
I personally think you're doing a lot for us already, so let me handle this.

"Mr. Song! Lady Chung! I'm so glad you're able to come together today," a friendly looking elder male greeted the pair enthusiastically as they entered the jewelry shop.

"Master Jin," Song Hyun-Shik greeted and bowed.

Chung Ji-Eun's eyes went wide as she in surprise when she heard the name Song Hyun-Shik mentioned, but she bowed dutifully just the same.

'Master Jin?' Chung Ji-Eun peered at the elder's smiling face discreetly. 'Jin Gun Ho of Glamour? The famous jeweler, the gold crafts artisan?'

It would make sense since they're at a famous shop in the heart of Main City. But still, her heart jumped at the prospect of a Master Artisan meeting with them today.

"Ah! Dear boy! There's no need to be all formal with me," the elder admonished gently. "After all, we're like family!"

The elder's laughter echoed rhythmically inside the shop. As soon as he calmed down, he turned his attention to Chung Ji-Eun, who had stayed silent throughout the whole exchange.

Seeing the Master's attention focused on her, she began to fix her clothes. "I haven't had the chance to introduce myself earlier, Elder."

The elder nodded at her, observing her intently. She bowed formally.

"Thank you for having us today," she said in a clear voice. "My name is Chung Ji-Eun, daughter of Chung Luo-Yong of the Chung Group of Companies."

"Those cameras don't do your beautiful face justice, little lady," the elder smiled. "Your Father must have saved a country in his past life to have such a blessing for a child."

"You flatter me, Master Jin," she shook her head, her smile widening a fraction. "Your kind words just made my day."

The Master felt satisfied and impressed with the young lady's show of etiquette.

"Master Jin, thank you for accepting my proposal," Hyun-Shik said smoothly. "I was told that my fiancée really liked your designs, so..."

Chung Ji-Eun shot him a knowing look.

"Ah, really?" The elder laughed again, moving from his post behind the glass counter towards them. "Well, that's really lucky, ain't it? Today, I shall be helping you with your rings! Come to the meeting room!"

As they followed the elder into the back room, Ji-Eun recalled the conversation she and Hyun-Shik had the night before. He had asked her if they could meet today to prepare something for the wedding. And though she agreed then, she didn't really know what they were supposed to meet for.

After a few drinks and some light conversation by the pool, they both decided to call it a night. It was only after Ji-Eun had gone into her suite that she took a closer look at the card that Hyun-Shik gave her.

A 'Glamour' card? This is a famous brand as far as global fashion and jewelry is concerned. Ji-Eun turned the card over and noticed a formal note addressed to her.

"To the Lady Chung Ji-Eun: Our brand, Glamour, formally congratulates you on your upcoming wedding! We are pleased to have been chosen to create a wedding band set for you for this lovely occasion. At your convenience, you may come by our flagship store at the Grand Gala Square in Main City, so we can discuss the details of..." she stopped reading, surprise taking over her.

She quickly pulled out her phone and called Hyun-Shik's number.

"How were you able to get Glamour?" Ji-Eun excitedly asked as soon as Hyun-Shik picked up her call. "No, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't call you when I know you're driving, but..."

"Oh, you finally saw the card?" Hyun-Shik laughed lightly. "It's alright. I'm on hands-free."

"Oh, okay," Ji-Eun perused the card again. "I really like this brand. How did you-?"

"I asked for help," he replied smartly. "Your attendant."


"Yeah, she said they're the only set you'd wear," she could hear the satisfaction in his voice. "Well, really... Ji-Eun, all we've been talking about is the wedding day and all. But we don't really have the most basic thing yet."

"Basic thing?" Ji-Eun's brows furrowed.

"Engagement rings?" Hyun-Shik said. "And wedding bands?"

Ji-Eun was silent for a few seconds, letting his words sink in.

"You're absolutely right," she said flatly. "I can't believe I'm realizing it just now."

She heard a laugh at the other end of the line.

"It's quite alright," Hyun-Shik said. "I personally think you're doing a lot for us already, so let me handle this."

Ji-Eun was abruptly pulled out of her thoughts when she felt a hand at the small of her back.

"Are you okay? You're awfully quiet."

She turned to look at Hyun-Shik, who had been watching her for the last minute or so.

"Yes," she said quickly. "Just excited. You didn't mention anything about Master Jin, so... "

Hyun-Shik smiled, understanding her reaction then. She let herself be led into the shop's nicely decorated meeting room. While the room gave off a professional, classy vibe, a craftsman's table at the side of the room screamed extremely busy. A variety of instruments lay scattered on one side of the table, while a stack of sketches and designs covered the length of it.

She smiled at the familiarity of it all since it was how her work table looked almost every day.

After a bit of tidying up, they got down to business. The elder asked the both of them a few personal questions before he got to sketching a design for them. Their interests, what they usually do, preferred colors... anything that would give him an idea about what his clients would like.

Though he felt a little sad that they only got to learn about each other this way, Hyun-Shik listened as Ji-Eun described her daily activities and how she kept her clothes and accessories to the minimum as she was always on the go. She generally shied away from bold and bright colors, only wearing them should an occasion call for it. She also mentioned that she used to dabble in sports, though she didn't mention what, and that's the reason why she chose to do it without much on her hands and neck.

The elder seemed pleased with what he heard from Ji-Eun.

"A very simple girl," he jotted down some notes as she spoke. "A natural... I think I have an idea about what you'd like, little lady."

Meanwhile, hearing of all these things, Hyun-Shik thought that Ji-Eun's personality was really like a double-edged sword. On one hand, he wouldn't really have a problem with trying to please her with jewelry and clothes because she preferred to have little of them. But on the other hand, what else could he placate her with when the time comes?

He could only smile nervously at the thought.

When Hyun-Shik's turn came, Ji-Eun found out that at some points, they were the complete opposite of each other. When it came to fashion and socialization, he was forward with his style. Very modern, very chic. His personality was simple enough to understand from a perspective. He liked flashy things and flashy cars, and he liked to socialize. So much so that it seemed like his face value and his ability to present himself accordingly to any given situation were two of his strongest points that his family and their company had banked on getting by with these traits of his from time to time.

The elder closed his eyes for a moment.

"I think I have enough ideas I can play around with," the elder said thoughtfully. "We can end the consultation for the day."

The elder smiled at them. "You two are such an interesting pair," he said as he studied his notes.

"Really? How so?" Hyun-Shik took the chance to find out how others view his and Ji-Eun's sort of relationship.

"Well, while the two of you do have clashing tastes and personalities, you seem to be really tolerant of each other," the elder's eyes twinkled. "The little lady has an old soul, quiet and reserved. And you, dear boy, bring forth an enigmatic force into the whole relationship. Your union really is something to look forward to."

The elder stood up and went over to his workstation. Ji-Eun and Hyun-Shik glanced at each other and shrugged as they stood up too.

"I will work on your designs today and have them sent over for both of your approvals," the elder faced them.

"Thank you, Master Jin," Ji-Eun said wistfully. "I'm quite sure I'll like anything you'll put out for me."

"Oh, you silly child," the elder obviously liked Ji-Eun's words as he turned a slight shade of pink. "You really know how to make an old man happy."

"Master Jin," Hyun-Shik bowed. "Thank you."

They said their goodbyes at the front of the shop and the elder watched as the pair walked out of his shop happily.

"Really interesting..." he watched them carefully as they turned a corner and went out of his sight. "Interesting."