
The Magical Squirrel

Risu was lost from the Enchanted Forest. A woman found her with a big heart. She couldn't bear to leave Risu alone. Then, the woman took the initiative to take Risu to the Enchanted Forest. Thus began the adventure story of Ayunda Risu, whom a woman escorted in search of the Enchanted Forest.

Heltzs · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: The Squirrel Who Started the Journey

"First, we're going to the city!"

Full of excitement, Charu took Risu to the city.

The city was a place of many people. Charu hoped there was someone there who knew about the Enchanted Forest.

"Umm... Let's go!"

Carried away by Charu's mood, Risu, who was sad is now cheerful.

In the clear sky, they started their journey.

Charu's destination was a large city called Karta.

It was close to where the old Oak tree was. Charu and Risu took little time to reach the city of Karta.

Arriving at a large gate, a guard greeted Charu. Charu and Risu continued their journey to the city's center by replying to the guard's greeting.

Many vendors were selling food. Risu's stomach rumbled with the aroma of food.

"Ah, I'm hungry! Let's eat!"

Without embarrassing Risu for being hungry, Charu quickly approached the food vendors.

Then, Charu gave Risu a grilled fish with a distinctive aroma of many spices.

Risu felt reluctant. However, Risu could not refuse because her stomach could not withstand the hunger.

They ate the grilled fish together. For the first time, Risu ate food full of spices; she was so enthusiastic that the sadness in her heart disappeared.

"You, who are you? You don't look like the people here. Where are you from?"

A short girl unexpectedly approached Risu and took in her entire body.

Appearing suddenly made Charu and Risu gasp. Hurriedly they were wary of the short girl.

"Oh, forgive me for appearing suddenly. Introduce, I'm Murasaki Shion. The most talented witch among witches!"

Raising her tiny chest, the short girl introduced herself with great confidence.

"You're a witch?! What a coincidence! Do you know about the Enchanted Forest?!"

A witch knew many things unknown to ordinary humans. Charu was so excited that she didn't realize she had a firm grip on Shion's shoulders.

"W-wait, let go of me! How rude of you to an adult!"

Charu and Risu looked at Shion. They were astonished at her words. Not even taller than Risu, Shion said she was an adult.

"How can you be an adult? You're not even taller than Risu."

Charu blurted out her thoughts.

"How dare you insult me! I'll leave here!"

A flying broomstick instantly came towards Shion. Shion was no longer interested in Risu. She just left.

"Wait a minute! You haven't answered my question yet!"

Charu panicked, trying to stop Shion. However, Shion ignored her.

Charu regretted offending Shion. She now had to find Shion to ask about the Enchanted Forest.