
7 Fainted!

Having Charlotte and her group joining Kevin's tribe make him excited as he is taking a step further to his goal. Right now his goal was rather hazy and not yet finalize as he needs more time to arrange his thoughts. Having Charlotte and her group to his tribe is like a huge power up as they gained another power but the food they need will increase more.

Being in a barren land finding food is a little difficult even for Kevin, they manage to find food because of Ba'al, Tiido, and Kevin separate to search for food this finding a sufficient for his original members. Having Charlotte's group in means additional mouth to feed but Kevin doesn't mind it, as he thought that having them is additional manpower.

Kevin was thinking right now as he was wondering how the beautiful woman in front of him is so strong. So strong that her one punch sent her flying, he looks at her with a strange gaze, seeing Kevin look at her Charlotte also look at him.

"What is it?" Charlotte couldn't help but ask because Kevin just look intently at her without saying anything which makes her uncomfortable.

"How come you're so strong?" Kevin asks as he looks at her.

"You call that strong? You beat me." Charlotte said while she's pouting.

Seeing her pouting shocked Kevin as he couldn't really tell that the cold person he met before was the same as the person pouting in front of him. He just smiled and look at her mockingly.

"I won because I use tricks," Kevin said while he is smiling.

"Tricks? What is that?" Charlotte curiously asks.

"Remember how I throw the stone dagger?"

"The one hanging in your waist?" She asks once again.

"Yes, when I throw it to you, your concentration got distracted and focus your attention on it, right?" Kevin carefully explain to Charlotte. As he was starting liking this girl.

Even though their first meeting is not good like the novel Kevin read before, the happening after that is acceptable as Charlotte starts accepting him. Just like an innocent girl who is looking for a man to depend on.

"That's right. Then when I'm looking for that thing you already move in front of me?" Charlotte asks as she points her finger into the dagger in Kevin's waist. Kevin nodded hearing her question.

"If I fight you head on then I will surely lose as my body still not mature enough yet," Kevin added.

Hearing what Kevin said Charlotte made an understanding action as she nods her head many times. She looks at Kevin again her eyes were shining as she asks: "What do you mean when you say you're body is still not mature enough?".

Hearing her question Kevin felt at a loss as the people in this period still don't have an idea about ages. The people just knew that if you are strong then you can survive. No other rule no other knowledge. They just have the instinct that the same as the other prehistoric animals and that is to survive.

The question and answer time between Kevin and Charlotte continue until the sky turns dark. They didn't notice the time passed so quickly as they enjoying being together, Kevin who is patiently teaching Charlotte enjoys the curious look on her face as he said many unknown things.

Next day!

Early in the morning Charlotte and her group appear in front of Kevin's cave. They all salute by putting their hands on their chest area. Their action made their mountain part shake, Kevin look intently at their shaking mountain area which turns him on. After a short time, his lust disappears as he looks at the person leading the group.

Charlotte was leading her group and after she saluted to Kevin she began speaking. "Kevin, please give a name to the other member of my group." Charlotte pleadingly ask.

Unlike before they met where she speaks coldly to Kevin, right now she is talking sweetly to Kevin like a maiden in love. However, Kevin hearing what she had to stay almost faint as he really felt like a deja vu.

'I should ask someone who will name the others that want to join in the future.' Kevin thought. He closes his eyes and then after a moment open again. He looks at Charlotte and said: "You can name them as you are their leader. Me naming them is a little bit inappropriate as they just join my tribe."

"Uhmm, okay." Charlotte answer dejectedly. As she really wants Kevin to name the other like the way he names her. For Kevin naming them is a little bit taxing as he knew a little about girls name.

Charlotte spends the whole morning naming all the girls as their number is not so big as Kevin's tribe. Charlotte's group only consist of 15 women but even though they are too little they are strong which made Kevin think what kind of food they eat. He suddenly remembers one book he read, it states that ordinary human can only use 10% of their overall potential.

That research was done at year 21st century which the civilization revolves around technology and no one knows how many generations already have passed since then.

'If my thinking is correct then right now Charlotte and the others are the first generations of humans. Their quality is much better as there is nothing mix within their genes. Then which generation of human I come from?'

Kevin thought he is pondering while Charlotte is busy naming her group. As there is no answer he can think of, Kevin lift his head and at the sky.

"Who are you and what really are your goal?" Kevin muttered. He is referring to the being that reincarnates him 2 times in a row.

Kevin's mind is in chaos as he really can't think straight now, he doesn't know which is real and which is not. He is going crazy as he thought about it. When he first came here he didn't think about it because Kevin has a matter on hand that he needs to take care of, now that he has a free time to mull over what happened he suddenly becomes crazy.


Kevin shouted hysterically while holding his head. 'It hurts! It really hurts!' Kevin shouted in his mind. His shout attracted the others especially those who are close to him like Tiido, Ba'al, Simon, and Charlotte. Charlotte's group was shocked that the so-called tribe chief has gone crazy and started shouting. However, Charlotte seeing him shouted crazily rush at him and hold, her strength was no joke that even though Kevin has gone crazy and started rampaging Charlotte still manage to hold him to her embrace.

Being embraced by Charlotte ease Kevin as his struggle started weakening until he fell asleep. After seeing that Kevin fell asleep in her embrace she looks at Tiido and Simon and asks: "What happen to him?" Her voice contains the coldness she had when they first met.

Seeing her cold countenance Tiido and Simon started sweating as they knew how strong this beautiful woman is.

"We don't know. He is thinking something and then suddenly started shouting."Tiido said as he was closed to Kevin when Kevin started going crazy.

"Thinking? What is he thinking?" Charlotte asks again. Unlike before where she doesn't really care about Kevin to the point of having the both of fight. Right now, she is currently very worried to Kevin as their first conversation she felt that being with gave her a sense of security even though he said he won by using trickery.

Their first conversation brought out a lot of unknown feeling to Charlotte. She doesn't know what it is nor she wants to know what it is. All she wants right now is that Kevin to be fine.

So there. I will try to release another chapter. Please comment. Thank you!

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