
The Martial Arts War God

Three years ago, he had obtained a spiritual fruit but was robbed by a mountain guarding disciple. Three years later, that mountain guarding disciple became the most dazzling genius in the sect. Yet he discovered that the robbed fruit was only a tiny fraction of the opportunities that he had come across. From then on, he rose like a comet, embarking on a legendary path of defying fate.

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24 Chs

19.You're not afraid to die. Go ahead!

The martial arts field in the courtyard occupied half the space of the peak of the scattered people, vast and expansive.

Inside were various practice grounds for different martial skills - there was a martial arts area for practicing boxing, and an archery range for practicing archery.

Ye Changkong stood at the entrance to the martial arts field in his courtyard, which was an inner room hung with various weapons.

"The first courtyard of the scattered cultivators is truly remarkable."

His gaze swept over various weapons such as swords, spears, hammers, axes, and more, and he couldn't help but sigh.

These weapons, from their texture, were all ordinary goods without the slightest spiritual fluctuation, but they were definitely top-quality for ordinary goods. They were much more refined than the ordinary weapons he had seen before in the Ye family.

From what Ye Changkong knew, the level of weapons and magical treasures was similar to that of martial arts and martial skills, all divided into four grades of heaven, earth, mysterious and yellow, each of which was further divided into four grades of lower, middle, upper, and absolute.

An entry-level weapon was worth several times that of a martial art or martial skill book. The process of forging a weapon was extremely complex, and each type of material required for forging was valuable.

Moreover, weapons would be damaged during battles, while martial arts and martial skills could be copied and passed down through various means. Therefore, weapons of the same level were far more valuable than martial arts.

"This one is too light and not suitable."

Ye Changkong twisted a long sword and swung it a few times, feeling it was too light.

Putting down the long sword, he picked up a long knife. Although it felt slightly heavier than the long sword, it was still light in his hand.

He preferred the solid and heavy feeling of weapons that could penetrate flesh, and did not feel much for light and agile weapons.

"Although the hammer and axe feel sturdy enough, they are too barbaric and not suitable for me."

Ye Changkong shook his head, then passed over those wild heavy weapons with his eyes.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up as his gaze fell on a completely black heavy sword. The broad sword was about twenty centimeters wide and approximately one meter and eight centimeters long. The edges of the sword were blunt, yet the craftmanship was exquisite.

"This is the feeling I want."

He reached out and grasped the handle of the heavy sword. He exerted force with his wrist and raised the heavy sword flatly.

It was a heavy black-iron sword made of black iron edges melted together. It weighed about three to four hundred catties.

"This is it."

Ye Changkong's eyes brightened, and deep in his soul, he suddenly felt a strong sense of familiarity, as if the heavy sword-like weapon had been tailor-made for him.

He held the sword with one hand and swung it a few times at will, feeling the heaviness of the sword. Although the sword was solid, it was also flexible and brought a gusty and thick sound of wind, which made him even more fond of it.

"Go choose a heavy sword martial skill on the second floor of the library."

After storing the black iron heavy sword into his storage ring, Ye Changkong left immediately.

Not long after, he arrived at the door of the library.

He took out the token rewarded by the task hall and handed it to the library elder Qi, who then registered him.

The second floor of the library had fewer books than the first floor, but they were all exquisite works.

With Qin Yao Ruo's help, he quickly chose a sword skill named "Stabbing Skies Sword Skill", which was a lower-grade celestial martial skill.

"The essence of the 'Stabbing Skies Sword Skill' lies in stabs. With one sword move, it can achieve an unexpected effect of piercing through with a point."

After memorizing and thoroughly understanding the essentials and practice methods of the "Stabbing Skies Sword Skill", he left the library and rushed back to the martial arts field in his courtyard for practice.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the library, he was stopped by someone.

"Ye Changkong, do you dare to fight me on the Qingyun Platform?"

Ye Changkong was still reminiscing about the essence of "Stabbing Skies Sword Skill", when suddenly a strange voice interrupted him.

He turned abruptly, looking puzzled at the person in front of him, "Do I know you?"

"I don't know you either." The young man Han Yun who blocked the way said: "But you insulted my master yesterday. As a disciple of Tian Yun Peak, if I don't teach you a lesson, how will Tian Yun Peak stand outside?"

"How Tian Yun Peak stands outside does not concern me."

Ye Changkong didn't want to care about him at all. What he wanted most now was to maximize the improvement of his own strength before the big competition. He did notwant to waste time on these boring challenges.

Even if the disciples of Tian Yun Peak had something against him, they could compete with him openly during the big competition.

Moreover, he was currently the top-ranked independent cultivator disciple, and could not be challenged so easily by anyone.

"Ye Changkong, do you dare not accept the challenge because you're afraid? You coward!"

Chu Yun saw that Ye Changkong did not want to pay attention to him and became somewhat angry, shouting insults at Ye Changkong.

"You had the courage to insult our elder Luo Qing, but don't have the guts to accept our challenge?"

"Ye Changkong, I, Ye Feng, also want to challenge you!"

"And me, Tang Qi!"

Instantly, several angry voices rang out from all around. There were approximately six or seven disciples from the Tianyun Peak shouting loudly at Ye Changkong.

Looking at this group of people, Ye Changkong immediately understood what was going on.

Yesterday at Qingyun Terrace, Luo Qing lost face and brought shame upon their sect. Therefore, it was understandable that these Tianyun Peak disciples had animosity towards him.

However, he had just come out of the library and had already encountered so many Tianyun Peak disciples who were all challenging him at the same time. It was not a coincidence.

It was obvious that these disciples were acting under Luo Qing's orders and did not want to give him an easy time before the big competition began.

Allowing these disciples to challenge him one after another would only tire him out!

As he looked over these disciples, most of them were only in the fourth level of the Meridian Realm with less profound spiritual power than Huang Wei.

Accepting the challenge from these people would gain him no benefits but only waste his precious practice time.

Oh Luo Qing, you long elder. Do you really lack confidence in your own disciples under the mountain and fear that I will improve and suppress them before the big competition? To resort to such low tactics?

Ye Changkong coldly chuckled as he swept his gaze over them and said, "If you want to challenge me, then it has to be a life-and-death battle. Do you dare?"


Feeling the sharpness in Ye Changkong's eyes, the boisterous Tianyun Peak disciples suddenly became silent.

Each of them stared with wide eyes, revealing an undeniable fear. They had lost their courage.

They had witnessed Huang Wei's miserable situation at the Qingyun stage yesterday. These disciples were weaker than Huang Wei, and they were not even a match for Ye Changkong. How could they have dared to engage in a life-and-death fight with Ye Changkong?

Earlier, they were arrogant just because of the reputation of the Tianyun Peak and the power of Luo Qing. If it were a real challenge, they would back off immediately.

"A bunch of cowards who bully the weak."

Ye Changkong saw that they did not dare to fight and sneered at them before leaving. Hearing the ironic words, the previously boisterous Tianyun Peak disciples turned red in the face.

"Tianyun Peak's people are usually so domineering, and now they're all silent when faced with somebody stronger."

"It's true. A bunch of cowards who bully the weak."

Many onlookers glared with disdain at them.

Some who had been bullied by Tianyun Peak disciples before were delighted to see them humiliated.

"Chu Yun, what should we do now?"

Keeping some distance from Ye Changkong, Tang Qi softly asked Chu Yun.

"How should I know," Chu Yun replied irritably.

"With Luo Qing's temper, if we go back like this..."

Tang Qi felt helpless, but before he finished speaking, Chu Yun cut him off impatiently, "Are you afraid of death? You can go if you want."


Tang Qi opened his mouth but instantly deflated, as they were weaker than Huang Wei and had no deep enmity with Ye Changkong. They could not waste their lives delaying Ye Changkong's practice time.

"Sigh... Striking a deal with Ye Changkong is still more preferable than offending our elders."

"Since he refuses to accept our challenge, then we'll taunt him until he fights us." Chu Yun added shamelessly, "But it won't be a life-and-death battle."

Soon, Ye Changkong returned to his courtyard and hurriedly entered the martial arts arena.

"The Key of Heaven Swordsmanship focuses on the point. The essence of the stabbing sword technique is in its Point Sword. To master the Point Sword, one must also integrate it with the Stabbing Sword."

After a moment of concentration, Ye Changkong slowly raised his Wujin Heavy Sword and stabbed toward a three-meter tall testing stone in front of him.


The heavy sword violently shook, barely missing the edge of the boulder...

Ye Changkong felt embarrassed; after all, this was his first time wielding the heavy sword.

"This is normal. Many people make the same mistake when using the heavy sword for the first time. To master the heavy sword, you must first understand its weight and strength, and then proceed gradually," came Qin Yaorao's voice from the Dream Pearl.

She was not mocking Ye Changkong but patiently explaining to him.

Ye Changkong nodded and held the heavy sword with one hand, shaking it a few times, before adjusting his strength for his next attack.

This time, his movements were entirely connected. His body, breathing, and every single part moved in harmony. Even an expert swordsman would be amazed that Ye Changkong could fully adapt to the stabbing sword technique with three strikes.


The blunt tip of the Dark Iron Heavy Sword landed accurately and without any hesitation on the previous sword mark, causing the entire testing stone to tremble.

This sword thrust was even more decisive, swift, and accurate than before! (To be continued)