
chapter 4

I went home went to sleep without changing I was really tired .

"Don't leave me don't go please I will die please save me" I wake up because of that nightmare I was sweating badly .

"ahhhh this dream it have become so many I have saw this dream I don't know what happen after that I always wake up when a man held my hand to save me leave it I will go and get fresh"

After getting fresh I went to have breakfast I opened the news paper and it have news of yesterday "The news is quite interesting"

I left for work when I was working my boss called me .

"Mila come to my office now"

"Yes sir"

"How can I help you sir"

"Meet him he is Mr Seth"

"Nice to meet you Mr Seth I am Mila"

"Nice to meet you too"

"Mila you have to help Mr Seth with work of our hotel"

"ooh ok sir"

"I think you should start from tomorrow"

"Ok sir I will take my leave"

After Mila left the office

"Seth as you said I helped you introduce Mila and also set her to work for the hotel with what are you planning to do with her"

"You don't have to worry about her I just find her a little more familiar that's why"

"ooh ok now what you asked is done do you need more help"

"No this much help is enough I have my own planes ahead thank you"

"Miss Mila you are the first girl I am interested in I hope there is something interesting about you don't let me down" Smirk

"Sir the car is ready"

"Ok let's g