
Chapter 24 "Walking With Jagiyaa

While I was at Ms Huang rooms.. feeling bored.. suddenly I heard Eun Woo's voice..so I rush to where that's voice was..and feeling glad to see him~


Jagiyaa..what took you so long?

Eun Woo;

Let's go out for a walk...



Eun Woo;

There are bunch of Cherry Blossom trees around here...wanna see~


(Nodded) yes yes yes I wanna see...

Eun Woo;

Then let's go (hold my hand and doing the Interlock.. smiles)

When I was walking with Jagiyaa while holding each other's hand..I felt very Happy about it, especially when I saw the Cherry blossom..back were both of us are walking I let go of his hand and rush towards the Cherry blossom tree and turns around feeling the petals falling..I was very happy when I saw the tree was very beautiful~

I suddenly stop and look at Eun Woo, he was like walking so slowly that really felt my heart beat so fast...I smiled then the view changes, I look around were Everyone is looking at us and infront of me is like an altar..."Is this a church?" I ask, then I look at my dress, wearing a very beautiful white gown..then I look at Eun Woo, he was looking at me with his beautiful eyes and sunshine smile...I was supposed to say "I love you" but then I come back to my senses when someone bump me...I almost fell to the ground, but then Eun Woo catches me from falling~.....

Eun Woo;

Are you alright? (Worried eyes)


I'm fine...(lift me up..bump into him) hmm this looks familiar?

Eun Woo;

Hmmm familiar? (Confused face)


(Chuckles) nothing...

Inner me;

It happen's when I almost fell into the ground but then this man catches me from falling..and yes this man had exactly Eun Woo's eyes...I wonder who is he?~

Eun Woo;

Y/N? Are you sure your alright?


(Comeback to senses) I'm fine seriously.. anyway Oppa I'm starving..(rubs my head)

Eun Woo;

Ehh I just ate, but then sure let's go~


You already ate, without me.. (making sad face, pouting)

Eun Woo;

(Hold my chin, and smiles) don't worry honey, I don't feel full yet, so we can still eat together..now let's go (hold's my hand)


Really then let's go~(Smilingly)




Good morning ma'am and sir..table for how many sir?

Eun Woo;

Table for two please~


This way please sir...

(Both of us take a sit)


What can I get you sir/ma'am ?

Eun Woo;

2 spicy chicken with rice and humburger's and two cola's please~


Okay sir~


Nehh Jagiya how long are we gonna stay here in Jeju?

Eun Woo;

1 week..then work time again~


Okay... tomorrow what are we going to do?

Eun Woo;

How about staying at the beach for 2 days?


That's a great idea~...I never see the sea Oppa..I'm so excited..(smilingly)

Eun Woo;

Really Jagiyaa...then we should enjoy a lot~


Sir/ma'am your food is ready (putting the food on the table) enjoy ma'am/sir


(Looks at Eun Woo)

Eun Woo;

(Smiled) What are you waiting for, start digging up..(Chuckles)


Okay~ (enjoying the meal)

Meanwhile Tao Jimin and Ehla~


(Frustrated) Can you both let go your hand in off , I felt kinda embarrassed here..and looks like I'm your body guard or what~


Shut up Bro, your just Jelous...go find your's to hold with~


Tsssk...I think I should head back now~


Uhm sir am I going with you?


No no..if your coming ofcourse your bringing him (referring to Jimin)..so go on and enjoy your day with him (referring to Jimin)


Wow really sir...thank you~


Yeah thank you (waving) you should go now~


Seems like you don't really like me to be here with you bro~...tssk so ungrateful..(left)


(Shouted) Take care bro!!


(Shouted) Shut up!!


Now Ehla wanna go somewhere here?


I don't know...hmm how about let's go to the Amusement Park?


(Smiles) Mmmh sounds great~


Back to us~

While Both of us are eating together, suddenly I felt like Eun Woo is looking at me I don't know why?...but then he suddenly reaches his hands and remove something on my face..Heart beats rasing what does he do?...did he just eat what he had took on my face...Oh my God...I felt kinda embarrassed~

Eun Woo;

You should eat slowly, there's a rice on your face earlier so don't feel anything weird..it's normal for me to do that..so be used to it..(smiles)

I nodded as an answer and started eating again...so after eating I went to the bathroom to calm myself..then a minute later..we've left the restaurant~


Uhmm Oppa..if possible that mom will let me marry someone what should you do~

Eun Woo;

Then I'll snatch the Bride.. anyway why come up with this conversation?


Nothing..I was just asking...(walking away..Eun Woo directly pulled my hand)

Eun Woo;

Why? Are you planning to marry someone?


Ehhh then who will I get married..you get frustrated so easily Oppa..(Chuckles)

Eun Woo;

(Flicked my forehead) Your very very naughty..


(Touching my forehead) guess I deserve that flicked (smiled)

Eun Woo;

Yes you really deserve that (smiled)


Okay...neh Oppa let's go home...we still need to prepare for tomorrow's Beach day!!

Eun Woo;

Okay then let's go~ (holds my hand)
