
Chapter 5- Another Meeting

"You have got to be kidding me! Do you mean he had the audacity to come to your house!" Cecile squealed, while her sister eyed her with disdain. "No, of course not, he dared not but he appeared at my home on his knees. I never wanted him to be near my home or children, that man is a crazy person. And what if he had found out thathe is the father of my children, I have been keeping this secret since six years now and you have ruined it." She said sarcastically. Cecile bit her lip, and looked out of the window of the restaurant they were seated.

She knew Gabriel was trouble, like he always seemed to want their family to be ruined. And she knew it was terribly selfish of her, knowing that Evelyn has been the one saving their necks all this while. She looked at her sister who was drumming on the table, making the coffee cups shake.

"I am really sorry Evelyn, I expected him to stay within the boundaries of the contract. Not invade you and your privacy." Cecile sighed as she took another sip of her americano.

" You of all people should know that putting it in the contract that he should not pass his part of the islands will cause curiosity to arise. Did you get his lawyers to sign a trespass form if he went back on his word?" Evelyn asked, as her eyes caught the stream of tourists walking around in summer outfits. 

"What? A trespass form? Isn't that too much? Evelyn! " her sister screamed looking at her as if what she was saying was incredulous. Evelyn laughed bitterly, and replied back,"That monster will not hesitate to drag me to court for my children and you think I'm being paranoid for asking for a trespass form. Do you think Gabriel Hunt became a billionaire by being nice? Over the years, I have watched him ruthlessly possess people's business, drive people to their graves, he is a corporate shark and his arrogance stinks..." She was cut short by a loud clearing of the throat behind her.

Cecile was suddenly sweating, and her blond hair was sticking to her forehead, she was literally stammering, "Hu....hu...Hunt, Mr. Hunt!" Evelyn herself swallowed as she decided to turn back.

"Hi ladies! I just wanted to say Hi! But I saw you were immersed in a conversation, it must be a really passionate topic, because it had all your attention." Gabriel was looking good, the sun had done wonders for his skin, which he was displaying in his water board short. The attention of every single woman and man was on him and he knew it.

"I don't believe we needed your contribution to the conversation, Mr. Hunt?" Evelyn replied back, eyeing one of the waitresses who stood staring at him like he was a tall, icy glass of Long Island tea. She scurried away with the tray in her hand on catching her eyes.

"It's Gabriel to you, but i prefer Gabe, if you don't mind." He said as he took his seat near them and winked at her. Evelyn turned to see her sister blushing, "What is wrong with this girl? Was this how Gabriel charmed her into getting him the resort? Or did he also sleep with her too?" She thought in anger at her sister being taken advantage of.

"I mind actually, I prefer we stay formal, I don't want to have anything to do with you and we don't have anything in common, you are a billionaire playboy and I'm a respectable mother." She said as she folded her arms across her chest.

He burst into the cynical laughter, she had heard terrified his competition at meetings but she wasn't frightened. "A respectable mother who hides the fact she has three children out of wedlock, how ironic, Miss Perfect and Upstanding, where is the father of yourchildren? Why is this fact not known to the world? What on earth and who on earth are you hiding from? " Evelyn eyed him, knowing he was getting close to home and she wanted him out.

"Oops! I'm so sorry Mr. Hunt!" She intentionally spilt the coffee she was drinking on his short, she knew she was acting immature but she wanted him out of the picture as fast as possible. 

"Did you just spill your coffee on me?." He asked in anger as he stood up, "I am so sorry I apologise sincerely." She said sarcastically. "You have played me dirty Evelyn, and I will have my revenge on you." He said as he took a bunch of tissue wipes while her sister stared at him.

"We are so sorry Mr. Hunt! It was obviouslyamistake." She said worriedly, just as he stomped out. "I don't give two cents on whatever he is saying or whatever he is planning. I literally do not have energy for this much drama,I never wanted him around me, I don't need complications around me and I don't trust him either." She said as she adjusted her sunglasses. 

"I am so sorry for all this I thought he was going to stick with the agreement. So what is the way forward? What if he wants to go against you in court?" Cecile asked, biting her lips nervously. Evelyn had had enough at that point and she took her bag as she slipped on her glass.

"Then we will meet in court." She said as she carried her bag and left.


The serene environment was not helpful in keeping Gabriel in a peaceful state. He was frantic, in all his life he was not expecting the reactions he was getting. But then he realised from the last encounter when she came to his house and how they got to know each other.

"Mr. Hunt, we have all the information you need sent to your email. It was nice to do business with you." He heard from a voicemail playing in the chalet as he pressed the record playing button. He rushed to his system, and opened the file on his system. 

"What! This is incredulous why isn't the link working!" He cried out in frustration, as he tried to view the Google drive link containing some of the documents but it seemed it was blocked or not working. He called up his assistant who was still neck deep in work, was he scammed by this so called private investigator.

"I need the link now or they should refund me the whole money, and please deal with them, they should not try this rubbish again with me, why send me a file that is not working? I need to know what is going on!" He said as he dropped the call.

"No one messes with Gabriel Hunt and gets away with it! No one!!" He muttered to himself, angrily. He was cut off by his mobile ringing and he looked at it to see his assistant calling, 

"Sir, the files were corrupted and hacked by an unknown hacker according to them, they said even their original files are gone, they are in shock and..." his assistant was cut off by another call.

"Good afternoon Mr. Hunt, I advise you to stick with your business and not enter mine. This is a warning. Have a good day!" He heard someone say before cutting the call, "Hello? Hello? Hey! What in the world is going on?" But there was no reply on the other end. Did he just get threatened? Like who dared to do this? It could not be Evelyn, she was too gentle for all this.

"Mr. Hunt are you on the line?" He heard his assistant say over the line. "I just got threatened and I can not even pin point who the person is." He explained the call to his assistant, who sighed and suggested he dropped the investigation.

"You are kidding me, do you think that I will back down from this investigation? Because of one measly call, you must be joking, if the person feels one call can get me off from investigation." He replied him in anger, "But what if it's a bigger threat? Something underlying that we do not know about, I believe we should tread carefully." His assistant advised. 

"I am not a coward Vincent, get another PI on the job. Whatever Evelyn is hiding will be unveiled. Nothing can stop me from having access to my children. Not even a threat!" He said as he ended the call.


The crowd on the beach was very little, maybe because it was because of the festival going on in the towns nearby. But Evelyn was sitting at her easel painting the sunset, she needed to execute the project very soon, she did not notice that she was being watched as she painted.

A man dressed in shorts, sandals and an old vintage shirt was standing at a coconut tree watching her.