
The Martial Reader

Ryuki, a boy subjected to daily torment by his bullies, and caught in a daily cycle of bullying. yet on a remarkable day, fate unveils for our hero- A magical crack materialized in the sk. this unexpected event could alter out hero life forever. What shall become of our hero.

HolyYmusOfTheGods · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: The goblin quest (1)

Breaking News: Unprecedented chaos strikes as hordes of monstrous creatures emerge from the shadows! Will the mighty military be able to quell this terrifying onslaught? Stay tuned for updates as we bring you live coverage of this heart-pounding battle for survival!!

These people seem to be getting some type of superhuman strength! it's truly unbelievable, how they're repelling the monsters with sheer force. I'll keep you updated on this mind-boggling development. This is Fuku Kishimoto reporting live for today's news. Stay tuned for more updates on this cataclysm!

We return to the moment when Ryuki desperately sprints towards his family home, his only thought being to ensure the safety of his beloved siblings and parents. With each heavy breath and pounding step uncertainly clawed at his chest. would he find them unharmed?

Distressed, he scanned the wreckage of his home, his heart sinking at the sight of utter devastation. "Mom? Dad?" he cried out, his voice filled with desperation. "Can anyone hear me?" His frantic gaze darted around, searching for signs of life.

Then he spotted his injured father. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed to his side, his voice quivering with a mix of anger and tears. "Are you alright? Who did this to you?!" he demanded, his face streaking with anguish.

As his father looked up at him, a faint smile playing on his lips. "My son, I want you to know that I'll be alright," he reassured him. "However, those vile beasts have taken away your two younger siblings and your mother. Ryu, I implore you, to seek help from anyone who can save them. Whether it's the superhumans or even the police force, find anyone who can bring them back to safety. Every moment counts, my son."

Ryuki was in tears, glancing beside his father's head, and a spark of determination ignited within him. "don't worry, Dad. I promise you, I'll ensure their safe return," he declared with unwavering resolve.

The message, he saw read.

[Quest unlocked] [defeat 5 Goblins] [2 Wolves] [Reward: 1x sword / 30x exp]

[quest failed: Will lose the system you have been granted.]

As Ryuki's determination was unrivaled by anyone at the time, he thought to himself there was no time to be the coward he once was; not when his family's safety was in balance.

he follows the path of the goblins and wolves and stumbles onto a goblin corps, he looks around the goblin to see if he has anything useful, he can use for the time being.

[1x goblin dagger] [1x rusted shoulder pads] [2x darts] 

he sees this as an opportunity to come up with a plan, he seems to have found the fort where the goblins and wolves have set up.

he throws a dart into one of their necks, little does he know he gained superhuman strength too and the dart cuts 2 of those goblins' heads off.

one goblin signals for reinforcements and the wolves slowly approach him and use their domain skill [screech] the ability to make such a loud sound that the enemy will fall to his knees and that's when the goblins start attacking.

he pushes one off and stabs the other in the stomach, but not before one of the wolves bites his arm causing him to scream and drop his weapon. 

while a wolve has his arm he's trying to kick away a goblin with a blade, the goblin is an inch away from his skin then all of a sudden.

*Ring* [tutorial now complete] [distributing items and exp]

Ryuki seems confused "What's going on, please don't burn me again!"

[you have leveled up...]

[you have leveled up...]

[you have leveled up...]

[you have leveled up...]

[you have leveled up...]

[you have unlocked the use of skills] [you have obtained the title "first come first served] 

{you unlocked] [1x steel sword] [1x chainmail armor]

Ryuki got all excited "Now this is more like it, so for skills I just need to read the name aloud? [fire armament]" his sword suddenly burst into flames shaped in sword but for some reason, it didn't burn.

he cut down the last 3 goblins and 2 wolves with ease and disabled the spell but felt dizzy afterward, he rushed over to check on his mom and siblings "Are you all alright??" 

his mother looked at him with tears in her eyes "Yes honey we are all right thanks to you, look how much my son has grown, you have become a very handsome young man and strong too"

his brother and sister came running up to him both were crying hysterically "Big brother I was so scared please never leave us alone again." they all hugged together and cried.

all of a sudden you can hear giant footsteps that shake the ground, a growl that can shake the trees, and suddenly.


[Defeat the goblin king and his minions]

[goblin king 0/1] [goblins 0/99]

[reward:???] [fail: Death]

[updating Ryuki's stats]

[strength 13(+14)] [Agility 15 (+6)] [health 150(20+)] [mana 106(+32)]

[skills] [fire armament] [dash] [martial movement(unique)]