
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Chapter 26: Crystalia

Eternia's eyes shimmered with a mixture of awe and bittersweet nostalgia as she beheld the floating lights and the vibrant blossoms that adorned the garden. This was Sapphire Palace, the place where she had spent most of her life, albeit often overlooked and ignored. Despite the painful memories of her mother's neglect during those formative years, she couldn't deny the undeniable beauty of her home. "It's even more enchanting than I recall," she murmured, her gaze flickering with a hint of melancholy beneath the surface of her delight. 

Adrian smiled tenderly as he observed Eternia's joyous exploration of the garden. Yet, amidst the serenity of the surroundings, his own mind was besieged by a tumult of blurred memories. A pang of discomfort flickered across his features, though he swiftly masked it. Eternia had been the one to break the curse that bound him within the tower, yet he had remained within its confines until their departure from Crystalia. The changes wrought upon the garden by time barely registered with him, for his mind was consumed by the enigma of his fragmented past. Try as he might, he couldn't reconstruct the scene of his former life before his downfall; the memories eluded him like scattered pieces of an unsolved puzzle. 

Marcella's concern deepened as she observed Adrian's discomfort, prompting her to tenderly touch his forehead. "You're a little warm. Perhaps opening the portal in my stead strained you," she suggested with worry etched into her voice.

Adrian waved off her concern with a casual gesture. "Your Grace, the barrier in the Palace in Sapphiria mostly came from my strength and magic. I assure you that opening a portal is nothing to me," he reassured her, his tone betraying a hint of exhaustion despite his attempt to appear unaffected.

"Very well," Marcella's resolve remained unwavering as she acknowledged the sudden appearance of the soldiers with a solemn nod. 

Suddenly encircled by the armed forces, her posture remained regal and imposing, her gaze piercing through their ranks. "Who sent you?" she demanded, her eyes flashing with a lethal intensity. With a subtle gesture, crackling lightning danced around her figure, a manifestation of her formidable power. "Don't test my patience," she cautioned, her voice icy with authority. "I am in no mood for games."

The soldiers, realizing the gravity of the situation, swiftly dropped to their knees in deference, their faces etched with fear. In that moment, they bore witness to the unyielding force of their Queen's authority, their hearts heavy with the weight of her righteous fury. 

"Don't test my patience," she warned, her voice cutting through the tense silence like a sharpened blade. Each word dripped with a chilling resolve, sending shivers down the spines of those who dared to stand before her.

"One of the watchers mistook the presence of the Sapphirians as trespassing," one of the knights ventured, his voice tinged with deference. "Forgive us for our mistake."

Marcella's response was swift and decisive, her tone carrying the weight of her station. "Rise," she commanded, her words echoing with the authority of a sovereign. With a pointed gesture, she directed their attention to her companions. "They're my guests. Prepare their rooms in the main palace." Turning gracefully, Marcella's gaze fell upon her daughter, who lingered behind Magnus, a timid presence in the midst of the unfolding drama. With a gentle yet firm grasp, she took Eternia's hand, presenting her to the knights with a silent warning. "You remember my daughter, the future queen of the realm," she declared, her voice holding a subtle hint of admonition. "Do treat her with respect or suffer the consequences."

The knights, chastened by their error and humbled by their Queen's presence, responded with utmost deference. "Yes, Your Majesty!" they replied in unison, their voices reverent and respectful. 

With the immediate matter addressed, Marcella's focus shifted to more personal concerns. "Now," she continued, her tone unwavering, "Where is my husband?"

In the tension-filled atmosphere of their reunion, Raphael's entrance was nothing short of commanding. His towering presence matched that of Aurelius, his features chiseled and his bearing unmistakably that of a warrior. With deep brown hair and piercing golden eyes, he exuded strength and charisma, a stark contrast to the regal grace of Aurelius and Marcella. "I'm right here, my love."

Marcella's cold demeanor betrayed no hint of warmth as she addressed him, her eyes devoid of emotion. "We need to talk," she stated icily, her words cutting through the air with an unyielding force. 

But before Marcella could fully brace herself for the impending conversation, Raphael closed the distance between them in a bold gesture, pulling her into a deep and unexpected kiss. Caught off guard, Marcella's initial shock gave way to a tumult of conflicting emotions. 

Aurelius, seething with anger and jealousy at the brazen display, maintained a stoic facade, shielding their daughter's innocent gaze from the unsettling scene. Beneath his composed exterior, however, a simmering rage threatened to boil over. I'm gonna kill him, he seethed silently, his fists clenched in barely restrained fury. 

Amidst the charged atmosphere, Theodore found himself at a loss, scratching his head in awkward bemusement. This is awkward.

Magnus and Gareth, ever vigilant in their duty, stood poised with hands on the hilt of their swords, ready to defend the honor and integrity of their queen against any perceived threat, their loyalty unwavering in the face of uncertainty and turmoil. 

Marcella's fury blazed in her eyes as she forcefully pushed Raphael away, her warning laden with venomous intensity. "Don't," she hissed, her tone cutting through the tension like a sharpened blade. Addressing the others with a steely resolve, she commanded, "Please follow the knights as they escort you to your chambers. I am to have a word with my husband in private."

"Marcella." Aurelius, sensing the gravity of the situation, reached out to comfort her, but his attempt was thwarted by Raphael's intervention. 

"I believe my wife has made a decision," Raphael interjected with a glare, his gaze locked onto Aurelius with unyielding hostility. "This isn't your territory, so I advise you to keep your hands to yourself." His possessive gesture, hand firmly clasping Marcella's waist, left no room for doubt—she belonged to him. 

With a resigned nod, Marcella acquiesced, taking Raphael's hand as she prepared to depart. Casting one final glance at Aurelius, a myriad of emotions flickering in her eyes, she wordlessly vanished with Raphael into the privacy of their chamber.

"I don't believe it's wise that you let her leave with him," Gareth's words shattered the uneasy silence that had settled over the room, his concern breaking through the tension like a sudden gust of wind. 

For once, Magnus and Theodore agreed with Gareth. 

"I concur," Magnus added, his voice carrying a weight of apprehension that echoed Gareth's sentiments. Even Theodore, usually reserved, found himself aligning with their shared concern.

But Aurelius, unwavering in his confidence, dismissed their apprehensions with a decisive wave of his hand. "Marcella can handle it," he asserted firmly, his faith in her resilience resolute despite the palpable unease that lingered in the air. 

Following Marcella's instructions, they all proceeded to their assigned chambers, leaving Adrian and Eternia alone in the quiet solitude of their own space. As they settled into the chamber, a heavy silence descended between them, laden with unspoken words and unresolved tensions. 

In the dim light filtering through the chamber, Eternia found her mind consumed by the weight of the problems that had accompanied their abrupt return to Crystalia. Each concern and worry swirled together in a turbulent storm, clouding her thoughts and casting a pall over the atmosphere. 

Meanwhile, Adrian's mind was a battleground of painful memories, each one a jagged edge cutting into his consciousness. The throbbing ache in his head served as a constant reminder of the turmoil he carried within, a relentless barrage of recollections that threatened to overwhelm him. 

Eternia shifted, her gaze meeting Adrian's with a mixture of concern and curiosity. In the quiet intimacy of the chamber, she found herself pondering the weight of their shared experiences, a silent acknowledgment of the trials they had faced together and apart. Lost in her own thoughts, Eternia realized she had neglected to inquire about Adrian's feelings regarding their return to Crystalia. Despite the gaps in his memory, she knew that the shadows of his past still lingered, casting a shadow over his present. With a gentle touch, she reached out, her fingers grazing his cheek in a tender gesture of concern. "Hey," she whispered softly, her voice a gentle murmur in the stillness of the chamber. "Are you okay?"

Adrian's response was swift, his brows furrowing as he caught her wrist in a gentle grip. "Shouldn't I be asking you that, Princess?" he countered, his tone laced with warmth and affection.

Moved by his concern, Eternia shook her head, a small smile gracing her lips. "This place holds painful memories for you," she acknowledged, her voice soft with empathy. "I wanted to make sure you were okay." In a sudden surge of emotion, Eternia pulled Adrian into a tight embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of their shared bond. Adrian returned the embrace with a smile, his affectionate gesture a reassurance in the midst of uncertainty. You act so tough, Adrian… But I could see how upset you are whenever I look into your eyes… 

"Leave the worrying to us adults, kid," Adrian teased gently, his fingers ruffling her hair in a playful gesture. Despite the weight of their circumstances, his grin remained bright and infectious, a reminder of the resilience that bound them together. "So, stop worrying too much, okay?"

"You're a kid too," Eternia pointed out, a playful glint in her eyes as she spoke. However, her playful demeanor faltered as soon as the words left her lips, a sudden awareness of the age gap between them casting a shadow over their banter. 

Adrian's grin widened, his features shifting effortlessly into the handsome visage of his adult form. The sudden transformation elicited a blush from Eternia, her cheeks tinged with embarrassment at the sight of his striking appearance. "A kid, huh?" Adrian teased, his voice laced with amusement as he gently pinched Eternia's cheeks. 

Eternia recoiled slightly, her embarrassment turning into a demand as she averted her gaze. "Change back!" she insisted, her tone a mixture of embarrassment and discomfort. There was something unnerving about Adrian's adult form that she couldn't quite articulate. 

With a chuckle, Adrian obliged, reverting to his childlike appearance once more. "You're so funny, Eternia," he remarked, his tone affectionate despite her protest. 

"And you're really annoying, Adrian," Eternia retorted, still unable to meet his gaze as she covered her eyes with her palms, shielding herself from his gaze. 

Adrian gently removed her hands from her eyes, his laughter contagious as he grinned at her. "I changed back, Eternia. You can look now," he reassured her, his laughter mingling with the playful warmth of their shared moment. 

Eternia's playful demeanor shifted into something more serious as she locked eyes with Adrian. "You know," she began, her voice surprisingly steady despite the weight of her question, "You look pretty as an adult." With a mischievous grin, she climbed over him, her boldness causing a deep blush to spread across Adrian's cheeks. Gripping his shirt tightly, she hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to ask, "Do you want to get married someday?"

Adrian felt like his heart had stopped in his chest, his mind racing as he struggled to comprehend Eternia's words. "Get off me!" he nearly shouted, his voice betraying his panic as he squirmed beneath her grasp, desperately trying to create some distance between them. "Go away!" WHAT?

Perplexed by his reaction, Eternia remained surprisingly calm. "Why?" she questioned, her tone still composed despite his obvious distress. To her, it was a simple question, borne out of genuine curiosity and a desire to understand her friend's thoughts. Drawing closer to his face, she pressed on, her gaze unwavering. "So, do you?" she asked, her words hanging in the air, laden with meaning. "If you're confused, I'll say it more clearly. Do you want to marry me someday?" It's a simple question, Adrian. Why can't you give me an answer?

Adrian's panic only intensified at her persistence, his mind racing as he struggled to find a response. "Why are you even asking me that?" he demanded, his voice laced with confusion and disbelief. This child is driving me insane!

Eternia's words hung in the air, laden with sincerity and a hint of vulnerability. "My mother asked me whom I'd choose if I could," she explained softly, her gaze fixed on Adrian's face. "Her advice was to choose a friend I could trust. I could only ever think about you." Pausing for a moment, she reflected on why he would be the perfect choice. "You're someone I could trust. You protect me, too. You taught me many things... You even saved me from my stepmother."

Adrian's frustration was palpable as he scolded her, his voice tinged with exasperation. "You should marry someone with power!" he argued, his words laced with urgency. "Cross me off that list of yours now!"

But Eternia remained steadfast in her conviction, shaking her head in defiance. "No," she insisted, her tone unwavering. "Aren't you powerful, yourself?" she countered, her disbelief evident. "You said you were once a Crystal Guardian. I don't need to marry for power if you consider taking my hand. You'd be the perfect King by my side."

Adrian's patience was wearing thin, his frustration evident in every word he uttered. "You don't even know half the things you're saying, Princess," he argued, his tone firm. "You're a child. You shouldn't be worrying about such things." With a sudden burst of determination, he pushed her away, putting some distance between them as he rose from the bed. "Also, you're like a sister to me."

Eternia's optimism was unwavering, her smile brightening the room. "Then that's perfect!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm palpable. "You wouldn't hurt or betray me then!"

Adrian felt the weight of her words like a burden, his unease growing with each passing moment. "We can't marry!" he protested, his tone tinged with desperation. My plan was to stick around until you die, not to have you by my side for all eternity! You're one annoying child, Eternia. 

"Why not?" Eternia's annoyance was palpable, her patience wearing thin with his consistent rejection. It's a great honor to marry me. Why is he being so stubborn? Unless… Was there someone he wanted to reunite with? 

Perhaps my immortality would finally make her stop this nonsense. Adrian's frustration reached its peak, his voice laced with exasperation. "Because I am immortal!" he exclaimed, his words heavy with the weight of his existence. "You're nothing like me! You'd die in a century or less!"

But Eternia remained undeterred, her determination shining through as she closed the distance between them. Gripping his shirt tightly, she met his gaze with unwavering resolve. "But there's a way to fix that, isn't there?" she countered, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I know about the garden with the fruit. If you're worried that I'll die before you and you'll get hurt, you can always help me get the fruit. Then we could be best friends forever." 

Adrian's incredulity was evident, his disbelief written across his face. "What do you even know about marriage?" he questioned, his tone tinged with skepticism.

Eternia's response was uncertain, her voice hesitant as she spoke. "Enough?" she replied, her uncertainty underscoring the weight of her duty as the future queen. 

Adrian's expression softened with sympathy as he listened to Eternia's words. "I won't ever marry you, Eternia," he asserted, his voice carrying a mixture of compassion and determination. "Again, you're like a sister to me. Another factor is that I wouldn't want you to carry the burdens of immortality because of me." Despite the weight of his words, a gentle smile graced his lips as he endeavored to convey his reasoning. "Also, you should marry someone you could love."

Eternia's response was immediate, her voice filled with sincerity. "But I already love you," she insisted, her eyes searching his for understanding. 

"As a brother, you mean," Adrian clarified with a gentle shake of his head. "There are different kinds of love, Eternia. I'm sure you know that." Reflecting on his own experiences, he spoke with a hint of nostalgia. "You should marry someone you've fallen in love with. Your mother's advice was correct, but you, Princess, forgot one thing. Marcella and Aurelius were in love. You must marry someone you're in love with. Not just anyone."

Eternia's question caught Adrian off guard, his expression momentarily faltering before regaining its composure. "Do you want me to fall in love with you?" she asked, her vulnerability laid bare. "That should be easy, shouldn't it?" As realization dawned upon her, her smile faded, replaced by a sense of resignation. "It's not that I'm not in love with you, is it?" she murmured, her vibrant demeanor dimming. "It's because you can never fall for me." With a heavy sigh, she withdrew her hands from his grasp and turned away, her wounded pride evident in her stance. In her eyes, she felt insignificant, overshadowed by his power and status. I'm just a child. I am a child. And in Adrian's eyes, even when I've grown, I'll always be a child. I suppose that's fine. Having him as a friend would be better than having him as a partner, after all. Besides, I can hardly imagine having what my parents had if I were to marry someone who is like a brother to me. 

Adrian's heart sank at Eternia's words, a pang of regret coursing through him. "Eternia," he began, his voice laced with remorse as he reached out to touch her shoulder. 

"It's fine," Eternia reassured him, turning to face him with a gentle smile. "I understand what you mean, Adrian. It was selfish of me to ask that of you." She paused, crossing her arms over her chest as she contemplated her own feelings. "To be honest, my pride was a little hurt. But asking for your hand was solely because I wanted to avoid choosing a partner from my parents' list. Your status as an all-powerful mage was just a bonus." With a light-hearted grin, she added, "I think I shall go for Solaris, then."

Adrian's response was swift and firm. "No," he interjected, his tone leaving no room for argument. 

Eternia turned away, retreating to her bed with a resigned sigh. "You don't get a say in it anymore," she declared, exhaustion evident in her voice as she settled in. "I'm going to sleep. Good night, Adrian." With that, she closed her eyes, leaving Adrian to grapple with his own conflicted emotions in the quiet of the room."

This child is truly something else, Adrian thought as he watched over her sleeping face.

Thanks for being patient. It hasn't been easy. My health has improved, but things are complicated. Just yesterday, I received word that my family had lost a loved one. Losing someone—through separation or death—is something hard to recover from. Depression is a disease. So, be kind, and never miss the opportunity to make someone feel loved.

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