
Chapter IV The Wallet Dilemma

As the dust settled from the intense fight, Kim Soo Min realized with a sinking feeling that she had dropped her wallet during the chaotic scuffle. Panic surged through her as she frantically searched the ground, desperately hoping to find it. But it was nowhere to be seen.

The gangster leader, who had witnessed her distress, approached her with a smirk on his face. He held her wallet in his hand, dangling it teasingly in front of her. "Looking for this, detective?" he taunted, his voice laced with amusement.

Kim Soo Min's heart sank even further as she realized that retrieving her wallet would come at a cost. The gangster leader made it clear that he would only return it to her if she accepted their offer to join their group. It was a tempting proposition, but one that would compromise everything she had fought for.

Before she could respond, the Mafia leader, Seo Jun Park, joined in on the mockery. He laughed cruelly, mocking her financial situation and revealing that he had gathered information about her. The weight of her overdue bills and the threat of impending financial ruin hung heavily in the air.

Kim Soo Min felt a surge of anger and defiance. She refused to be manipulated or controlled by these criminals. She had already made up her mind to walk away from their world, and she would not waver in her decision.

With a determined look in her eyes, Kim Soo Min squared her shoulders and firmly declined their offer. She knew that accepting their help would only lead to more trouble and compromise her principles. She would find another way to retrieve her wallet, even if it meant facing them in battle once again.

The gangster leader and the Mafia leader exchanged glances, their faces contorted with anger and frustration. They were not used to being rejected, especially by someone they saw as a potential asset. In a fit of rage, they lunged at Kim Soo Min, ready to teach her a lesson.

But Kim Soo Min was prepared. She fought back with all her strength, using her martial arts skills to defend herself against their attacks. She moved with agility and precision, countering their every move. Her determination and skill were unmatched.

However, their confrontation was abruptly interrupted by the appearance of the landlord. He had been alerted to the commotion and had rushed over to investigate. Anger flashed in his eyes as he saw the chaos that had unfolded in his property.

The landlord, a stern and no-nonsense man, threatened to call the police if Kim Soo Min didn't immediately pay her overdue rent. The weight of her financial struggles crashed down on her once again, threatening to crush her spirit.

Kim Soo Min felt a mix of frustration and helplessness.

She had been so focused on her recent adventures that she had neglected her responsibilities, and now it seemed that her actions were catching up with her. She knew that she had to find a way to resolve the situation, and fast.

With a heavy heart, Kim Soo Min made a promise to the landlord that she would pay her overdue rent as soon as possible. She vowed to find a way to retrieve her wallet and gather the necessary funds.

And so, as the landlord left, giving her a stern warning, Kim Soo Min was left with a renewed sense of determination.

She would not let these setbacks break her spirit. She would find a way to overcome the challenges that lay before her and continue on her path towards a better future.korean the I can