
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

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157 Chs

Visilius, the Blood King

Lord Vasilius AKA Vasilius Dremor was a mage that originated from 'the world with no mana.' He was a child when he first arrived in Mundi magicae, due to the sacrifice of one green mage that was burned at the stake for being a witch.

Being the first inhabitant to arrive at Mundi magicae, the boy was used as a research subject to use as a comparison between the human in Mundi magicae and the humans from magicis Mundi. He went through several trials and experiments to find out that, ultimately, he was just a normal boy.

Because of that, the boy was cast aside, which cause some of the adults to take pity on him and accepted him as one of their kind, nurturing and teaching him in the ways of magic.

Vasilius, however, was obsessed with magic, seeking knowledge that satisfied his craving to broaden his magic arsenal. At a young age where kids are left to play, he dwelt in magic research day and night. There was nobody there that could have him open his heart.

As time passed, the young boy turned into a young man, and that young man was accepted into Elderwinn Academy. It was when he was 18 years old that he would discover dark magic, more specifically magic that dwelt into the mortality of a human. You see, Vasilius wanted to transcend into something that could break the shackles known as the human body.

You see, there are limits to how much magic a human can learn because of their mana heart and circles. Each human body is born with a certain maximum capacity of mana circle they could advance in their body. How a person trains to hone and use their gift is up to them. It meant no matter how fast a mage can grow, their body is the limiter that would prevent them from growing stronger.

Vasilius loved magic, but he could only achieve the rank of green mage after years of indulging himself in studies. His body was only meant to contain up to the 5th magic circle. He was not able to open any more pathways to the other magic circles.

This drove him mad in anger as he felt like the whole world was against him when all he wanted to do was learn magic, driving him into the dark arts.

Unlike regular magic, where the amount of mana circles and mana is the requirement to cast a certain spell. Dark magic doesn't require any of that. The only thing needed is a sacrifice.

And he found his first victim, in the hands of his classmate. Vasilius has been teased and mocked because of his status as an orphan commoner for as long as he could remember when he arrived at Elderwinn.

The bullying got a lot worse when the nobles started using spells to wound him. They would purposely pick him as a partner to duel in combat training and launched a dangerous spell just to hurt him. Because the other students had the status of noble, the teachers would pretend not to see it to avoid trouble and waved it off as an accident when the injuries were severe. There were no consequences to their actions, as the injury he received was worse with each passing day.

All that changed when he found a book in the library. Wrapped in black tattered bindings, the book was locked with a spell that was easily broken due to it being an outdated spell of the past. It was there when Vasilius dwelt his attention on dark magic. The book will ultimately be known to people as The Black Grimoire.

However, despite studying the black grimoire religiously in hopes of finding a way to increase his magic circle, Visilius was ultimately scared of using the spell labeled in the book to harm another human being.

Well, all that changed when the same group of nobles dragged him to Enchanted Forest, located next to the academy, and tormented him as usual. What's different this time was when Visilius snapped, unleashing one of the spells from the black grimoire upon the students.

[Blood drain].

That spell drained the noble student's blood dry with only a husk of their body remaining, while at the same time, the blood drained from his victim was flowing through Visilius's body, empowering him and at that moment, he could feel the strength that he was not able to before, surging through his body. He was stronger than before. That day, 7 students lost their lives to Visilius, and no one knew what happened to them.

From there, tales of Visilius's deeds could only get worse as he did more atrocity in the land of Mundi magicae and had his name spread across the world, invoking fear in another who heard his name.

He was even given the title: The Blood King, due to his specialty being blood magic, using it to torment and strike down his enemies. Various reports showed that Vasilius grew stronger when he absorbed his opponents' vitality. He was merciless, striking down whoever got in his way, whether the one opposing was either children or even the defenseless, he would strike them down with no remorse. It was as if the devil had come down to possess the young man himself.

In the very last battle against the high council mage and the entire world of Mundi magicae, no one was able to go toe to toe against Vasilius. The only thing the members of the high council were able to do was to set a trap for the blood king and, in return for their lives, banished Visilius back to 'the world with no mana, also known as magicis Mundi.

With the phenomenon of the sky cracking, the spell sealed Vasilius in a tomb, sending him back to where he came from.

And that was the last time Mundi magicae ever heard of Vasilius Dremor.

However, the effects of the war instigated Visilius had a lingering effect. Towns and cities were destroyed, the people of some of the cities were cursed by Visilius's spells, and the majority of the high council mages were killed. There was no one stepping forward to take charge. The kingdom was in a harsh state since the king of that time was comatose. It took years of hard work to rebuild Mundi magicae to what it is today.

And now, news of Visilius has once again resurfaced, after all these years, he was alive.

He was the first vampire to walk among the human and now, it seems that someone outside the vampire faction is trying to revive him for their own agenda.


"Headmaster. Are you alright?" Irene asked cautiously towards her own grandpa, seeing that it was the first time she saw her grandfather act in this manner. The Room of Silence was silent as the inhabitants sensed there was something wrong when Vone mentioned the name of his lord. It was as though time had stopped for the headmaster.

Then, without warning, all the chains broke except for the one in his collar. That chain was then extended to Headmaster Adhira's hand. The headmaster immediately yanked the chains, dragging Vone forward forcefully like an animal, and walked towards the direction where Red was standing.

"Mr. Jenkins. He's all yours."

Headmaster Adhira said while passing the magical chains to Red. For a moment, there was an electrifying tingly sensation that went down Red's back. Slowly the chains began to dematerialize, leaving only a portion of the chain left dangling while the collar is still left intact on Vone's neck.

As soon as Vone had access to move both his arm and legs, he flew in a rage, flying straight for Grace without any warning with his fangs wide open. Red immediately took out his spear, ready to stab Vone, only for the chains to materialize once again, wrapping an excess amount of chains around his body to render him immobilized.

"As you can see here, He can't attack anyone that you don't want him to do so, and he must listen to your command or the chains will be activated." Headmaster Adhira instructed Red while glancing his eyes over at Vone's, announcing to him that he was basically trapped.

"You need to go back to magicis Mundi. Do everything you can to find the 2 assailants who attacked us."

"What are you going to do?" Red asked Headmaster Adhira curiously while preparing to leave.

"I'm going to gather an army."