
The Mafia Couple

Selena Marie Cabello's father has a hidden identity. Apart from being the best father to Selena, He is one of the most powerful Mafia families in the city. What happens when Selena finds her father's secret and witnesses his dark side? As the only daughter, Will she follow in her father's footsteps, or will she chooses a life of her own?

Rayne_Rue · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


My eyes snapped open. Shit, I had fallen asleep on the couch, but how did I fall asleep? It must be when Jason was annoying with his horrible singing.

Suddenly, I felt an impact on my whole body. There was a cold liquid seeping into the fabric of my clothes. Shit, I curse, it's water. I looked down and water was dripping from my body like a waterfall. I screamed in frustration.

Jason tries to keep his laughter but suddenly laughs louder. I swear I would strangle him to death right now, but I wouldn't want to go to jail for murdering my annoying handsome jerk.

" Oh, baby girl, look at you all drenched. What happened to you?" He laughs.

Can't I just run to the kitchen and grab a knife to stab this fool over here? No, no Marie, it will make my crime even worse.

I took a deep breath, then looked at Jason and smiled at him. He looked very surprised by my sudden mood change.

"Oh, sweet, Jason, what a nice way to wake me up," I said, fakely smiling.

"Um," he raises an eyebrow.

" So tell me, why you thought getting me drenched was such a good idea?" I asked.

" I called you out but you still didn't wake up, so I thought the water was the best way to wake you up," he says.

I rolled my eyes at him. " Mind to tell me, why am I awake again", I asked.

" I cooked dinner," He says.

" Yeah, so?"I looked at him up and down.

" So go get changed," he says.

I walked off angrily and groaning. I could hear Jason chuckling, damn this jerk.

After getting dressed, I walked to the living room and saw Jason sitting on the couch, his focus mainly on some TV show he was watching. I quickly grab the remote which is next to him but he still doesn't notice. I switch off the TV. He looks up at me and I see sadness in his eyes.

" That was my favorite show," he says.

" Yeah so,?" I ask.

" So please turn it back on," he says.

"No, you can't do it," I said, shaking my head.

" Why are you so annoying?" he groans.

" I did like to say you are the most annoying," I said.

" He stands up, making his way to the kitchen"

He dishes his food, leaving mine.

I can tell he was annoyed. He sits on the chair across from me facing me.

I take my fork and knife and cut my meat and eat it. My taste buds just woke up from a deep slumber because this is the very best stack of meat I have ever eaten in my entire lifetime.

I feel his glare at me and I try my very best to avoid looking at him.

" Hmmm " I moan as I continue to dig in my plate.

" This is delicious," I said.

" Thank you, Marie, I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself" he smiled.

I smiled back and gave him a nod.

He gets up and puts his empty plate in the sink. "Hey, I will do the dishes since you cooked" I say.

He turns to face me and then smiles" okay sure," he says.

After doing the dishes, I walked back to the living room and grabbed the remote. Jason was on his phone. I decided on what movie to watch and Jason was still focused on his phone.

I watched the TV screen for like 19 mins.

" Hey, you okay?" he asks.

" Yeah, of course", I smiled back at him, assuring him that I was okay.

"So what are we watching," he says.

" I don't know if you have anything in mind?" I asked.

" I'm not sure yet," he says.

" Tom and Jerry", he added.

I chuckle at his choice of show and nod to it, "okay then" I say, clicking on the Tom and Jerry show.

After watching the Tom and Jerry show, Jason was already sleeping on the couch. How come he never went out today nor did I see any of his friends around? He's in his second year, which makes him older than me, but he still acts childish.

I turned to face him and, god, this guy is so handsome, even in his sleep, he's way too handsome.

He starts breathing heavily in his sleep and I can tell he's having a bad dream. By the way, he is fidgeting. I quickly make a jump at him and tried to wake him up.

" No, no, no, please come back to me," he says in his sleep.

" Hey Jason, wake up," I said.

And with that, he jolts up and hugs me tightly. "Please don't go," he says, still hugging me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He let go of me. I can tell the dream he was having was so terrifying by the way he was so drenched in sweat.

" Yeah, I am," he says, standing up and leaving me alone in the living room.

He came back this time dressed up. " I will be back, don't wait for me" and just like that he walked out of the room, he didn't even allow me to ask if he was okay or not or even to know where he was going.

What a Jerk he is...…..


I open my eyes and glance through the window and it's still not sunrise yet. I can tell by the city lights reflecting on my room. I pick up my phone from the nightstand and turn it on and the time reads 2:34 AM.

Just as I was about to get back to my sleep. I suddenly hear footsteps. Oh my goodness, could this be a thief? I ask myself not wanting to get up. I heard some loud noise like something falling and then I realized the noise was coming from the other room, which is Jason's room. I stand up, stretching my arms in the process, and walking towards the door, I turn on the light and damn, it's so blinding.

I opened the door quietly and entered the hall and walked up to Jason's room. I opened the door and checked if he was okay or should l knock? I thought to myself as I stood at his door. Just when I was about to knock, the door swung open, revealing a drunk-looking Jason stumbling to stand in one place.

He smirks " What are you doing here?" he asks.

" I-I um, I'm getting a glass of water" I lied.

I can tell that he didn't buy my words by the way that he was still looking at me.

" Yeah, but why are you at my door," he asks.

" Because I heard some rattling in there, " I said, without looking straight into his eyes.

"Okay, so now go to your room," he said.

" You stink of alcohol. Have you been drinking?" I asked.

He looks at me with droopy eyes with a slated smile on his face.

" And why do you care about it," he asks.

"Because I'm your roommate," I said.

"Go to bed Maria," he said.

"I'm not going anywhere " I stated.

"Why are you so stubborn?" he asks.

" Your tee shirt smells of alcohol," I said.

"Oh, this " he pointed at his tee-shirt and within seconds he was shirtless and pointed out that his chest was now exposed. His hands are so defined, that I look away from his chest and look up at his face.

He gives me a smirk and walks toward me. I shrug and turn away from him and suddenly I feel his strong hand grab hold of my wrist from behind. He turns me to face him and with that, he swells me against the war and then he places his arms on each side of the war-making it impossible for me to escape.

I tried not to look into his blue electric eyes, but his warm hand lifted my chin, making me meet his eyes. I can now feel his hot breath against my lips and he moves closer to me, which now makes me start breathing heavily.

I swallowed a big lump in my stomach as he moved his hands down to my waist without breaking eye contact. I can feel the heat radiating off him like waves. He leans on to me, making our lips only just inches apart. He licks his lips, which leaves them wet. I look at his pink lips just like he's looking at mine.

Why am I feeling this way? I shouldn't. He's the biggest jerk either and just my roommate, nothing else.

He forms his lips into a smirk " Do you think l would kiss a girl like you Maria " he says, still forming a smirk on his lips.

For a moment, my heart was beating so fast and now his words cut through my heart, making it bleed profusely.

He stumbled back to his room. I slid down the road, taking in all the things that had just happened. Did I think he was going to kiss me?

I've never experienced this in my entire life before.

I stood up and headed to my bedroom and turned off the light and went straight to my bed. I wonder if he's doing okay. I wonder what made him drink as much as he did?

I don't even know why I even care so much for a guy like him. Guys like him only do this to all girls and here I am thinking this is all special treatment.

I try not to think about what just happened but my brain keeps repeating the same scenes again and again.

I wonder what he must be doing in his room. Could he be sleeping now or is he awake? What's wrong with me, what's happening to me, why do I suddenly feel the need to help him and worry about him?

I look into the darkness and, for no reason, I start to imagine what it would be like if I was Jason's girlfriend. I could drive my thoughts any further, I quickly brush the thought away.

A lot of girls must be head over heels for this bad boy, Jason, and I don't blame them either. The boy is the son of the Greek gods and they took their time in crafting him.

I slowly fell into a deep slumber.