
The Martial Arts War God

Three years ago, he had obtained a spiritual fruit but was robbed by a mountain guarding disciple. Three years later, that mountain guarding disciple became the most dazzling genius in the sect. Yet he discovered that the robbed fruit was only a tiny fraction of the opportunities that he had come across. From then on, he rose like a comet, embarking on a legendary path of defying fate.

PoisonedWine · Fantasi
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24 Chs

14.It is obvious extortion

"Who did it! Who did this!" Faced with the bandaged figure of Fang Qiming, tears welled up in his eyes as Ye Changkong's pent-up rage burst forth uncontrollably.

"Junior brother, don't ask anymore, hurry and leave. You can't fight them," pleaded Fang Qiming with a pained expression, not wanting to tell Ye Changkong the truth.

"If you still consider me a friend, then tell me", said Ye Changkong with his eyes ablaze, fixated on Fang Qiming.

Fang Qiming was his first friend at the Qingyun Sect, the one who had offered him an empty room when he first arrived, without which Ye Changkong would've been forced to sleep outside. Although he didn't know who was responsible for this injustice, he knew that he was involved in some way.

And Fang Qiming was suffering because of him. Therefore, Ye Changkong vowed to make it right.

"It was Huang Wei who ordered this," Fang Qiming reluctantly confessed under Ye Changkong's persistent questioning.

Huang Wei was the strongest disciple of the external disciples' summit, naturally garnering the attention of many other disciples who wanted to ingratiate themselves to him. And because of Fang Qiming's closeness to Ye Changkong, Huang Wei developed a dislike for him, leading many disciples to join in on bullying and abusing Fang Qiming.

Even those disciples once friendly with Fang Qiming began avoiding him, and he was harassed every day, even while carrying out simple tasks like mountain defense duty. The worst part was when Huang Wei publicly ordered his men to physically assault Fang Qiming.

What had happened to Fang Qiming during Ye Changkong's month-long absence that made a man break down in tears? Ye Changkong felt a responsibility, a deep sense of guilt for his friend's plight.

But even after apologizing, Fang Qiming still tried to dissuade him from seeking justice, too afraid of what might happen if he got involved. Ye Changkong could no longer contain his rage and demanded a redress from the Sect.

"You mean to say that Huang Wei ordered people to beat and bully Fang Qiming, causing him great pain and injuries?" asked Qin Yi in the Enforcement Hall, pretending not to know about the situation.

"Yes, and I healed his injuries," replied Ye Changkong, struggling to restrain his anger.

"Then it means he wasn't seriously hurt and there is no evidence. If there is no proof, how can I punish Huang Wei based on your words? I can't waste my time on trivial matters like this," mocked Qin Yi, openly taking Huang Wei's side.

Enraged, Ye Changkong couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could the Enforcement Hall not care when a member of their Sect suffered such abuse at the hands of another, especially when it was so clearly orchestrated by someone like Huang Wei?

"I see now that the Enforcement Hall cannot be counted on to uphold justice," gritted Ye Changkong, unable to control his anger towards Qin Yi's dismissive attitude.

The surging spiritual energy in his Dantian accompanied by his anger rose straight up, and his momentum became increasingly wild, as if he was going to rush forward to beat Qin Yi.

"Junior brother, don't be impulsive. You can't do it here. If you start a fight here, they will have the excuse to kill you," begged Fang Qiming, desperately holding onto Ye Changkong's arm, afraid that Ye Changkong might attack Qin Yi.

"What? Do you want me to take action? If you dare, come on, I'll crush you with one frown!" mocked Qin Yi, not taking Ye Changkong seriously.

As Fang Qiming said, if Ye Changkong dared to start fighting here, even if he was right, Ye Changkong would be regarded as in the wrong, and Qin Yi would have an excuse to retaliate against him.

Seeing Ye Changkong's furious appearance, Qin Yi was very pleased with himself.

On the day in front of the Scripture Pavilion, due to the incident with Zhang Tie, Ye Changkong's reply to Elder Wang Zhen's inquiry "If the Enforcement Hall belonged to Zhang Tie or Qin Yi, I have nothing to say," completely offended Qin Yi.

After that incident, Wang Zhen even invited Qin Yi in person and gave him a dressing-down.

Now, Qin Yi deliberately sided with Huang Wei. In addition to receiving favors from Huang Wei, the main reason was to take revenge on Ye Changkong, to disgust him cruelly.

"Ye Changkong, how about this? Recently, I've been particularly upset because I can't break through the seventh meridian. The Outer Disciple Competition is about to begin soon, so if you're willing to help me find a second-grade vein-breaking pill, then maybe I'll investigate what you just said," said Qin Yi sarcastically.

This was completely off-topic.

Not only did Qin Yi block Ye Changkong, but he also openly extorted him! This speech seemed to be guiding Ye Changkong but actually humiliated him and made him bow his head and admit his mistake!

"You're talking nonsense!" Ye Changkong couldn't help cursing loudly. "Who do you think you are? You want me to bow down to you? Dream on!"

If he had bowed his head in every situation, he wouldn't have been able to resist Chu Yifan's bullying and would've been killed early.

In terms of reputation, cultivation, and strength, Chu Yifan was many times stronger than Qin Yi.

Even Chu Yifan could not force him to bend his back. Let alone Qin Yi!

"Shouting and disturbing the law enforcement disciples' office in the Enforcement Hall, be careful that I'll arrest you." Qin Yi's face became gloomy. After all these years in the Outer Sect, no one dared to point their noses at him like this.

The other side was still a new member who had just entered the Outer Sect, and he dared to question Qin Yi?!

"What is Ye Changkong doing here causing trouble? If you dare, go find Huang Wei. He's now listening near Heaven Man Peak. He has been shouting so loudly that he will be scared of Huang Wei when he sees him," said Qin Yi, more and more angry. He felt unprecedented shame, but he couldn't do anything to Ye Changkong until he made a mistake on his own, given the fact that this was the Enforcement Hall.

So, he deliberately provoked Ye Changkong, letting Ye Changkong go directly to Huang Wei and be taught a lesson by Huang Wei...

"Qin Yi, excellent. I remember this," Ye Changkong said coldly, glancing at Qin Yi before leaving with Fang Qiming.

Qin Yi made his attitude clear, why bother arguing with him here?

But Ye Changkong remembered this. If he had the chance, he would make Qin Yi regret it.

"Junior brother, are you really going to find Huang Wei at Tianyun Peak? Qin Yi is not a good person. He was clearly provoking you," Fang Qiming said, trying to persuade Ye Changkong as they walked away from the Enforcement Hall.

Since he left the Tidy Disciple Hall, Ye Changkong had told himself that he would never swallow his pride again.

Today, Qin Yi humiliated him, and Huang Wei insulted Fang Qiming; he would not let it go.

Huang Wei was the number one disciple among the wandering disciples, ranking eighty-seven in terms of external cultivation power, but so what?

Even Zhang Tie was killed by him. How could he be afraid of Huang Wei?

Ye Changkong's face was gloomy, full of resentment. He strode towards Tianyun Peak with Fang Qiming in tow. (To be continued...)