

after a walk in the park, the Munroe brothers stop near a stream in order to drink some water. Sherlock we need to hurry you know we need to find it before anyone else does, Raphael Munroe. The two brothers were on a quest to find a mysterious touch that had a campus, the campus would lead them to a place called the eye's gate a place that was made of pure gold and had a sceptre that turned everything into gold.

Brother lets go through that forest I have a good feeling will find it there, Sherlock. The two brothers went through the forest. It was a very thick forest but what the brothers didn't know was that there was a giant living in that forest his name was Gilgamesh. He had one red eye and with it he would see all the intruders that come in the forest. As the brothers were going they suddenly heard a sound of a thump. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! who dares enter the forest of the great Gilgamesh, the guardian of the forest.

Forgive our ignorance ooh great sir for me and my brother seek to find the torch of wonders. well I know where you can find it but first you must prove that you are worthy of taking the torch of wonders by answering one riddle. We agree ooh great sir that me and my brother will answer the riddle thee will give us. What is it that men crave for , are selfish to give and are afraid of losing , Gilgamesh.

Ooh great master would thee give us some time your riddle is quite tricky to answer. Very well you are given three chances and if you fail, both of you will become my dinner.

Both brothers took a moment to make a decision on their answer, brother I say lets just get our swords and kill this thing , you Know we can bro come on, Raphael. No lets just answer the God damn riddle I think I know the answer , its love , Sherlock. brother that answer is too stupid come on, you think a giant cares about love no bro the answer is war, Raphael. war? what?!! that's absurd war can't be the answer to everything. brother lets just go With war, Raphael. OK fine lets try your answer. Oh! great giant we have decided the answer is war. Your answer is wrong you only have two more attempts and then you become my dinner, so be very careful with your answer. Great sir the answer is love , that which men crave for , are selfish to give and afraid to lose. Very good you have proven to me that you are worthy to proceed, you may now go to the far north across the bleeding sea, the lakes of tears , the path of the legendary tales of sorrow.

The two brothers proceeded through the bleeding sea, the lakes of tears, the path of legendary tales of sorrow. Brother according to the giant we are closer to our price lets just climb this mountain and on top of this mountain we will find the torch of wonders. very well then lets go brother, Raphael. The two brothers proceeded until they reached the top. immediately they reached the top they saw something and it was the torch of wonders. Now is my chance to get rid of this pest once and for all , now we are only the two of us no one is coming to save you, thought Raphael. Die!!! and Raphael pushed his brother off the cliff. Brother!!! why!! I thought you loved me. Those were the last words he said and he fell off the cliff and died.

Now that his dead now the treasure is all mine and no one is going to stop me.

Raphael took the torch and started coming down.