
Chapter 1: The Giant Fairy

Faith had stopped kicking herself in the bed. Tired out, she fell limp into the mattress. She is only glad she is not in her human form. She would've shaken the fairy realm once more. 

Tonight was the worst night of all. 

Was it the worst night or day? She thought. Her head turned at the bedroom window beside her. Recalling her worst day before this night. 

The first day Faith arrived at the light fairies' realm, she was given the nickname "The Giant Fairy''. Little toddler Faith was only sneezing when suddenly, she grew as big as a regular human baby. It was one of her gifts from the dark fairy. Unlike the light fairies here, Faith was the only one with a human form. Dark fairies used this gift to deceive humans. And more, they're replacing humans premature with their own. They are called changelings. 

The second of her worst nightmare, she found out about her second gift. 

The fairies' wings are their identity. The light fairies had different shapes and sizes of wings. It's the number that is important. The light fairies' have three pairs of wings.  The three pairs are indications of the light fairies' three absolute rules; 

You shall protect and retrieve magic, as order from the heavens,

You shall not murder, 

You shall not abuse magic, 

Fortunately, Faith had three pairs. Then the colour Faith's wings are half black and white. The white colour specifies Faith's endless gifts of the light fairies. On the contrary, Faith's dark side of the wings, her second gift, manipulation.

Faith lived far from the fairy village. Since Faith had a growing ability with size as a regular human girl, she lived out in the open fields. A cottage was built for Faith's human form. A willow tree is attached to the side of the cabin as Faith's second home when she turns into her fairy form. 

A fairy named Miss Elvenia was Faith's caretaker. She is like an aunt to Faith. Miss Elvenia was the only fairy who was not afraid of her. Apart from the queen. She never judges who Faith is or comes from. 

On the contrary, she is most fascinated by Faith's human growth. Miss Elvenia used to measure Faith's height like a human. Faith felt taller in both her human and fairy forms; Miss Elvenia would measure her. Faith's human height is carved proudly in the wall of the cottage room (which consists of only one room with a bed and a hearthside and her fairy height in the willow tree. 

On that particular afternoon, Faith went out to pick up a lavender flower, Miss Elvenia's favourite. She loves the smell of lavender. The fairy realms had flowers from fields, woods, and forests. The flower fields are divided, depending on which flower you look for. The lavender field was much farther from her cottage and closer to a forest. Many sorts of mythical animals lived there. Like the dodo, bigfoot, jackalope, and many more. Only fairies with animal gifts are allowed to go there.

Faith was no further to the forest entrance when she picked the lavender. She used her human form to pick a flower and drop it onto the ground. This is one advantage of having a human form. When other fairies have to use special tools to cut the flower, Faith only needs to be human. Transforming back into her fairy form, she tossed the lavender over her shoulder and flew back home. Then she felt something hit the back of her head. 

"Ouw!" Faith whimpered and turned at her shoulder.

"Hey, dark fairy! What are you doing here in the white fairies' land?!" a boy with blonde–pink hair mocks her. His name was Lucas, and he was one of Faith's worst bullies. Unlike others, he likes to throw rocks at her.

"Go away, Lucas! We're not even in the village!"

"This is the realm of the white fairies! You're a dark fairy!" 

Faith glares at him but decides to let him. She needs to fly off home to Miss Elvenia. Lucas wouldn't dare to do bad things when Miss Elvenia was around. She's old but tough. 

"Yeah, run away, you traitor! Just like your mom's!" 

Faith froze, and her lavender fell off her shoulder. She is filled with anger and shame. Is her mom a traitor? How could he! Her body trembles as if she's cold. She can still hear Lucas mocking her. His voice became louder and closer. Faith snapped; something really bad got over her. Her wings skipped a beat as if they woke up. She stops trembling; she gasps as she feels the power surge through her. 

After a moment, she turns to Lucas with a deep smile and wicked eyes. "You're right, Lucas. I should've even been here, and I should've listened to that wise owl who said about you,"

"Huh? What about me?" he looks at her threateningly. "What did the stupid owl say?!"

"That you are the most and greatest fairy in our land, better than anyone in the village," 

Lucas smirked with pride. "Yes, yes, I am," Lucas turned to Faith. "Tell me where the owl is! I want to hear it straight away!" 

She points Lucas to the forest. She told him there is a nest above the sycamore tree where the owl lives. Eager by his desire for praise, Lucas flies off. Faith evilly smiled as he left. 

Lucas flies off where many sycamore trees grow. He flies to the highest tree to find a nest. Lucas found one, but it was empty. He could wait, but he didn't want to, so he called. 

"Hey, owl! It's me, Lucas! I hear you praise me a lot! Well, I'm here to listen..." his voice turned into a whisper when he saw a big black shadow covering him. This shadow was too big for an owl, and its voice differed from an owl. As his body began to tremble, he slowly turned around to see an eagle!


Luckily for Lucas, a fairy animal was there to help him get away from the eagle. Later, Lucas told the other fairies it was Faith's fault. Faith admits that she doesn't know about the eagle nest as much as she wants to scare him. 

Then the queen of the white fairies, Fiona, interferes. She is a fairy as old as time, with a young lady's look. Queen Fiona had fair, dark skin, bright green eyes, and curly blond hair like gold. Vine plants wrap all over her body as accessories. Form into a necklace, a bracelet on her wrist and ankle, a crown, and even a ring puncture on her nose. The vine on her body can change as she wishes. This time, Queen Fiona was wearing English vines.

The queen gathered Faith, Lucas, and his guardians in the ash tree. Fairies were there to witness. The queen turned to Faith and recited a spell. 

Truth is a bed of rocks, 

Lies as soft as clouds,

May thy open the doors of truth,

And let lies recede,

A single light flows from the tip of the queen's finger and gently seeps into Faith's forehead. 

"Now, Faith, tell us the truth," And so Faith told the same truth. Therefore, there is no heavy punishment for Faith. 

It was the day the fairies realised Faith's second gift. They fear she would try to manipulate the fairies into joining the dark side. Or even worse, tricking them into danger as she did to Luke. It is how the dark fairies do. So, Queen Fiona teaches Faith to meditate and how to deal with fairies like Lucas. Still, it is a curse Faith couldn't control if someone drove her far too much. 

It is another reason why she was called "The Giant Fairy." They fear Faith's gift as big as her size. 

 "Fear is a choice," Faith mumbled, looking up at the moon shining bright blue. A drop of tear fell on her illuminated face. 

Yes, tonight was the worst day ever. Worse than when she accidentally sneezes and grows big inside Miss Elvenia's house. Worst when she found out, Lucas was wounded and almost got killed because of her lies. Tonight was the worst day of all. 

Two days before the accident. 

The sun rose in the fairy realm. Through the miles of the open field, a single cottage and the willow tree. The bright sunlight woke the fairy through the small window of her willow tree. Faith yawned as she sat up from her bed. Her black and white wings sparkle in the sunlight. 

She opened a window, stepped on the edge of the window, and sang.  

Little fairies

In little house

the sun is rising up

I'll bell the ring

And wake…little fairies

She flies off to a branch that attaches a few bells. She rings the first bell, followed by the others. 


Between a hill in the distance, the fairy town awakens. Big and small houses scatter over the green field; the homes were crafted of wood and covered with moss, flowers, and vines. Fairies come out of their houses, opening their windows, and smoke chimneys rise with smoke. The fairies sing as they prepare for the day. 

Little fairies

In little house

the sun is rising up

I'll bell the ring

And wake…little fairies

Faith smiled, satisfied. 

"Ahhh...what a beautiful morning we had!" Faith exclaimed. "Oh! Better do some exercise!" 

Miss Elvenia always said humans need exercise to stay healthy. If she were still here, she would've already nagged her. 

Miss Elvenia had shown her a few human moves. Exercising both in her human and fairy form; stretching legs, pushing up, inchworm stretch, and jumping up and down. For jumping, Faith only used her fairy form. She would've shaken the village with her human form. So Faith had modified this move with her own. 

"Hup!" Faith took a jump in her human size, and as gravity pushed her down, she transformed into her fairy form. All while raising her arms overhead. She did it again and counted as she did this. "One...Two...Three...Four..."

"What are you doing?!" 

Faith almost slips into her human form as she descends her feet to the ground. She manages to transform into her fairy form. Sweet forming on her face. A female fairy wearing a guard uniform stares at her suspiciously. 

"Ah, good morning, Miss Trisdove," Faith bowed. 

The fairy scowls and asks rudely. "I ask what you were doing?" 

Faith closed her eyes tightly and breathed. "I was only doing my exercise, miss," 

"Well, why don't you go to the lavender fields so you won't disturb the village with your human form!" 

Faith frowns deepen, and she stays calm. "Is there any message from the queen I should be receiving, Miss Trisdove?" 

The fairy muttered with a brow furrowed under her breath. "The queen wants her fountain to be finished today! And she wants your visit to the castle," the fairy crossed her arms and looked down at Faith. As if she was talking to a prisoner. 

Faith only smiled; it didn't reach her eyes. "I will have it done and ready this evening, and please tell the queen I will be there," 

The fairy gave a last scowl and turned back to the village. Faith takes deep breaths, in and out. 

It's alright, Faith, you're okay,


At noon, Faith went to the village. She has a side job as a builder. For one reason, when others would require a big machine to move heavy objects or with magic, Faith had the strength of a human in her fairy form. It was easy for her to move logs and break rocks with her fist. Other than that, Faith loves to build. 

Now, she is working on renewing the fountain in the heart of the village. The fountain is placed in the centre of a long square pond. Fairies would need to fly over to get to the other side. There are stepping stones to get to the other side. In the pond, there were two small goldfish. Each on the four corners of the pond, build a statue of the royal fairies.

Queen Fiona asks Faith to do the job. She knew how Faith loves to build. Fiona also allowed her to renew it as much as Faith's liked. Fiona suggested she do it with other fairies' builders. However, Faith refused. It will only bring discomfort to others. She could do it by herself just as well.

Queen Fiona is a fair queen and treats Faith the same. Fiona is the first fairy who suggests taking Faith back to their realm. When others rejected her, Fiona did not. Fiona is a friend and a mother in Faith's childhood, aside from being her queen. 

Faith picked up the last item, a small furnished rock she made on her own for the fountainhead. She attaches the head of the fountain, and there it is, the new fountain for the fairy village. It's a simple three-tier garden fountain Faith, a designed mix of Greek and Italy famous sculptures. She is fascinated with humans building structures and has read all about it in their books. Many fairy explorers like to bring human knowledge to the realm. It helps the fairies keep up with changes in the human world. 

"Hello...Faith!" a male voice interrupts Faith's thought. Faith groaned at the sound and turned at her shoulder. 

"Hello, Tyson," 

Tyson is a handsome fairy in the village that every woman fairy admires. Brown hair with purple streaks, dark brown eyes, and tan skin with huge muscle. He is one of the queen's guards who rumoured he would be the next captain of the guard (which the rumour he spread himself). Tyson is narcissistic and egoistic. He sees Faith as his golden ticket to become the Magical Fairy Keeper. If he made Faith fall in love with him, he would be her guardian, her Magical Fairy Keeper.

Of course, Faith acknowledges this. Tyson is stupid enough not to know she's had to figure out his real purpose. Maybe he doesn't care no matter how hard Faith pushes him away. 

"That's a beautiful fountain you made there, but I don't see any water sprouting," he said with a smile, a movement from his abs he accidentally tries to show behind his open shirt. Faith gritted her teeth in disgust. 

"Uh, no, Queen Fiona wants me to run it at tomorrow's festival," 

Faith walks away when Tyson blocks her way. 

"Say about the festival, why don't we go together," he said with a raised eyebrow. It was clear a suggestion and not a question. 

Faith glanced upon his shoulder where a group of jealous fairies were. One of them, wearing pink lily flowers, was Briar. Beautiful fairy with red hair and dark blue eyes. Tayra had a big crush on Tyson. But Tyson gives his attention to Faith. Beside her was little Yan, Tyson's servant and friend (or so he calls), gazing at Tayra with sadness and jealousy. 

Faith looks with sympathy at Yan until she remembers Tyson. He grabs her around her waist and locks her up. "Well?" 

Oh no, no! She does not and never will! She was about to make a fight when something hit Tyson's shoulder hard; he quickly let go of Faith. 

"OUW! What the...?!" Tyson looked over his shoulder. "Who just hit me?!" he shouted to the crowd of fairies across. They were all confused as well. No fairy was even near the fountain where they were. 

Tyson had his back turned when Faith only saw a flash. Hitting Tyson in the head. 

"Agh!" He turned to Faith. "what did you...?!" Another flash passes through, grabbing Tyson's shirt and pulling. "wow, wow, wow, WOW!" Tyson was closed, falling into the water. His nose hit the water's surface as it created a small ripple. Using his wings, he managed to stand straight again. His face was red with anger. "Enough! I know it's you!! Ma...!" 

Draws a sword across his neck. A female fairy over Tyson's shoulder, green hair tied into a bun, brown eyes and red plum lips. "Hey, beaver!" 

Faith smiled. "Hi, Maari!" 

"Maarii!" Tyson growls, drawing his sword and swinging it around to the fairy. 

The fairy, Maari, blocked it with a satisfied smile. "You're so slow as always, Tyson, too much muscle?" 

Tyson growls and swings his sword once more. Their swords clash at each other as they round around in the pond. Fairies had gathered around the heart to see the fight. All fairies were fascinated by Maari's three pairs of wings. It is a dragonfly with various colours, reflected by the light of the pond that makes her followed by a rainbow. Faith sits on the fountain, waiting for her best friend to win. 

Maari is Faith's only best friend. Her father is the guard captain whose family is sworn to protect the queen with their family heritage. The dragonfly wings with rainbow colours allow them to fly faster, lighter, and more powerful. 

"Hah!" Maari twists Tyson's sword with hers and sends it flying. The fairies on the other side back away as Tyson's sword stabs deep into the ground. Tyson loss. Maarii smirks. "Well then, I should leave with my reward," Maarii went to Faith and kneeled like a prince, offering her hand. "My lady," Faith giggled as she accepted. Maarii swished her away from the pond to the crowd. "Excuses us, mates! The queen summons Faith and me!"

Maarii and Faith stop mid-stride by Briar groups. 

"Spectacular performance as always, Maarii. Though, you should stop showing off!" Briar exclaim, and the group behind her, agree. "As the story told, the rainbow dragonfly was known to show off his magnificent wings, which led to his downfall. you should try to do better than the dragonfly, as it is told to be promised by your ancestor," 

Briar's words are intended to be insulting. The rainbow dragonfly gifted Maari's ancestor. When it should've been returned to the heavens, Maari's ancestor did the opposite by accepting the dragonfly gift. But, history says Maari's ancestor is a Magical Fairy Keeper and an honoured one. 

Maarii and Faith glance at each other, and a glimmer pass their eyes. Faith smile, and Maarii smirk with mischief. 

"Oh, forgive me!" Maarii said dramaticly. "But I can't help showing my magnificent gift to my precious princess of the dark fairies!" 

Faith gasp. "Oh! My word, Maarii! You can not say that!"

Briar and her group all went in shock. Briar's face turned red. 

Faith continued with her overdramatic performance. "I, no longer a princess, for my aunt disowns me!" 

"Oh, my princess! You are still beautiful with special wings," Maarii strokes Faith's wings. 

Faith did the same. "As do you, my dragonfly prince, please whisk me away!" Faith falls back, and Maarii catches her in bridal style. It was a glimpse of Maarii with a dark, evil smile. Briar's group realised what had to happen. 

The group turned their back to scatter, a flash of a rainbow whirlwind around them. They scream as the wind push and pull them all over. Two fairies had gone out of the whirlwind to fall back to the pond. A swish of the rainbow colour away from the group, followed by the two fairies' laughs. 

Tyson stood still and watched as they flew away. He growled in annoyance; Yan came by his side.

"Well, that didn't go well," Yan said.

"Of course not!" Tyson slapped Yan's cheek. Yan whimper in pain and holds his cheek. "That dragonfly is always in my way of getting Faith's hands in marriage!" 

Briar had composed herself from the group. Looking over at Tyson, she flies over to his side. 

"Tyson!" Briar called. "hey, you look upset," Tyson didn't say anything. His eyes are fixed on the rainbow Maarii had left. "Hey Tyson, is it better to have a girl who notices you, knows you better and helps you plenty of time?" Briar falls back. Tyson caught her in his hands, but he didn't look at her. Briar batted her eyes lashes. Tyson still won't look at her. Briar reaches her arm to sweep his hair from his face when Tyson pushes her up on her feet. 

"Eeep!" Briar yelped in surprise. Her feet were at the edge of the fountain and near fall. 

"No!" Tyson exclaimed, gritting his teeth at Yan. "Faith is the only easy ticket for me to be a magical fairy keeper! she'll be mine!"


Maarii and Faith are snickering evilly.

"Oh, dragonfly prince~" Faith rubs her forehead. "Oh...So dizzy~."

"Alright, alright, enough," Maarii let Faith go, holding her shoulder to keep her steady. 

"Oh, I'm still not used to that," Faith said. 

Maarii chuckled. "We should make another plan to escape," 

"No, no! That was great!" Faith said and laughed. "When you pull his shirt? Oh! I wish he would've fallen. Did you see how he touched me?!" Faith looked disgusted, crossing her arms and shivering at the thought. 

"He's lucky I didn't hit his face. I would've," Maarii said, and they both laughed. 

They went to the edge of the village, and there was the ash tree. It is the biggest tree in the fairy realm, stands 200 feet tall and is over 45 feet in diameter at the base. It is the tree that carved many legendary fairies. The story of the blue moon, the dragonfly rainbow, and Faith's parents stood proud between them. 

Each ten feet tall, the tree is surrounded by fairies passing by to look at the carved or guards guarding the tree. Faith and Maarii ascend the tree, higher and higher. There at the top of the tree, stood a castle. The castle architecture is placed between two bark. Following the tree's shape, the forebuilding is placed at the top limbs, towers and watchtowers form with the branches that united with the castle. The castle is grey with hues of ash tree brown colour.


Faith and Maarii fly to the first gateway, where the soldiers greet Maarii. 

"Maarii! Did you make another show?" 

"Just Tyson, cause he was a jerk," Maarii put her arm around Faith's shoulder, and the guards laughed. 

One guard turned at Faith. "Oh, uh, Faith, as usual, we need to do a full-body check," 

Maarii groan. "Argh! Come on, guys! She's been here for ages!" 

"Maarii, calm down! It's just regulation," Faith said, shrugging her shoulder. 


"She's a dark fairy, Maarii! Have you not noticed?" another guard called over. "She gets a body check, or she won't enter a single step here!" 

Maarii had her fist ready when Faith held her down. She shakes her head, squeezing Maarii shoulder to ensure her. Maarii sighs and glares at the second guard. She took a step back as the first guards did a body check on Faith. 

The first guard was done. "Alright, she's fine," 

The second guard scoffed, pushing the first guard away. Standing tall and intimidating toward Faith. Faith stood still, unafraid. It only annoys the second guard. Glancing at Faith's wings, he grabs her roughly. 

"AH! Hey!"

"Shut up!" 

"HEY! What are you...?!" Maarii was to push him away when the first guard blocked her. 

"I need to check whether she's in the mood to manipulate the queen!" he grabs the base of wings where the dark colours are. Faith stays still, trying not to cry, trying to keep still. 

It's alright, Faith, you're alright, you're alright, 

Faith tries to do her calming ritual, concentrating at the castle's gates and counting the bar. 1, 2, 3, 4...She repeats counting like a mantra. The guard pulls her wings as if trying to rip them off. Faith bites her bottom lip, staying silent. 

The guard frowned, unsatisfied with her silent treatment. He lets her wings go and push her. "You may go," Faith stays still. 

Faith took a deep breath and turned at her shoulder, blankly looking. "Come on, Maarii,"  

Maarii looks concerned and pushes the first guard to the second guard. Both tumble away, the second guard shout. Maarii led Faith inside and out from those beavers. 


"You finished the fountain?" Fiona asked, a bit surprised. 

 "Yes, your majesty, and tomorrow at the festival, the fountain will run again!" Faith cheered; Fiona laughed at her enthusiasm. 

They are in the throne room. The throne room had a high ceiling and high glass windows that overlooked the fairy's realm. A throne sculpted with roots and covered with green moss and white flowers. The queen, Faith, and Maarii were sitting at the throne's step under the sweetpea canopy. Maarii faced Faith, while the queen had Faith back on her as she massaged Faith's wings. 

Faith did not tell her what happened at the gate. But somehow, the queen knew. She said (order) Faith to sit and offer a massage. Fiona made an excuse she was practising how to massage wings and asked Faith to be her first. By the queen's order, they can not refuse. That is how they are sitting at the step of the throne with Faith's back on her majesty. 

Faith loves visiting the queen. All trouble of the day disappears with a glance of the queen. Fiona's one of the gifts by radiating warm light that is welcoming and safe. Any trouble fairy that comes to the castle can always feel at home. One of that trouble fairy is Faith. She even had her room here in the palace, arranged by Fiona. 

"Wonderful! Oh, I can not wait for how you have refurbished the fountain," Fiona smiled; green eyes sparkled like awakening grass by the sunrise.  

"I sure hope it will...ohhhh", Faith moaned as Fiona's message at the base of her wings touched her back. 

"Oh, was that good?" Queen Fiona stopped, and Faith nodded. Fiona giggled and continued using her thumb at the base. "That means my skill has improved," 

"Forgive me, your majesty, but what was this skill are for?" Maarii asked arms across her chest. 

The queen giggled again, and there was mischieve in her eyes. "Oh, it's a secret," 

Faith and Maarii eyes met their thoughts with the same guess, giggling. "Oh! About the fountain! I hope it is to your liking, your majesty," Faith continues. 

"Oh, don't be so modest, Faith!" Maarii jabbed her arm with her shoulder. She turned at the queen. "I've seen how the fountain works, your majesty; it will be magical!" Maarii winked at Faith, and Faith slapped her shoulder. 

"We will have to wait and see," Fiona pat Faith's shoulder, implying she is done. She stood up, her wings fluttering, three pairs of white wings with a sprinkle of gold. "tomorrow, blue moon festival, I shall call both of your names to present the new fountain," 

"Yes, your majesty,"

They hear the door open, and a fairy comes in. A man is wearing a golden arm suit. He had the same rainbow dragonfly wings. The fairy is Maari's father, Micah. "Forgive my interruption, my queen," the captain took a bow. 

"It is alright, captain," Queen Fiona takes Faith's shoulder. "Faith just told me the fountain is complete. Add the fountain performance for the blue moon festival," 

The captain nodded, writing down on his leaf. "and who will be the one to turn in on?" 

"Oh, Faith, of course," Queen Fiona smiled at Faith. "She has been working the fountain for months," 

The captain looks hesitant, and he clears his throat. "Are you sure, Faith? It'll be a huge crowd," 

"Oh, I'm okay, I'm okay," Faith said. "We've been planning this as well," 


"Faith and I have been planning this; I'll be accompanying her," Maarii explain. 

"Huh? And I have not informed this?" the captain asked. 

"Dad, it's just three to five minutes at the stage, no big deal," Maarii complain. Micah squints his eyes. Maarii and her dad start a staring contest. 

"I wanted Maarii to accompany me," Faith interfered, taking a front step at Micah. Micah stares at Faith as she pleads. "Please, Mr Micah?" Faith holds her hands together and tries her best to make her eyes big. Micah frown. So Faith took Maarii's hands, eyes pleading at the captain. Maarii follow. 

The captain sighed and shook his head. "Very well," 

Maarii and Faith exclaim yes! The queen laughs along. Taking the girl's shoulder, she whispers to them. "Why don't you girls run along to the bailey, have a sword or two," 

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the girls respond, they run toward the doors like children. 

 As soon as the door was closed behind them, the captain mumbled. "Kids,"

The queen giggled. "they're not kids anymore, captain," The queen said, returning to her seat on the throne. 

"They still act like one, my queen," the captain said. "Maarii, as usual, she doesn't tell me anything," the captain sighs heavily. "Unlike Faith, she tells you everything!" 

The queen shook her head. "she told me anything, I won't need to worry," she leaned her chin on her palm. "Ravor and Axis, they were patrolling at the gate. I want them to be disciplined on doing the proper check-up," the queen's cheerful voice was gone. It was bitter and annoying. The captain stared and bowed. 

"I shall have them discipline tonight, your majesty," 

The queen is fair and loves all her fairies. But the captain knows the queen's real feelings for Faith. She is more than a poor innocent soul the queen had found between the bodies of her dead parents. The queen turned motherhood toward Faith. More than the mother nature she had shown to all her fairies. Unfortunately, it had grown on the captain as well. 

"Any fairy, even humans, who are willing to see more would've easily fallen for her," the captain mumbled. 

The queen nodded to agree. "Faith is a bright open girl, while Maari is a closed door. You have to be the first to knock on the door," 

The captain nodded, understanding. "Speaking of the kids, the fairies at Adonia kingdom came back," the captain gave the queen a leaf scroll. It was quiet for a while. 

"Still the same as before?"

"I'm afraid so," 

"This is an opportunity, captain," the queen rolls back the leaf. 

"I'm still not sure about this plan, your majesty. I'm afraid she's not ready!" 

"She is ready, captain. I know that. So does your daughter. Remember, they are not children anymore, captain," 

The captain looks down and sighs. "I never thought I see this day,"

"Neither am I, captain," the queen said, turning at the door Maarii and Faith had taken. "Neither am I,"