
Chapter 8

It was picture of you and Mr Seth together hugging each other you were so shocked and there was a letter in it you took the letter and read everything you were so shocked after reading that it fell from your hand your eyes started watering

"I couldn't believe this I have to take this go to mr Seth house right now"

You seat in your car and started driving after reaching there you felt everything very familiar but when you entered you saw him and called his name

"Mr Seth"

"oh hello miss Mila"

"Mr Seth is your name Sean"

he covered your mouth with his and he was very angry after hearing that

"How do you know my name no one knows my name who told you"

He dragged you in his room and throw on the bed pulled a gun and asked you

"Who told you my name"

You were to scared to see his this side

"A person called me and asked me to meet he told me your name is sean Seth and gave me a box"

You showed him the box after seeing that box he felt very weird he opened it and saw everything inside his head started spinning and he fainted you took him to the hospital there you find out what was the problem

"At hospital"

"Doctor what happened to him"

"I think he had some problem with his memory he kind forced him self to remember it so that's why he fainted"

"ohh can I get a check up to"

"yeah sure come with me"

" After reading your report I think you had some kind of accident in past or something"

"I can't remember anything"

Suddenly Mr Seth come running towards you and hugged you he started crying you were confused

"What happened Mr Seth"

"Oh my god Mila I remember everything"

"What you remember"

He told you everything like you both were girlfriend boyfriend but his family didn't like you one day you both were going out but met with an accident and lost you memories

know it hitted you can't remember anything about your past you were happy to know everything but there was one thing who got you into accident

"I think it's my mother"

"You were now scared"

But soon he told you an idea you went to his home both spended night together.