
chapter one

On one sunny day there was a man who was walking he walked about three miles and then suddenly. he couldn't move and then one day went by and he still couldn't move. then a woman walked by and bumped into him she said sorry and kept walking. another day went by he got hungry and since he couldn't move and couldn't ask for help he just stood there not moving a muscle. so a couple years go by the man hasn't aged a day since the moment he couldn't move then suddenly a ambulance stop'd next to him and they rushed him to the hospital. after that they started running tests on him day after day. once they figured out what was wrong with him they could cure him they couldn't figure it out and so about twenty years go by and he starts to be able to move and so he starts talking to the nurse who was taking care of him and she was frightened to find him talking she ran and got a. doctor the doctor walked in and asked the man if he knew who he was and where he was he told the doctor his name but he couldn't figure out what year it was the. doctor told him and he started freaking out so the doctor gave him some morphine and ray went to sleep for the first time in 30 years. when he woke up he said sorry for freaking out then he got up to use the bathroom and then he ate some food and took a shower. then he got clean and went out side and he noticed that the world was more advanced then when he got frozen in time. He walked down the street and got some food again. Then he tried to go home, but the hospital wouldn't let him. So he asked why won't you guys let me go home? They told him. that the reason he couldn't is because it was beyond the wall. He asked what wall. The people said there was a war 30 years ago that polluted half of the world. And so the wall have to be built to keep that pollution out, but still filter air. And he asked is there anyway to go get my stuff? From my house. They said no. He got Furious. with the people and so he started walking towards the wall. They told him to stop but he wouldn't listen. And then someone shot at him from the wall. A soldier told him to stop or he will shoot to kill. The man kept walking as if he didn't care or notice. She finally reach to the wall and starts climb over it. The guard keeps shooting at him. And he still doesn't care that the guard shooting at him. All he cares about is getting home. After he climbed over the wall, he gets up there and looks. couldn't see anything for miles. He started to cry because he had a wife and a child. And so he has to guard. Do you know if my family is still alive? The guard said what is your name? He said my name is Ray. the guard searched up his name. The guard said you have a daughter and a granddaughter. ray dropped to his knees and started to cry. And he said thank God they got into the city just in time. He asked where they were. The guard said about 20 miles up the mountain. He said, thank you. He then asked if there was a helicopter around here. He could take up the mountain. The guard said no, he would have to walk it. He got up the mountain and finally got reunited with his family. They were all crying. and rejoicing that his Daughter was still alive and that he had a granddaughter as well. Ray felt sad that his wife was dead and went to go visit her grave in the graveyard. He stayed there overnight with a bottle of whiskey. and two shot glasses He said I wish you were still here with me and then he died the next day sitting next to her grave. when the man died He went to heaven and there he saw his wife. When he saw his wife. God noticed that it wasn't his time yet. And sent Him back to Earth before he went he told his wife that he loved her and after he was back to Earth. He was in the body bag. He quickly setup and unzipped it. Actually ends if the body bag everybody was shocked that it came back to life. Everybody was scared and running for their lives. He asked what was going on. The medical officer that was on standby said we thought you were dead. He said I was dead. I went to heaven and spoke to my wife. I was hoping to stay there with her. But unfortunately God sent me back. He told me I had unfinished business. But of course that part was a lie. He said to assassinate the person who killed my wife or exterminate the bloodline. And so for the next few years Ray trained as an assassin. up in the mountains when the day finally came that he was ready he would kill the person who killed his wife. He found the man responsible for causing the war and killing half the world including his wife. Keystock the man to figure out what his routine was for each day. And see if there were any openings. to sneakily assassinate him.he found the opening he was looking for and he try'd to do it as stealthy as possible but he was caught and then a shoot out began he threw grenades to draw there attention from him and he slipped out of there sight and so he try'd again but this time he was successful. after he killed the man who killed his wife he killed him self and went back to heaven