

I've never been a fan of marriage at all since I wanted to be independent and free but no, girls always HAVE to get married to guys, even if she hates a guy. Well, my marriage is like striking a deal with a devil actually. I let out a sigh of my miserable life and I made my way to the dressing room since I had forgotten my white gloves my mom was always pestering and nagging me to wear. I mean, Cecil had changed quite a bit but I'm not too sure if I can trust him just yet. He's gotten all taller and muscular and handsomer and basically, has all the girls nearby falling on their faces for his perfect sparkly smile, but I just ignore all that. The first time I saw him after a few years later, he was really nice to me and I kept wondering the whole time whether an alien had impersonated him or something. My mom became quite fond of him ever since he told us that his mom had passed away in a car accident. In fact, I think she secretly loves him or something. My dad and his dad became really close friends over time and all this is a really big political alliance for 2 companies to get richer and all that. I checked my watch and I saw that I still had 20 minutes left till I'm wed to Cecil and when I went in there, I saw something so horrific that I couldn't get it out of my mind even if I banged my head and went into a coma. When I opened the door of the dressing room, I saw my mom KISSING my fiance on the MOUTH embracing each other and kissing passionately while I just stood there, at a complete loss for words and stared at them like a moron with tears welling up in my eyes. I mean, I always thought that marriage was supposed to be on a mutual love and if my fiance actually loved me, he wouldn't do this but here he was with my MOM!!! Just then, my dad came and he was livid with anger when he saw my mom and Cecil kissing each other that he yelled at her for 5 minutes straight and slapped Justin right across the face. When Cecil's dad came in the room, he just pulled out the matrimonial parchment and said that me and Cecil HAD to marry each other at any cost. My dad was furious but since he wanted his company to expand, he agreed but not before he got my mom's sign on the divorce papers. Wow, I had no idea that so much of drama would take place in any wedding and that too, 20 minutes before I'm getting wed!! My dad wiped my tears away and when it was time for him to walk me down the aisle, my eyes were still getting filled up with tears since I couldn't believe that my future husband had cheated on me with my mother. My mom had bloodshot eyes and she was still crying but when I looked at her, I didn't feel any remorse. I decided that I was officially DONE with EVERYONE here, including my parents and that douche Cecil since it was pretty obvious that my parents don't care for my feelings and that's the reason they're making me marry him even though he kissed my mom. When the priest was reading all the vows, I decided to put an end to all this drama once and for all, so I threw my bridal train on the floor, glared at all of our guests and burst out angrily with tears of hatred streaming down from my face, '' I am NOT going to marry this FREAKING CHEATER since I caught him kissing my own mom and even after that, my parents want me to marry him just for the sake of their companies to expand!!''. A pregnant silence was followed and just then, I heard some gunshots being fired at the doorway and some random guys started to shoot at all the guests present inside the church. Most of them were dead and even the priest got shot. Cecil quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me away from harm's reach, whereas his dad and my dad pulled out 2 guns from their suits and started firing at the masked men.