
The Magic Deity

Grey, is total boss at everything he touches, a guy who's got talent oozing out of every pore. Whether it's magic, smarts, or just plain old charisma, Grey's got it all. Join Grey on his wild ride as he levels up, faces off against baddies, and unravels the mysteries lurking in every shadow. It's gonna be one heck of a journey, full of twists, turns, and maybe a few epic battles thrown in for good measure. So buckle up, 'cause things are about to get seriously magical!

Grey_heaven · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

The Chosen One

Inside a decrepit, ancient house nestled within the ruins of Thalassar, Grey found himself seated on the dusty floor, his back pressed against the crumbling wall for support. He was still reeling from the recent encounter with the guardian beast. Though the skirmish had lasted a mere twenty seconds, Grey bore the brunt of the beast's ferocity, nursing grave injuries that would have incapacitated a lesser individual. It was only through the swift application of his magic that he managed to stave off the worst of the damage.

"That beast nearly snapped my spine," Grey muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of pain and admiration. "If it weren't for my quick reflexes and sharp thinking, I'd be little more than a cripple now."

As he pondered the harrowing encounter, Grey couldn't shake off the lingering sense of unease that gnawed at him. "That guardian beast was unnervingly intelligent," he remarked to himself, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "Grandma always said that only magical beasts who have transcended the limitations of their kind possess such keen intellect."

With a heavy sigh, Grey realized that he had faced not only a physical adversary but also a formidable opponent of the mind. As he nursed his wounds and contemplated his next move, he knew that he would need to tread carefully in this ancient city, where even the shadows seemed to hold secrets of their own.

As Grey pondered his predicament further, a nagging question loomed in his mind like a specter haunting his thoughts. "Why didn't that beast pursue me?" he mused aloud, his brow furrowing with concern. "It possesses the speed to outmatch me, as I witnessed in our initial confrontation. And yet, it made no move to pursue me once I managed to evade its grasp."

Frowning in contemplation, Grey mulled over the perplexing puzzle before him. "Moreover," he continued, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "I couldn't sense any malevolent intent emanating from the beast. Its demeanor was ferocious, yes, but there was no trace of the murderous intent one might expect from a creature of its kind."

A shiver ran down Grey's spine as he recalled the chilling moment when the guardian beast's claws had grazed his skin. "It could have easily ended my life with a single strike," he admitted, his tone tinged with a mixture of awe and apprehension. "So why did it hold back? Why spare me when it had every opportunity to snuff out my existence?"

Lost in a labyrinth of questions with no easy answers, Grey realized that the enigmatic nature of the guardian beast only deepened the mystery surrounding Thalassar. As he grappled with the implications of his encounter, he knew that he would need to proceed with caution, for the secrets of this ancient city were as elusive as they were perilous.


As the majestic sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the ancient ruins of Thalassar, a sense of tranquility descended upon the once tumultuous battlefield. The large wolf-like magical beast, its dark black fur shimmering in the fading light, lay peacefully beside the majestic entrance to the ruined city. Despite its formidable appearance, there was an air of serenity about the creature as it slept soundly, its silver crescent moon glinting softly in the moonlight.

Suddenly, a voice, ancient and ethereal, echoed through the silent expanse, its melodic tones filling the air with a sense of enchantment. It was a voice that seemed to carry the wisdom of ages past, a voice that could charm even the most hardened soul.

"That brat is amazing," the voice murmured, its words weaving through the stillness like a gentle breeze. Though the words carried a hint of amusement, there was also a profound sense of admiration in them, as if the speaker had been witness to something truly extraordinary.

As the echoes of the voice faded into the night, the sleeping guardian beast stirred slightly, its ears twitching at the sound. It seemed to sense the presence of the unseen speaker, yet it made no move to awaken from its peaceful slumber. Instead, it remained nestled against the ancient stone of the city's entrance, a silent sentinel guarding its sacred domain.

In the darkness of the night, with only the soft glow of the moon to illuminate the ruins, the scene was one of quiet reverence. And as the world slept, unaware of the ancient powers that stirred within its midst, the guardian beast and the unseen speaker remained, their watchful eyes ever vigilant, their secrets hidden within the depths of Thalassar.

"Indeed, he is," replied the wolf, it's feminine voice earthreal and resonant, echoing through the ancient ruins.

Suddenly a figure emerged from the shadows, towering over the sleeping beast with an air of authority. It was a majestic creature, part eagle, with shimmering golden wings that stretched wide. This was the true guardian of the city, a mythical being known as the Angel.

"He possesses a rare gift, one that we have not seen in many lifetimes," the Angel continued, its voice filled with admiration. "To wield magic without the need for spells or incantations at such a tender age is truly remarkable."

The wolf nodded in agreement, its eyes glinting with pride. "He may be the one we have been waiting for, the one who will unlock the secrets of this ancient city and restore it to its former glory."

"But we must proceed with caution," warned the Angel, its gaze turning solemn. "The power that lies within these ruins is immense, and it can be both a blessing and a curse. We must ensure that the boy is ready to face the challenges that lie ahead."

The wolf nodded once more, a sense of determination shining in its eyes. "Agreed. We shall guide him, protect him, and prepare him for the trials that await. For he is not just a boy anymore; he is the chosen one, the one who will shape the destiny of this world."

With that solemn vow, the guardian beasts turned their attention back to the slumbering city, knowing that their destinies were now intertwined with that of the young boy named Grey. And they stood vigil, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold.


With his injuries easing, Grey set out towards the entrance, his steps steady and determined.

"The wolf should be there if I'm correct," he mused aloud, his voice carrying softly in the stillness of the ruins.

Knowing the wolf's intelligence from his observations, Grey decided to take the risk and attempt to communicate with it. He wanted to ask the question that had been weighing on his mind.

As he approached the entrance, Grey spotted what he sought: the sleeping wolf, seemingly waiting for someone. Standing before it, he locked eyes with the creature, his bright blue orbs reflecting the moonlight. "You can understand me, can't you?" Grey inquired cautiously, bracing himself for any response.

The wolf raised its head gracefully, locking eyes with the young boy before it. Suddenly, laughter erupted, echoing through the surroundings with such force that the earth itself seemed to tremble.

"It seems I won the bet," the voice chimed in, still laughing.

The wolf snapped its head to the side, and a beautiful, feminine voice, tinged with annoyance, emerged from it. "Yeah, yeah, old woman. Now just shut up or you'll scare the boy."

Grey looked on with a shocked expression, his mind reeling with disbelief. 'What the...' he thought, utterly astonished by the laughter and the unfamiliar voice. But what truly shook him to his core was hearing the wolf speak. His grandmother had always told him that only beasts who had surpassed the mid-level threshold possessed the ability to speak, and they were immensely powerful. Just one magical beast of mid-level could easily lay waste to one or even two villages.

Grey's mind raced with unimaginable speed as he pondered the circumstances unfolding before him. From the shadows emerged a creature unlike any he had ever seen—a majestic Angel, with the head of a beautiful woman with a beautiful body and with golden wings like that of an eagle. This mythical being, often the subject of legends and hero tales, now stood before him.

Instinctively, Grey prepared himself for defense, reaching behind his back for his broken knife, ready to defend and escape if necessary. The sight of the angel stirred a mix of awe and fear within him, but he remained vigilant, determined to protect himself at all costs.

As he observed the Woman, Grey couldn't help but question the reality of the situation. 'Why is a mythical, magical being like a Angel doing here?' he wondered, his mind reeling with disbelief. According to his grandmother's teachings, such creatures existed only in myths and legends. Yet here he was, face to face with one, his world turned upside down in an instant.

Grey's heart pounded in his chest as the woman spoke, its voice both beautiful and chilling. "Ha ha ha, boy, calm down," it said, its words echoing through the air like a haunting melody. "We aren't going to harm you. Well, you couldn't do anything even if you wanted to—you're too weak."

Grey's spine tingled with a mixture of fear and frustration at the Woman's words. He felt a surge of defiance rising within him, but before he could respond, a sudden crack rang out, interrupting the tense silence.