the person in front of him with amazement, the young man quickly got up and bowed, saying:

The young man: "This son is greeting, the imperial father."

The Emperor: (while stroking his beard): "You can raise your head! Now can you answer me why you are sleeping here?"

The young man said cautiously and anxiously:

"I did not mean to sleep here, Your Majesty. I was reading books as usual...and then I fell asleep

("Mmm... a skinny teenager

with a pale face, panda eyes, and messy hair. Isn't this the perfect description of an isolated otaku? Or maybe a bookworm?... Wait! Isn't this the fourth prince? This isn't the exact what I thought , He is an intelligent, educated young man who loves , Studying, active, and hardworking??!...This view does not look at all like what I heard."

The young man's tension increases becauseof the silence of the Emperor , then he hears the Emperor sigh.

"It doesn't matter, finish your studies, but don't sleep here. Go back to your room and sleep there."

Yes !...yes your majesty ."

the Emperor left it