
Chapter 30 "Last Day at the Beach"

After spending the night with Jagiyaa, we both went back to the campsite and go to our respective tents...as for the boys they are still awake, dew to playing cards...and as for me and Ehla, Ehla is now sleeping...so I just lay down for a while and fell asleep~

Early in the morning~

Waking up with a beautiful and peaceful night...I went out of our tent and feel the fresh air.."It's cold" I said...but then someone wrapped me up with a blanket.."It's a little Chilly, try using this" As this man whisper on my ears..I smiled because that person who wrap me up with blanket was Jagiyaa...


Jagiyaa Good morning!!

Eun Woo;

Good morning, how's your sleep?


It was great!!..

Eun Woo;

Good to know...this afternoon well go back to our Villa~


Why are we leaving so soon?

Eun Woo;

As for now...we can't stay any longer here..Ms Huang just called last night...


Ohh busy schedule is coming right~

Eun Woo;

Yes Jagi...


Ahemmm sorry to interrupt you both..but sir I prepare a simple breakfast...just make your own coffee sir~

Eun Woo;

Thank you.. Jagiya would you like some coffee~


(Nodded) yes please~

Eun Woo;

Okay then hold your blanket and I'll make us some coffee...


(Just woke up) good morning everyone..(sleepy eyes)


Looks like Jimin still wanna sleep... here's your coffee bro~


Hmmm thanks bro...ehh where's Ehla? (Eyes widened)


Tao and Ehla ? they went out to buy some bread..I think they'll be here in a jiffy~

Eun Woo;

Okay, quit chitchatting there and take a sit...Jagiyaa here's the coffee come here, sit beside me~


(Nodded, and went towards him)

A few minutes later~


Why is everyone now drinking some coffee, and didn't wait us to arrived~


hahah here's your coffee bro I prepare this for the both of you~


Thanks Bro your so sweet, that's why I love you!!


(Cough) woahh just drop that I love you thing!!


Tssskk...Ehla here's your coffee, Jimin prepared it for you~


Mmmh thank you...


Nehhh Ehla I thought you've left, I almost had a heart attack~


Ehhhh in your dreams, you weren't very awake earlier, then widen your eyes when you see Ehla was not around...


(Laughing hardly)


It's not funny, literary please don't leave without me okay!


(Nodded) Okay~


After eating breakfast, Everyone was having their own way today...so I decided to run towards the sea and jump in...at first I thought I would be the only one, swimming today, but then all of them followed~...Splash here and splash there it was very fun.. everyone was enjoying...This Day was great...But then as the sun was getting hotter, everyone get out of the water and rinse their self...

Sat down..Eun Woo went towards me~

Eun Woo;

Hmmm why haven't you rinse yourself~


Are we leaving this early?...

Eun Woo;

Yes we are,


Okay, then Jagi rinse me with water..I'm to lazy~

Eun Woo;

Okay...(rinse with water..took a towel and rubs it around me) go on now and change your clothes...then after this, arrange your things cause we will be leaving soon~


(Pouting) okay~ (went to the tent)


Wow Bro, such a caring person, anyway I'm ready..let's go put the things on the Van~


I'll help you, Eun Woo still need to wait for her Jagiyaa~

Eun Woo;

Yes and I still need to help her with the tent...


I'm done...


Oh she's done...go on now, leave the tent to us...just carry all the stuffs and bring to the Van...

Eun Woo;

Okay, Thanks Hyung...(carry the stuffs and put it on the Van)

When everyone was ready!! We finally left the sea...ohh I'm gonna miss it a lot...then looking at the window..how come I missed this beautiful view..so I enjoy watching it... Everyone was silent I guess they were very very tired and take a rest..then looking at my right side..Eun Woo was busy on his tablet again...so what I do was to lean towards him, and put my head on his shoulder~


What are you doing? You seem very busy!

Eun Woo;

Hmm I'm just busy doing our work..Are you tired?


Nope just a little bored~

Eun Woo;

(Rubs my head's, and kiss my forehead) Shhh go ahead and sleep, I know your a little bit tired..


Mmmh (started to sleep)



Waking up!..we've just arrived..I felt relieved.. tomorrow is the day were leaving...I'm gonna miss Jeju a lot.. anyway as we all get off the Van and went back to our respective room.. feeling very relieved to lay on the soft bed again..I sigh as I started packing my things for tomorrow...Eun Woo went towards me and help me, I got startled when Oppa Suddenly touches my forehead~


Uhmm Oppa why are~

Eun Woo;

Ahhh I thought you have a fever, thank goodness you're alright!!


(Smiled) Oppa, uhmm Jagiyaa after we left Jeju, what should we do?

Eun Woo;

Hmm what do you think?...I thought about something cooler~


Hmmm I don't know yet hahahah...

(Done packing)

As we're done packing our things, Eun Woo suddenly went to his bed and slept..yes I consider him to be so tired...Even you are.... that each time Eun Woo was spending a lots of time with me, he still didn't get to rest after this..dew to his works I don't think he enjoyed a lot on our vacation... Did he?

Eun Woo;

Who say's I didn't enjoy?!


Oooppss Am I too noisy?.. sorry Jagiyaa~

Eun Woo;

It's okay...neehhh Jagi give me a kiss..then you can do your work..please...


Okay (went towards him and kiss him on the forehead) sleep well Jagiyaa~