
The Mask of Darkness

In the Empire of Lotus, where intrigue and power struggles shape destinies, a mysterious figure emerges from the shadows, altering the course of history. Apollo Grimwald, a man with a shrouded past and enigmatic intentions, appears seemingly out of nowhere, disrupting the delicate balance of power. As Apollo navigates the intricate web of political machinations, his true motives remain veiled, leaving those around him to speculate and fear the unknown. Some view him as a savior, a beacon of hope in a world plagued by corruption and tyranny, while others see him as a dangerous usurper, a threat to their own ambitions.

GreedLock · Fantasi
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2 Chs


In the dimly lit confines of Edmund's chamber, the discourse on the intricate tapestry of mana's history unfolded.

"Are there any inquiries lingering in the minds of those gathered here?" he inquired, his voice cutting through the expectant silence like a blade through mist.

His query hung in the air, a silent invitation lingering unanswered amidst the gathered assembly.

"So it seems," he remarked, his words punctuating the unbroken silence that followed, a tacit acknowledgment of the absence of queries.

"Before we conclude today's lesson," he announced, his voice commanding attention, "I wish to inform everyone that tomorrow shall bring forth a practical trial of our learnings—a test of skill and strategy on the battlefield."

Apollo, Caroline, and the entire assembly were seized by a collective astonishment at the unexpected proclamation, their expressions a tapestry of surprise and anticipation woven in the wake of the announcement.

"Your group assignments shall be unveiled on the morrow," he declared, his tone authoritative yet tinged with a hint of anticipation, "Class dismissed." With those words, he concluded the session, leaving the students to ponder the impending challenge that awaited them.

As he traversed the hallway, his thoughts lingering on the day's revelations, he couldn't help but notice the subtle hum of energy emanating from the students around him. The air seemed charged with the presence of adept mana manipulators, their skills palpable even in the quiet corridors of the academy.

"It's time to locate my dormitory," he mused inwardly, his footsteps echoing softly as he navigated the labyrinthine halls of the academy

After a brief search, he finally stumbled upon his dormitory, its entrance a welcome sight amidst the maze of corridors.

Upon entering the dormitory, he was greeted with an unexpected sight: two individuals engaged in a heated skirmish right in the hallway.

"Lava Art: Volcanus!" The incantation reverberated through the air as molten energy surged forth, painting the hallway with the searing brilliance of erupting flames.

"Moon Art: Blessing!" With a celestial invocation, a gentle radiance enveloped the combatants, casting a serene tranquility amidst the fiery chaos, a celestial counterbalance to the seething flames.

Just as the clash between the two combatants intensified, a voice sliced through the tumult, halting their conflict in its tracks.

"Sealing Art: Chain Lace!" The command echoed with authority as shimmering strands of energy materialized, weaving around the dueling adversaries with precision, binding their movements and bringing an abrupt halt to their confrontation.

"Logan! Elly! Cease this instant!" The voice, tinged with irritation, pierced the air, demanding obedience from the warring duo.

"Hello?" His interruption cut through the tension, drawing the attention of Logan and Elly away from their conflict, redirecting their focus to the newcomer in their midst.

"Oh, I didn't notice you there. Who are you again?" man's voice carried a hint of curiosity as he turned towards the newcomer, his earlier ire momentarily forgotten in the wake of the interruption.

"I'm Apollo, a freshman here at the academy, and it seems I've been assigned to this dorm," he introduced himself, his tone polite yet tinged with a touch of uncertainty.

"Well, I'm Austin Rowley, and I happen to be the guardian of everyone residing in this dorm," he declared with a sense of authority, his demeanor shifting to one of responsibility as he acknowledged his role.

"And these two right here are Logan Blackwood and Elizabeth Drakelon," he continued, gesturing towards the now somewhat sheepish-looking combatants, as he introduced them to Apollo with a nod of recognition.

"These two are the mischiefs of this dorm, so bear with them," Austin remarked with a wry smile, before turning his attention back to Apollo. "But first, let me see your application," he added, his tone shifting to one of practicality as he sought to fulfill his duties as guardian.

Accepting the papers from Apollo, Austin quickly scanned through the application, his eyes flicking over the details with a practiced efficiency, ensuring all the necessary information was in order.

"Hmm, interesting," Austin murmured, his gaze lingering on Apollo's application for a moment longer before nodding in approval. "Here's your key," he said, retrieving a key from his pocket and handing it over to Apollo with a small smile.

With a respectful bow to Austin, Logan, and Elizabeth, Apollo expressed his gratitude before making his way to his assigned room, eager to settle in and begin his journey at the academy.

"So, I'm in Room 307, huh?" Apollo mused to himself as he stood before the door, contemplating the new chapter of his life that awaited him within its confines.

Lost in the whirlwind of unpacking and settling into his new surroundings, Apollo lost track of time, the minutes slipping away unnoticed as he made his new room feel like home.

Summoned by a voice from downstairs, Apollo paused in his tasks, intrigued by the interruption. With a curious glance towards the door, he set aside his unpacking and made his way downstairs to investigate.

"Sorry for the interruption, but it's dinner time now. First, take a seat at the table there," Austin's voice broke through Apollo's thoughts as he directed him towards the dining area, inviting him to join the others for a meal.

As Apollo settled into his seat, he was greeted warmly by the other dormitory students, their friendly smiles and casual chatter creating a sense of camaraderie around the table.

"Hey there, 307! What's your name?" one of the students asked, curiosity sparkling in their eyes as they welcomed Apollo into the fold.

"Apollo, what about you?" Apollo responded with a friendly smile, reciprocating the warmth of the welcome extended to him by his fellow dorm mates.

"Aaron Crawford, I'm a freshman this year," the student introduced himself, extending a hand in greeting across the table to Apollo.

"Me too, I'm a freshman too," Apollo replied, returning the handshake with a firm grasp, the bond of shared beginnings strengthening the camaraderie among the dormitory's newest residents.

"Yo, Apollo, we met earlier, right?" came a voice from the doorway, interrupting Apollo's thoughts.

"Yeah, Logan," came the reply, confirming Apollo's guess as Logan stepped further into the dinner table.

Logan seated himself beside Apollo, a plate of food in hand, and began to eat in companionable silence, the simple act of sharing a meal fostering a sense of camaraderie between the two dormitory mates.

As Apollo engaged in conversation with the other students about their introductions, Austin entered the room once more, his presence commanding attention as he joined the gathering, ready to oversee the evening meal.

"So, Apollo, I heard some interesting news," Austin remarked, his tone carrying a hint of intrigue as he directed his attention towards Apollo, inviting him to share in the conversation.

As they continued eating, Apollo noticed the growing curiosity among his fellow students, their glances and whispers leaving him feeling perplexed, unsure of what news had sparked their interest.

"What's going on?" Apollo inquired, his curiosity piqued by the growing intrigue swirling around the table.

"Is your mentor by the name of Edmund?" Austin inquired with a curious tilt of his head, sparking intrigue among the gathered students.

"Yes," Apollo responded, his expression betraying a hint of confusion as he wondered about the significance of Austin's question.

"Well, as your guardian, never get on his bad side. I know he's young, but trust him," Austin advised, his tone carrying a note of seriousness tempered with a hint of wisdom gained from experience.

Apollo, though still puzzled by the cryptic advice, nodded in acknowledgment, recognizing the importance of heeding Austin's words, even in their ambiguity.

After the meal, as the last scraps were cleared from the table, each student bid their farewells and retreated to their respective rooms, the dormitory gradually falling into a peaceful quietude as the night wore on.

Alone in the quiet confines of his room, Apollo settled into a comfortable position, closing his eyes and entering a state of meditation. With each breath, he focused his mind, channeling his inner energy to practice the delicate art of mana control, the ethereal essence swirling around him like a gentle breeze as he delved deeper into his practice.

Apollo opened his eyes, a faint frown creasing his brow as he sensed the lingering instability within his mana core.

"I should take a rest now to prepare for tomorrow," Apollo murmured to himself, acknowledging the importance of replenishing his energy for the challenges that lay ahead.


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