
Chapter Twenty-five

In the car, there was silence but at least she looked better than the morning. He was trying hard to make it up to her and she knew it but she was being herself, stubborn Annabelle Skye. He drove and stopped few blocks away from home, she looked at him with that questioning look and he said, "I thought I should render a proper apology to you. I should not have left like I did yesterday and I damn well should not have left you this morning. I know I could be a jerk but then I want you to know that this jerk is sorry about everything. Bells, you have this effect on me, from the time I met you and I want to understand why. So let's let it be by gone and start up again. Request anything you want and I'll do it ", he said as she listened, "How about my freedom ", she said with a playful smile, he knew she had forgiven him, "Anything but that ", he said and they both broke into laughter, "Y'know I missed the Bella who would growl like a loin and swallow bowls of breakfast ", he chipped in and started laughing again. Women are delicate, and he could see just how delicate they could be, "I got you this ", he said handing her the package, she opened it, seeing the php, she brightened up, "I already saved my number in it ", he informed her, "Don't worry, I'll delete it ', she said jokingly "Just kidding, that's so much Jay ", she said happily. Jay,  it's been a while he heard his name so beautifully pronounced on her lips, that was more like it. He asked if she wanted to eat out to which she said no as she needed to sleep so he drove in, bodyguards behind him though. 

They had a hearty meal of rice and soup and after the meal, he said to her, "Drop your things and come  over to my room ", she said she had to freshen up with this suspicious look at him, he said, "We could do that together ", she smiled and left. He was feeling better, he got to his room and undressed, picking up his phone, he called his secretary to cancel any other activities for the day, he was relieved when he was told he had none. He needed some alone time, texting a do not disturb text to Alfredo, he dropped the phone and started undressing, that's when he heard her shower sound. What a stubborn woman he said with dark thoughts in his mind. He stripped down and picked his towel, wrapped himself, waist down. Luckily she had probably not anticipated that he would come after her, her door was not locked, he entered and locked it behind him. Getting to the bathroom, she was faced to the wall and was very shocked when he suddenly grabbed her from behind, "Let's use your shower then", he said seductively, "What happened to yours ", she asked nervously, she was aroused and he could feel it, "Missing your presence ", he said as his hands began fondling her breasts knowingly, her nipples were erect. She wanted him, but he wanted her more.