
The Magical Academy

1865, the 23rd of the 11th month. This is it. I have to get this deer before the bell's ring. If I don't, I don't eat and I don't get inside the village. My little brother doesn't get better and he doesn't get food. I align an arrow up with the deer's deer's neck. I pull it back and breath out slowly and quietly. I let go of the string just as the first bell rings. The arrow land's deep into the deer's neck. The deer fall's to the ground with a thud. This is how my day ended. In the small village of Engwood. The day I got in a fight with the Lord's son. The day I found out that I, of all people, are related to the two greatest witch and wizard colonies of all time. Its also the day, I tried to run away from my problems. Violence. PG rating.

_GrainsOfTime_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter four

The Magical Academy

I glare at Jack as he makes sure the knots that are around my wrists are tight enough.

Jack pats my back and smiles. "Got to make sure you don't run away, Right?" I just took my eyes and lean my head back, hitting it on wagons seatback. "Don't go hitting your head and getting hurt. We need you in your top form to win this war.." I growl and look up at the sky, my head hitting the wagon every time we go over a bump in the road.

Jack glares at me before getting up, climbing over the seatback and sitting down in the front, talking to the driver. All I hear is something about making sure I stay safe and I don't get into too much trouble.

I yell at them. "I can hear you!" Jack screams and puts men in the bubble thing again. I start to kick and yell, he just looks back and smiles. I growl and sit down on the floor of the bubble, wishing Harper or Lilith was here.

I stare at Jack as he starts to look at me again. "By the way Gabriel, Your friends Harper and Lilith, they seemed to possess magic powers! They have some of your things with them. You will have everything you need! Your brother, of course, is staying in the village, getting the best treatment there is for his sickness!" my mouth falls open and my eyes go wide. This time the bubble let me talk. "Dakota? H-he'll be okay? He will really be ok?" Jack nods. "Yes, he'll be alright. As long as you do well at the academy. If you don't..The doctor may have gotten his dosage wrong and poor old Dakota died of a heart problem..." I close my mouth and glare at you. "Don't hurt my brother." Jack laughs before glaring at me. "Don't hurt my reputation." Jack looks around and perks up. "Oh look! We're almost there!"

* * *

When we got to Academy Lilith, Harper, and Dakota were standing therewith six bags. Two of them Liliths and two of them mine and Dakotas. Harper brought only one bag. I look at Dakota and the small purse he is carrying. In the front pockets, there's a picture of our family. Our mom died in Dakotas birth after she died our father became a drunk and was eventually shot dead. Dakota always blames himself for the downfall of our family. No matter what I say to him he can't get the thought that it's his fault our family fell apart. Harper is the only one that can really get to him.

Walking up to them I hug Dakota first and then I hug Harper. Lilith just stands there awkwardly looking at us. Jack claps his hands and pulls me and Harper apart. "No that you are all together, let's hear inside shall we?" I look at everyone and nod taking Dakota's hand. " Let's go I guess." I follow after Jack as he leads us inside the Academy's giant doors.

The doors are made of ebony wood, which is very hard to find in the forest we are by. The walls are made of beautiful grey marble. The floor is a dark, wood looking marble. Everything is very clean and organized. Servants are lined up against the wall, some are cleaning and dusting.

Lilith outs her hand over her mouth and sound around. " It's gorgeous.." Jack nods. "It was made using the finest materials around. It's almost as big, and gorgeous, as the king's own castle!" Dakota let's go of my hand and walks forward, looking all around. He accidentally trips on a servant's foot and falls. "Owww... That hurt." The servant hops up and offers his hand. "Er- sorry about that.." Dakota grabs his hand and the boy picks him up. " It's fine. I'm Dakota." The boy's eyes widen. "I am Elijah." Jack scoffs. "Get back to work Elijah! I can't believe they even let someone from the east come here... Anyway, students come on. Dakota will have to leave soon. He isn't supposed to be in here. He is still sick you know. Just because he isn't showing it he is." I nod and look at Dakota, who is looking down at the ground. He has always wanted to come here since he was little. The age you have to be to get in is 15. He is still 14, only a few months to go.

I look one more time at Dakota as he is escorted out. Starting forward my face is shoved into someone's shoulder. Rubbing my head I look up towards one of the tallest people I've ever seen. "Watch where you're going." I swallow hard, nodding. He isn't one you want to mess with. Jack looks back at us and sighs. He makes his way towards me and the man. "Gabriel, this is Lord Liam. He is a teacher here." I look back up at him and notice a gold nameplate on his shirt. 'Lord Liam the III. Teacher of Potions and poisons.' "Nice to meet you, Lord Liam." I've heard some stories about a teacher named Liam. He is supposedly planning a war on the kingdom.

"Nice to meet you as well, Gabriel." Liam nods and walks off. Jack claps his hands. " Let's continue, shall we?"

We got to the dorm rooms and we were separated into two different parts. Lilith went to the right and Harper went to the left. A maid followed Lilith into the girls down and Jack came with us. When we got to the dorm room Jack went by and knocked on every door except one. Five nobles come out of the bigger rooms and four commoners come from the room on the side.

"No then. Gabriel, Harper, these will be your new roommates. I expect everyone to be nice and treat each other with the respect they deserve." The nobles slyly smile at us, why the commoners nod. "Everyone can introduce themselves. I have to get to a meeting. Have fun."

After Jack left the tallest boy comes up to me. " Let's get this straight. The novels, we run this school, got it? Don't think you can outdo us. Got it?" Harper clamps his mouth shut and tries not to laugh. The boy turns to Harper. "What's that? You have something to say?" Harper shakes his head, smiling. "That's what I thought, stupid commoner." Harper's smile fades. "On second thought, I was just thinking of how much of a jerk you seem."

(Weird ending I know)