
The Martial Reader

Ryuki, a boy subjected to daily torment by his bullies, and caught in a daily cycle of bullying. yet on a remarkable day, fate unveils for our hero- A magical crack materialized in the sk. this unexpected event could alter out hero life forever. What shall become of our hero.

HolyYmusOfTheGods · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: The start of the awakening (1)

At the beginning of this brand-new day, Ryuki woke up, contemplating whether he should take Isabella's offer to train him. On one side, he desperately wanted to learn martial arts and become stronger, but on the other, he didn't want to burden Isabella with his weaknesses.

As he lay in bed, thoughts swirled in his mind, weighing the pros and cons of accepting Isabella's offer. He knew that training with her would be an incredible opportunity to grow, to never feel as weak and useless as he had in the past—the desire to become stronger burned within him, fueling his determination.

Finally, after much contemplation, Ryuki made up his mind. He would take Isabella up on her offer, embracing the chance to develop his skills and transform himself into a more capable individual. With newfound resolve, he got out of bed and prepared himself to meet Isabella.

As he stepped outside his residence, sunlight bathed the world, illuminating his path. And there she was, standing under the majestic sunrise. Isabella's hair gleamed with a radiant glow, and her skin appeared as smooth as silk. She exuded an air of grace and royalty that captivated Ryuki's attention.

Caught off guard by her beauty, Ryuki couldn't help but gaze at her in awe. Her presence had an ethereal quality that made his heart skip a beat. Gathering his courage, he approached her with hesitant steps, his voice slightly trembling as he spoke.

"How did you sleep?" he asked, his words stumbling over each other. It was a simple question, yet it felt awkward coming out.

Isabella chuckled, a melodic sound that echoed through the air. Her smile, warm and soft, enveloped Ryuki, causing his cheeks to flush with embarrassment. "You goofball," she teased playfully. "I slept well, thanks for asking."

As they walked towards the training arena, Ryuki and Isabella engaged in casual conversation, getting to know each other better. Ryuki discovered that Isabella had led a rather solitary life, devoting herself to martial arts as a means of gaining recognition and making others proud. This revelation sparked a sense of empathy within Ryuki, as he understood the longing for connection and the desire for validation.

Upon reaching the training arena, Isabella instructed Ryuki to attack her with all his might. Eager to prove himself, Ryuki unleashed a flurry of punches, swinging left and right, attempting to land a hit. However, Isabella effortlessly evaded each strike, her movements fluid and graceful. The more Ryuki attacked, the more his determination grew, his eyes shimmering with a radiant blue glow.

As their exchange continued, Ryuki's punches became swifter and more precise, his strikes honing in on Isabella's movements. But no matter how hard he tried, she continued to elude his attacks, her evasion becoming increasingly difficult to anticipate. Frustration and confusion began to creep into Ryuki's mind, as he wondered why none of his strikes were connecting.

Suddenly, Isabella found herself in a precarious position, almost getting hit by one of Ryuki's strikes. In a swift motion, she activated a skill she possessed called "Divine Protection." The skill caused anything flying towards her to be repelled with great force, launching it away from her. As Isabella regained her footing, she turned her attention to Ryuki, her expression filled with concern.

She repeatedly apologized, realizing that she had underestimated Ryuki's newfound strength. She hadn't anticipated the growth and improvement he had experienced during their training session. Ryuki, still processing the situation, felt a mix of astonishment and confusion. He hadn't been aware of his progress, and the fact that none of his attacks had landed left him confused.

Just as Ryuki tried to understand the situation, a sudden system notification appeared before him. The words on the screen read, [Martial Arts Unlocked] It was a revelation that left him feeling good. The intense training session with Isabella had unlocked a new skill within him.

As Ryuki was excited to have unlocked a new skill, he wondered what would happen when he activated it.

As he looked into the sky, he wondered what would become of him and his world, how badly things would change.