
The Man With No Past

Stripped of his family, of his past and his name, a young man walks across the continents with no purpose...

eylair · Seni bela diri
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4 Chs


Abel was a farmer. He liked simple things, like spending time with his family, drinking with his friends and taking a nap under the oak tree that grew in his backyard.

That day, he had been delivering some of his products to the nearby town, and returned with some complementary food for his daughter's birthday.

There was nothing much to do as his horse knew the way, so he simply let the cart drive itself while passing time, singing a popular song he heard in a tavern the previous week.

After two hours on the way, he was surprised to see someone walking ahead, alone in the landscape. Usually, he didn't cross paths with anyone in these parts.

Quickly catching up with the guy, he noticed how poor the man seemed to be. Without any travel bag, his clothes were torn in many places.

When he passed by him, he saw behind the dirt that the face belonged to a young man, around the age of his son. The traveller didn't even turn his head in Abel's direction and kept walking.

"Hello, young man." greeted Abel with a gentle smile.

The boy gazed in Abel's direction with two empty eyes that destabilized him a bit. Then, without stopping, he greeted back : "Hello."

"You know, it's unsafe to be walking here alone. Even without taking into account the beasts that sometimes leave their territory for food, there are some bands of mercenaries that have been reported to ambush caravans and the likes. Since the war ended, they lost their jobs and now they turn to banditry to feed themselves."

The boy showing no reaction to his statement, Abel scratched his beard, perplexed.

"I'm Abel. What's your name ?"


"Well, Aaron, since we go in the same direction, and if it suits you, I wouldn't mind some company. At least until we reach my farm. What do you say ?"

Aaron shrugged. "Thank you."

"Hop on, then. Where are you headed ?"

"Looking for a job." Aaron replied while sitting next to Abel.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, boy, but where do you come from ? I mean... Don't you have a family somewhere ?" Abel was curious about the boy. Although the war had made a lot of orphans, he didn't want to assume anything. This fellow looked particularly lonely, but you never knew what went on, in those days.

"I don't mind. No, I'm the only one left." Aaron's voice was monolithic, empty of feelings like his eyes.

"Sorry to hear that. You know... I have a son about your age. He is a piece of work. I mean... I love him, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I just feel like smacking some sense into his big head. Ahah... That reminds me of that time where he..."

And so the trip went on with Abel chatting the whole way and Aaron listening quietly to his stories. Time passed slowly, conversation only fueled by the lively farmer. After a while, the road led to a forest.

"My farm is on the other side of these woods. We'll soon get there." Abel said with a smile. "Maybe you should spend the night at our place. We have a lot of room, so let me thank you for the company."

He felt that it was the least he could do, to prevent this young man from travelling by night and risking unnecessarily his life.

But then, suddenly, Aaron's ears twitched. He stood up on the cart, his sight pointed at the dense vegetation and surprising Abel.

"What's wrong ?" He asked, a bit worried about the boy's behaviour.

Aaron lifted his hand and pointed in a general direction. "There is something there."

Before Abel had any time to inquire more about this statement, the foliage broke in several places to let a small pack of wolves appear at their side.

"Oh no... That's not good. What the hell are they doing here ? Boy, get comfortable ! My sweet Cassis is not young anymore but she still has her health. Perhaps we can outrun them. Come on, girl ! Show us what you have !" Abel had a new, serious look on his face as he whipped his horse, replacing his carefree smile.

But the mare was petrified. Rooted in her place, she didn't listen to Abel's injunctions. "Boy ! Run the other side ! We have no time to... Wait ! What are you doing ?"

Not showing the same agitation as his travel companion, Aaron got off the cart and walked in the middle of the pack.

The wolves growled at him, ready to bounce whenever the alpha would call for it. Aaron took a knife with a dull blade out of his clothes, waiting for the fight to begin. At that moment, the biggest wolf in the pack howled briefly, which worked as a signal to start.

Instantly, two of them leaped into the air with their mouths wide open. To Abel, it all happened really fast. But he saw Aaron sidestep and wave his knife. As a result, he heard one of the beast yap and saw it crash on the ground where a puddle of blood spread.

The other wolf turned around to face him but had a moment of hesitation. Aaron started walking away from it, unhurriedly, towards the alpha.

He knew that the best way to end things fast was to get rid of the leader. With him gone, the others wouldn't know how to act and the best case scenario was that they would simply run back from where they came from.

Challenged by the frail human, the alpha had no other choice but to accept. His position in the pack depended on it.

It was confident in his strength and agility. So he didn't make the same mistake as the others. By running in a curve at its top speed, it would evade any possibility of a counterattack.

But it was wrong. Aaron didn't wait for it to approach too close. All the angry wolf could see before it died was an orb of light gattering in the human's hand and then the boy making a throwing gesture in its direction.


"Thank the lord you were here, boy !" Said Abel who had recovered his gentle smile. They had finally gotten back on the road after the previous incident.

When the other wolves had seen their leader almost cut in half by that ray light, they didn't think much and just scattered away.

Now, Aaron and Abel were sitting on the cart again, driven by the old Cassis who had found her senses back.

It was like nothing had happened, except for the rambling of Abel.

"I wonder why these wolves were so far from their usual territory. Normally, they settle far from here, on some mountains. It means something bad drove them away. I'll alert the authorities next time I have the chance. It won't be long, now. We should exit the woods in the next few minutes, then it's short distance to my home. Prepare yourself for a good meal, boy. You saved our lives and I won't forget it." Abel patted Aaron's shoulders.

The rest of the trip went on uneventfully. One hour later, they reached their destination where they were welcomed by Abel's family.