
The Martial Arts War God

Three years ago, he had obtained a spiritual fruit but was robbed by a mountain guarding disciple. Three years later, that mountain guarding disciple became the most dazzling genius in the sect. Yet he discovered that the robbed fruit was only a tiny fraction of the opportunities that he had come across. From then on, he rose like a comet, embarking on a legendary path of defying fate.

PoisonedWine · Fantasi
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24 Chs

8.The Mountain of Clear Wind Beasts

In the morning, the brilliant morning glow was scattered like broken gold, covering the entire Qingyun Sect.

Ye Changkong rushed all the way and soon arrived at the Task Hall. His arrival attracted many people's attention. Yesterday's incident in front of the library had spread throughout the outer sect overnight, and almost everyone knew about it.

"He offended Zhang Tie. How dare he come to the Task Hall to take on tasks?"

"For new disciples, there is no way to obtain cultivation resources without taking on tasks, unless their family background is prominent."

"The law enforcement elder intervened in this matter, and even Zhang Tie dared not act within the sect. He probably can only take on some simple tasks with a lower reward inside the sect."

Many people pointed and whispered about Ye Changkong, but he paid no attention to these discussions and walked straight into the Task Hall.

The walls of the Task Hall were covered with scrolls representing various tasks, each with a corresponding task number.

"With my current strength, I should be able to confront an ordinary mid-level savage beast head-on."

On the Tianwu Continent, ordinary beasts become savage beasts after absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and developing their wisdom. Powerful savage beasts are said to be able to crush several peak-level Pulse Condensation Stage warriors.

Above savage beasts, there are demonic beasts that condense beast cores and have much higher intelligence and stronger and more terrifying power.

Even an ordinary demonic beast could easily destroy some small cities. Only a strong person who had reached the Foundation Establishment Stage could fight against them.

Savage and demonic beasts are divided into primary, intermediate, high, and pinnacle levels. An ordinary intermediate-level savage beast is roughly equivalent to the combat power of a third-level martial artist in the Pulse Condensation Stage.

After roughly scanning through hundreds of task scrolls hanging on the wall for half an hour, Ye Changkong said to himself: "The tasks to kill savage beasts and collect spiritual herbs are mostly concentrated in the Clear Wind Beast Ridge."

"If I am lucky, I could complete multiple tasks at the same time by going to the Clear Wind Beast Ridge."

Once he had figured out a plan, Ye Changkong left the Task Hall. The tasks in the Task Hall did not need to be taken in advance. As long as they were completed, disciples could come to register and receive rewards directly.

At the foot of the outer sect mountain, there was a large equestrian field. The field was managed by special stewards and prepared for sect disciples who went out to practice but didn't have good mounts.

Ye Changkong chose several excellent steeds at the equestrian field and immediately rushed towards the Clear Wind Beast Ridge.

Two mountain guards at the gate of the mountain outside the equestrian field watched Ye Changkong leave on horseback. Their eyes lit up with excitement. Zhang Tie had said that if they reported Ye Changkong's departure to him immediately, he would reward them with ten bottles of Qing Ling fluid. It just so happened that each of them would get five bottles.

One of them said to the other: "You stay here and watch. I'll go tell Senior Brother Zhang Tie immediately."

Mountain guards were responsible for guarding various mountain gates and patrols within the mountain gates. They were also one of the tasks in the Task Hall. One can only get one bottle of Qing Ling fluid after half a month of duty.

Ye Changkong leaving from their side made these two mountain guards feel like they had hit the jackpot. Generally, the ones willing to take up the mountain guard task were outer disciple cultivators with poor talent and weak strength. They did not dare to confront Ye Changkong head-on, but as long as they reported it secretly, they could each get five bottles of Qing Ling fluid. How could they miss such a good opportunity?

Five bottles of Qing Ling fluid were worth the hard work of both of them for half a month.

Wasn't Chu Yifan, who had stolen Ye Changkong's Tianwu Divine Fruit back then, just such a low-level mountain guard disciple?

After less than an hour, Ye Changkong arrived at a valley outside the Clear Wind Beast Ridge. His horse began to panic inexplicably before even entering the area of the Clear Wind Beast Ridge. It became restless and breathed heavily.

"You have worked hard on this journey. Go back now, so you won't be killed by savage beasts in the Beast Ridge and lose your life."

Ye Changkong released the reins, jumped off the horse, and patted its body.

The horse neighed in a panic after it was untied from the reins and broke away, running wildly without staying here for a second. In a blink of an eye, it disappeared at the end of Ye Changkong's sight.

"Now it's time to start working."

Looking at the vast forest ahead, Ye Changkong took a deep breath and entered the Clear Wind Beast Ridge.

He walked down the rugged mountain road and vegetation gradually grew denser. Wilderness creatures appeared occasionally, but Ye Changkong was not interested in them. These ordinary creatures could feel his powerful blood energy and did not dare to provoke him.

Half an hour later, Ye Changkong had already penetrated the outer perimeter of the Clear Wind Beast Ridge. This area was where low-level demonic beasts appeared frequently, and many people gathered here. They were mostly outer section cultivators of the Qingyun Sect, as well as adventurers from nearby towns.

"At the outer perimeter, there are only some low-level savage beasts. If I go deeper into the ridge, I should be able to encounter mid-level ones."

Another half hour had passed. As Ye Changkong arrived at the region where intermediate-level savage beasts roamed, his footsteps slowed down and he proceeded cautiously.

This was the deep part of the Clear Breeze Beast Mountain, where not only intermediate-level savage beasts lurked, but occasionally high-level ones too, posing a serious threat to Ye Changkong's life. He could not afford to be careless.

But after a short while, he stopped on a small hill, drawn to a spirit herb not too far away. This blood-red herb shone with a faint red glow, shaped like ginseng – it was a Blood Ginseng, which not only aided in spiritual cultivation, but also enhanced a warrior's vitality, making it very valuable.

In fact, there were even collection missions for it in the quest hall, with rewards increasing along with the plant's age, along with stronger effects.

"Lucky." Ye Changkong thought to himself and approached the herb slowly. Nevertheless, he did not immediately pluck it, knowing full well that wherever there was a patch of herbs, there would be savage beasts guarding them.

Sure enough, when Ye Changkong was still ten meters away from the Blood Ginseng, a savage beast suddenly rose up from the thicket beside it, roaring ferociously.

The beast was a mid-ranked savage beast at the lower level, the One-Eyed Fire Lion. With its feet grounded and standing over a meter in height, it exuded a strong bloody aura, while its head featured a blood-red vertical pupil.

"A low-level mid-ranked savage beast, the One-Eyed Fire Lion." Ye Changkong remained calm, squinting his eyes. "There's a mission in the quest hall requiring its elimination, with a reward of five lower-grade spirit stones."

One lower-grade spirit stone was worth a thousand silver taels; twenty such stones could purchase a bottle of Green Spirit Elixir in the Alchemy Hall.

Howl! As if sensing Ye Changkong's hostility, the One-Eyed Fire Lion bellowed and charged towards him. Along with its charge, surrounding debris and leaves flew everywhere, with dust filling the air and the ground trembling.

But Ye Changkong showed no intentions of dodging, allowing his spiritual power to flow through his body as he executed his Gale Step technique.

A low-level mid-ranked savage beast like the One-Eyed Fire Lion was not enough to put him on guard. With the support from the Gale Step, a burst of wind gathered around his body as he approached the lion at breathtaking speed, striking it with a furious punch to its head.

Bam! The sound of flesh and bone colliding echoed, cracking the lion's skull and showering the area with blood, eliciting a mournful cry from the beast.

Without stopping, Ye Changkong punched again at the lion's head with the same force as before. Its skull shattered, with its head fragmenting and caving slightly. But Ye Changkong's fist also made him feel numb.

"Such tough bones, as expected from a mid-ranked savage beast."

Glancing at the One-Eyed Fire Lion as it choked to death, Ye Changkong gathered his spiritual power again on his right fist and unleashed the ultimate force.

Splat! His third and final strike crumpled the lion's skull, sending blood and brain tissues splattering as the corpse collapsed.

Perhaps the beast had been feeling aggrieved until its last moment, wondering how a First Stage Pinnacle Martialist could possess such robust explosive force.

"Finally dead." Ye Changkong breathed out heavily. The One-Eyed Fire Lion was not weak, but Ye Changkong had immediately launched his assault with lightning-like agility, disabling the beast's chance of counter-attacking.

Though the entire battle process did not last long, Ye Changkong had consumed much of his spiritual power. As a First Stage Pinnacle Martialist, the amount of spiritual power he could draw from his Dantian at any given moment was limited.

Afterward, he took the lion's vertical pupil as proof and wiped it clean with a torn cloth before storing it in his bag. This was his certificate for eliminating the One-Eyed Fire Lion and would be the key to redeeming rewards after returning.

"This is a ten-year Blood Ginseng."

Looking carefully at the plant, Ye Changkong dug and retrieved its roots gently, trying his best to maintain its integrity.

"Hmm?" As Ye Changkong picked up the herb, just as he slipped it into his arms, he suddenly felt a strong sense of danger – someone was attacking him!

Startled, he lunged towards his left in defense.

Swoosh! Two arrows whizzed passed very close to his back, making an ear-piercing sound as they hit a tree trunk and landed on the ground, still quivering.

The hairs on Ye Changkong's back stood up and his cold sweat ran down his forehead. If he had reacted half a second later, the arrow might have penetrated his heart directly.

"Who is it?" With a defensive stance, Ye Changkong looked over in the direction from which the arrows were fired.

"Hey, little guy, your reaction time is quick." A gloomy chuckle sounded from a thicket as Zhang Tie and seven or eight other outer sect disciples slowly emerged from its foliage, wearing mocking smiles on their faces, watching Ye Changkong like cats watching mice.

"I said, Huang Wei, what's with your lousy archery?" Zhang Tie spoke as they walked, turning to a slim and short man beside him. "Aren't you the top ranked outer sect scatter cultivator?"

"Come on, give me a break. Why don't you show us your skills?" Huang Wei rolled his eyes and handed his mystic iron bow to Zhang Tie.

Just two simple dialogues were enough to reveal that they had a good relationship.

If it were the group of He Cheng, even if they were given ten times their courage, they would not dare to talk to Zhang Tie like this. (To be continued).