
The Man Road to Heavenly

It all started when the gates of the other world opened on earth. The current state of society is changing rapidly where the most striking change is male superiority falling to the bottom due to the peach that only gives strength to women. Toji Zenin as the last warrior family with the family motto Live to be strong. And as a tradition passed down, men in this family are not allowed to be weak even if the world has changed. Then, at the time of his high school graduation he had a strange incident where he was dragged into the world on the side of the gate called Mato. This is the story of his journey that will face various dangers coming from the gate side world called Mato. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Chapter 30

"Curses, she really did it!" muttered Toji, acknowledging Yachiho's success.

Wakasa, who watched from a distance, cheered joyfully. "Yachiho-chan, you're truly amazing!"

Yachiho smiled with satisfaction, relieved that the new pose made her Golden Time ability more effective. The three of them continued their training and trials, growing more confident that this simple solution could overcome the existing weakness. "Um!"


"It seems they're having a good time over there." Tenka observed from afar, watching the cheers of success from his corps members who were training in the adjacent field.

Tenka had been monitoring them for a while and wanted to join in, but seeing his current condition, his deputy, Yachiho, had to overcome her doubts and stop pitying herself.

He had realized long ago that as everyone grew stronger, Yachiho seemed to be standing alone among them. Her ability, Golden Time, appeared powerful, but she could only stop time for 5 to 10 seconds, or revert time back by the same duration. That was all she could do, activating her ability with a pose that had a delay, and that was her only weakness.

However, no one knew the future. Would Yachiho's abilities improve, eliminating the time limits for stopping or reverting, and would she eventually master Time manipulation perfectly? Just thinking about it made Tenka, the head of the sixth corps, shudder at the potential extent of Yachiho's growth. Seeing other members evolve, he also realized something about himself.

"Right, I can't be this relaxed when everyone is putting in effort. I can't fall behind." Looking at his own hands, Tenka was determined.

However, as she turned around and passed through his workspace where documents had piled up considerably, he had to postpone his training and fulfill his duties as the head of the sixth corps. Yesterday, they had played around until he forgot to submit his report to headquarters, causing these documents to accumulate.


The night passed, and Toji's entire body ached from the excessive sparring. He had pushed himself so hard that his body was now almost immobile. "Uuh... My body feels crushed."

Toji lay in his room, contemplating the sudden surge in strength he felt after experiencing a strange dream. His thoughts drifted to the training battle with Yachiho, where he effortlessly overwhelmed his opponent with extraordinary speed and strength. The heaviness and soreness in his body from the intense training were incomparable to the astonishment he felt upon discovering his newfound abilities.

He tried to understand this strange feeling, sensing a power flowing within him without a clear explanation. It was as if the dream had given him the key to unlock hidden potential. Toji stared at the ceiling of his room with a puzzled look, attempting to piece together the events that had occurred.

Yet, beneath the confusion, there was excitement and curiosity. He felt like he possessed unlimited power, though still challenging to comprehend. A sense of pride crept in between the curiosity, and Toji pondered whether this would help him surpass the limits he had once imagined.

"I can't wait, looking forward to the Azuma family dinner," mumbled Toji, thinking about testing his new strength against formidable opponents like the Azuma family, rumored to be the strongest family in the current era, producing powerful women.


The next day, Toji sat casually on a cold stone, sipping his warm coffee when Tenka suddenly appeared in front of him.

"What's up, Tenka-san?" Toji asked, squinting his eyes, sensing that something unusual was happening.

Tenka smiled sweetly, a smile that made Toji feel like something was being concealed. "Toji-kun, do you have some free time?"

Toji took a sip of his coffee while listening to Tenka's question. There was tension in the air, and Toji felt that something interesting or even dangerous might be awaiting behind that question.


In front of the Anti-Demon Corps headquarters, a dimensional gate suddenly opened, creating a magical circle in the airspace. From within emerged a young and beautiful woman with blue eyes and short white-blond hair. The woman was dressed in the Anti-Demon Corps uniform, featuring a dark blue military tunic, a red-highlighted hat, white gloves, shorts, and thigh-high boots. Different earrings adorned each of her ears. This woman was none other than Tenka Izumo.

Behind Tenka, a tall and muscular man followed her steps. With straight black hair, emerald green eyes, and a thin scar at the corner of his right lip, he exuded a masculine aura. The man wore a casual uniform—a tight short-sleeved shirt, loose brown sports pants with a black belt, and black flip-flops. However, his appearance was covered by the standard Anti-Demon Corps military coat. This man was none other than Toji Zenin, currently on duty escorting his corps leader, Tenka, to attend the monthly meeting.

They both walked with determination.

Toji walked alongside Tenka, his eyes filled with admiration as he looked at the magnificent building that served as the headquarters of the Anti-Demon Corps.

"Toji-kun, is this your first time seeing our headquarters?" Tenka asked, smiling.

Toji nodded, captivated. "Yes, it's incredible. And the building looks like the general government building in Japan."

Tenka laughed. "Of course, our headquarters is a replica, an agreement made by someone who founded the corps in the early days of the disaster."

They continued walking towards the entrance of the building, but their steps halted as they saw a familiar face. A beautiful woman blessed with long silver hair down to her thighs, eyes resembling pink cracks, was wearing the same uniform as Tenka but with a short skirt. She was Kyouka Uzen.

Behind her, a man carried a katana. A young man with black hair and dark brown eyes, wearing a janitor's uniform consisting of a long-sleeved shirt and long brown pants. He was Yuuki Wakura.

"Eh, who is Kyouka facing?" The reason they stopped was that Kyouka seemed to be in conflict with someone in front of her until they stared directly at each other and pressed their spiritual energy against each other, making Yuuki behind Kyouka feel and see them locking eyes.

"Ah, the one Kyouka is facing is the head of unit 2, Mira Kamiunten," Tenka replied.

In appearance, Mira was a tall young woman with a large chest, blessed with long yellow hair that reached her back, and orange eyes. She wore the Anti-Demon Corps uniform, but this woman wore an open jacket with her abdomen and breasts tied with a white wrap.

Through Toji's perspective of their situation, it didn't seem too good. However, Tenka just smiled, as if this were a common occurrence.

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