

The air boiled.

It boiled tumultuously as the Devil made his declaration.

Rui gritted his teeth as he struggled to maintain his composure.

He failed.

Such was the horror that radiated from the Martial Sage touted as the Devil.

The Widowing Whisperer narrowed his eyes, glaring at the leader of the Fire Sect. Yet he didn't retort back.

Sage Damian Arrancar was the greatest maniac of the Martial Sages of the Kandrian Empire.

He was also the strongest. 

That wasn't the only reason that the Whispering Widower froze in his tracks at the threat that the Martial Sage brazenly declared.

That threat was the reason the Second East Panamic War had been triggered. Sage Damian killed a Martial Sage of the Britannian Empire by doing exactly what he had threatened to do.

By eating his heart.