
Episode 1

(The opening shows a girl that looks like a child who has two black ponytails, brown skin, her ears aren't shown, red lipstick, purple eyeshadow, she has a snake tail with an arrow-shaped end, a little bit chubby; wearing a red shirt with purple stars on it, blue jeans with a hole in it, so her tail is shown, and red shoes dancing with her back turned with her tail wagging)

(The girl is eating a sandwich, while hanging upside on a tree)

(The girl is coming out of a fire with people on her back)

(The girl is running on water)

(The girl is swinging from trapeze to trapeze in the circus)

(The girl is smoking and smiling at the camera)

(The girl is howling at the moon)

A voice: Will you tell me your name?

(The opening ends with The girl smiles at the camera with her face not shown covered by her hair)

(The episode opens with a girl who has two black pointy ponytails, brown skin, wearing a white wool jacket with blue buttons on it, red shirt, blue jeans, and no shoes; her ears are shown, she has a snake tail with an arrow-shaped end, big rabbit feet, a little bit chubby that her jeans look like shorts, and there is a small hole in her jeans so her tail can be shown. This girl looks like a child)

(The girl is juggling, while rolling around on a ball)

(The people cheer)

(There is a person that releases a Lion)

(The Lion follows the girl)

(The girl's tail turns into rings that the Lion goes through)

(The girl's tail turns back to normal)

(A bunch of people are juggled by elephants)

(A whole marching band appears)

(While the marching band appears, the Lion is put back in cage and taken away)

(The girl jumps high up to the ceiling and lands back on the beach ball, then a plate and cake appear out of nowhere)

The girl: Anybody want some cake?

(The kids cheers)

(The girl's cake and plate disappears)

(A smoke pipe appears in The girl's hand)

(The girl blows into the pipe and fires come out)

(The crowd awes)

(The pipe turns into a microphone)

The girl: My name is Halo, and I hope you enjoy this show.

(Halo throws the microphone in the ceiling and it turns into streamers)

(Halo does some backflips)

(Halo lands on the elephant)

(Halo howls)

The crowd: Halo! Halo! Halo!

(Halo winks)

(Halo jumps off the elephants, lands on the floor, and spins around like a ballerina)

(The circus people throws fire rings at Halo)

(Halo juggles the fire rings, while four elephants juggling her)

(Halo sticks four rings together)

(The elephants put her down)

(The marching band goes to the back)

(A bunch of circus people spins batons)

(Halo turns into a dog and catches the batons that are thrown at her)

(Halo turns back to normal and throws the baton back)

(The circus people and Halo dances together)

(The performance ends with Halo on the Lion with all of the circus people behind her)

(The screen switches to the circus turns dark)

The ring leader: Alright, guys break, good job everybody

(The ring leader is an African American man who has a tap hat, black jacket, white shirt, black pants, and white shoes. His name is Jam)

(The circus people and Halo goes to the back)

(Halo is sitting on a box and smokes in a pipe)

One of the circus person (sarcastically) (sits by Halo): So, like being the center of attention as usual

(The circus person has short blonde hair with Bob cut, white skin, wearing typical jester outfit)

(Halo pulls a rope and a piano lands on Bobretta)

(The circus people laughs)

circus person #2: Halo, lift it off that person

(Circus person #2 has crazy red hair, brown skin, wearing a jest outfit named Tony)

(Halo lifts the piano with only one hand, while chewing gum and the smoke pipe is gone)

(A female clown with green hair, white skin, wearing a normal clown outfit)

(The clown's name is Treasure)

Treasure: Medicine

(Halo throws a bottle to Treasure)

(Bobretta is carried away by Treasure)

(A Lion tamer, he has short purple hair, white skin, wearing a white shirt, black pants, and white shoes appears. His name is Jace)

Jace (walking to Halo): Hey, beautiful

(Halo is reading a book and still chewing gum)

Jace: Still never going to give me the light of day

Halo: (puts her book down) Listen, you are a nice guy (points to herself) but I have a child like body, powers that could kill you so freaking fast, and I don't really care about love anymore

A person: So, then you don't ever want to be in love?

(A person who has grey/black hair, brown skin, wearing a green dress holding a candle, looking creepy)

(This person's name is Chernobog)

Halo: Not unless this person is the best person in the world

Chernbog: Could it be any of us?

(The circus people smile)

(Bobretta and Treasure comes back in the room)

(Halo turns green, then turns back to normal)

Halo: Nope, sorry, but I will say all of you die natural deaths, none of you die in an accident

Treasure: Guys, what are you doing? Where are your jazz outfits

Jace: Chill, we still have two hours (looks at Halo) unless we should worry

(Halo is reading a swimming magazine)

Halo: (puts the magazine down) I'm not going to tell you everything bad that will happen to any of you

Bobretta: Since you won't be staying with us long enough to care

Halo: (drink some red wine) screw you, and I am not an emotionless robot that doesn't care about people dying

Bobretta: Liar

(Halo breaks some glass by throwing it)

Bobretta: It doesn't change my mind, you have killed millions of people

Jace: But, she has admitted she felt sorry about those

Bobretta: Yet you never said anything nice to any of us

Halo (flipping pages): Fine, I find you people likable, like friends, and I wasn't planning to leave yet

The circus people: Yet!

Halo (flipping through the magazine): You really wanted me to stay

The circus people: Yes, you are the main attraction

Halo: I won't be for long (puts the magazine down) spoilers (giggles)

Bobretta: I didn't expect for you to leave that fast

Halo: It won't be within a week

(Bobretta groaned)

(The clocks ticks)

Halo: I'm going to get ready (walks out of the room)

Jace: Guess we should try to

(The episode ends)