
The Man Who owned a million dimensions

Debasmit1 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Ch 7

So Power slept at night after thinking too much. He was sleeping peacefully when he saw a dream and it showed one poor fisherman was fishing alone in the pond on the other side of the island. Then suddenly something pulled him towards the pond. Power was scared but he gathered strength and was about to save him when the mysterious girl woke him up. She shouted were you gone for so long we were finding you for at least 2 hours. Power told her that he was sleeping. The girl said:

Girl: Don't lie we were finding you for so long and we checked this room before too. You were awake I know unless you were sleepwalking

Power: I don't know but I saw a strange dream yesterday night

Girl: What dream?

Power: Well, a fisherman was fishing in the night and suddenly something pulled him inside the water

Girl: Is this any kind of joke??!!!

Power: No, it is not, believe me

Girl: Ahhhh ok

Power had a doubt that it was a dream or anyone had transferred him to the place where the fisherman was pulled inside the water. So, he and the girl started asking the villagers about the fishermen that lived in that village. The chief and the villagers replied there are 46 fishermen in the village. Power asked the chief if he could call them that time only? The chief replied after a long time and he told he could, he ordered his man to call all the fishermen, after a few minutes all came except one. Power asked there are 45, where is the one more guy? Power asked does anyone know where he is? The fishermen all replied that his name is Samir, he went to the lake yesterday night, but he didn't come back. It can be that Kima----------. The chief shouted that time, Power that fisherman is mad he just making up things and then he ordered his men to kill him. Power warned the chief to not do it or it will be bad for them. He asked the fisherman who is Kima, the fisherman replied with anxiety that once upon a time a man named Kima lived in this village, one day he was doing his job when he suddenly saw a kid drowning in water Kima rushed to save him but when the villagers came they thought he was trying to drown him and they killed Kima, from that day something wrong started happening in this village. Every day the number of fish in the lake was decreasing. Everyone thought it will be fine again but it was not summer came but no rain happened in the monsoons too, our land started becoming drought. We begged to god for mercy when one day an octopus came out of the sea and started talking to us in a creepy way. He said:

Octopus: You people killed me even if I wanted to save that boy, you had no mercy on me now you expect me to have mercy on you never, I will never have mercy on you

People from the village: Please forgive us whoever you are please please we beg for our lives

Octopus: Hahahahhaha I am Kima the one you villagers killed HHhahahahaha okay I will have mercy on you send a man or woman every day as I am starving from hunger. Send me from tomorrow now bye hahahahahaha.

The fisherman sighed and again started saying that the chief send a man or woman every day but one day a brave woman came to them and investigated, she knew Kima was a ghost so she challenged him to fight with her like a normal human and if he loses he will go to sleep forever until he wakes up. The woman fought and fought and fought and finally defeated Kima with that he finished. Power understood that defeating Kima was not easy as he was a ghost, he was scared too as he was a kid. That whole night he kept thinking about Kima and Kima. He slept afterward but that night Kima showed himself in the dream. He said:

Kima: Hahahahahaha hello Power

Power: ummmmmmmmmm ( scared )

Kima: Oh, u scared no no don't be scared, I will not eat you just now I will give you a chance just defeat me and I will never show back again on earth, never. The match is after 30 days be prepared hahaha hahaha

Power: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (more scared)

With that he woke up shaking, the mysterious girl also woke up she saw him shaking. She asked what's the matter?

He replied:

Power: holy moly

Girl: What happened? Stop shouting and tell me

Power: This Earth depends on me, help anyone, tell this is a bad dream ( super scared)

Girl: Ah what do you mean?

Power: What I mean huh? I mean I saw Kima in my dream

Girl: what!!!!!!!

Power: Ya and he wants to fight me in the form of human and he told me if I win he will leave Earth and will never come back

Girl: When is the match??

Power: After 30 days (cries) I will lose properly I know!!!!

Girl: Ahhh then you should start training instead of shouting and breaking your self-confidence

Power: Yes, I am brainless (calmed down)

Girl: All knows now go get trained (laughs)

Power started his training and he became powerful and more powerful after each day but he got scared too, he was freaking out when the day of the match came. He was so freaked out that the girl had to pull him out of the bed so funny Hahahaha. Well, leave sorry let's head again back to the story. So they went to the lake and waited for the monster to come and the villagers were looking far from the mountain to see their match. When a man that looked like half squid and half turtle jumped out of the water. It was Kima, he spoke up:

Kima:  Hhahahahahaha you got the courage to came here okay good, but you can't get back and what is this girl doing here

Power: shhe  iiiis my frrrrieeennnd, shhheee is just aaaa viewwwwer ( scared)

Kima: You got freaked out Hahahahaha let's start the match

They started fighting even if Power did not get the strength to attack, he was just blocking the attacks and was doing well. First Kima started with a bunch of punches which Power dodged easily then started kicks which were easy too but when he started to use powerful attacks like an aqua beam, it was hard to dodge. He soon got tired, Kima took advantage and he hit him straight on the head. Then Kima said:

You wanna fight or not? You are just dodging not fighting. Okay, if you not want to fight then I will eat your friend only.

This made Power as angry as a hungry tiger he jumped at Kima and started punching him very fast he made Kima weak and he used his superpower and won easily. He thought it was not easy to defeat Kima. His anger is the most precious weapon for him and he should save it.

Next Chapter: Who is the brave woman?           

Till then take care be home be safe bye