
The Mad Mage of the Moon

Ahh, they all called me mad, and I fell madly in love with a queen who would never be mine. They were right. Still, they could not take my claim to my birthright. I was born into this world to understand it all. I was born to be the king. Magic was at my fingertips, and the world spread into my eyes. I heard the whispers from the moon itself - it told me to unite this world, before the stars begin to fall.

Rathowm · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Hello, Infernum

Damn all the beings in the world at this moment. Was I born here just to suffer under this maddening weakness, as I hear whispers that probably aren't even real? Ahh, give it up. That ultimate conclusion.

As they walked away, I threw a pebble at the woman. "Fuck you! Coward trash bastard woman, I challenge you to honorable combat!" I held up my dirty little fists, and continued to throw pebbles at her.

"What did you just say?!" she showed her fury as more flames lashed out her tongue, like some sort of fiery snake. Infernal medusa, I curse you.

"Come, fight me." I ran at her and she sent a simple heat wave upon me without mercy, I flew back as my skin crackled and sizzled, cooked alive.

Funny thing was, the sun was now approaching high.

I writhed in pain terribly and the light glove mage couldn't bear to see, he ran to me and showered me in a gentle light. My skin slowly regained its normal temperature as I stopped cooking, he glared at the woman.

"What's wrong with you?! Do you not have any sympathy?" he spoke back against what was presumably his leader. She did not speak, and when I tried to read her thought they were far too muddied, her mind was in chaos at the moment.

I was praying she felt bad. I got up again, and that man, Kaz, told me to sit down. Ignoring him, I ran at the woman again, swinging my fist with a wild little rage that only a maddened little child could contain. If I died here, then so be it.

She did not attack me this time, merely stepping to the side as I fell on the smashed up plains.

A nightmarish laugh began to echo from me, now I was truly giving in, Please, madness seep into me, let the pain wash away.

A mad-borne being was fated to be thrown in the fire. I carried a clear disease, and only fire could cure it. Cleanse me now, oh sun. I saw it took the highest point as I lay in cracked earth.

This time, I did not fight back. I let the sun turn my mind into mud, the concussion of blood and light as my mind faded away into night. I saw an image of the darkened sky and against it was that bold black white fly on the wall of the cosmos. A woman took the shape of the moon and told me everything will be just fine.

I ignored her and turned away, the fire was coming from down below, an endless inferno. The sun would come and make me undone. So be it. I couldn't see it, but I knew my mind was coming undone. Light glowed out my eyes in shades of blue and yellow, the two fought for dominance in a mind so empty like the void itself.

Oh, that minute changed my life. No more writhing, no more agony, I let the fire just begin to take hold of me. Goodbye moon, hello infernum. My time has come. They combined into one.

Maddened black light began to pour out of my eyes, and I felt my body begin to decide. Which way it would turn, which way would it burn? Black flames began to consume me and at that last moment I saw the moon crying.

I couldn't help but reach up, to no avail. The sun would turn me into dust at last. Something grabbed my hand, perhaps it was the universe itself, sending me off into the distant lands. But before I landed afar, they pulled me back with strings.

Light pressed against me, the fires began to simmer down, Icy mist all around. Those magi began to shroud the infinite black, and the damn colors of the rainbow came back,

My mind returned from that brief oblivion. I saw the prismatic glow once more and three magi trying to save me. The light pushed away the blackened flame and icy mist congealed around me as the woman tried to take the fire out of me.

Now I knew, I wasn't just born mad, I was mad-borne.

I carried a worm, or two inside. I wonder why? I wonder why…was I simply sent here cursed? After one minute, it ended, black flames subsiding, and the moon returned to my mind.

I will not let you go, child, do not trust that maddening flame, do not let it take you.

In the end, I was fine. But my eyes were empty and devoid. What could I do to escape the void? The fire mage spoke, but I didn't hear a word. I just sat there in silence as all sense slowly returned.

Those magi looked at each other and me. I'm guessing the woman asked "What was that?" or something similar to that nature.

"Are you a mage?" She sounded a tone that reached my ears. I simply shook my head, and looked around for another pebble to bounce on her damn skull. I found one and picked it up, but she kicked it out of my hand.

She sighed while looking at me.

"Well, I guess we have to take you now."

Ha, all according to plan. All according to plan…I tried to console myself. They picked me up and put me in that flying arrow, and off into the air we went. Into the academy we would go. There they would not know my name.

Wait, those two were there. Kessem would be a legend there, and Taran would be struggling. Rumors have probably already spread. Oh well, I guess It's better to embrace it at this point.

On the ship, I couldn't help but make it clear. "Do you guys ever fuck in here?" I asked without a care in the world as my fried mind no longer understood consequence. When at the tinder age of eight you experience oblivion, you begin to change.

"Be quiet." the woman said, "Ha, you guys do, don't you?" I laughed and looking at Kaz and his bashful face I knew it to be true. There are so many legends of mages, but a lot of them described them as sexually distorted.

Finally that flowing arrow landed on some ground, and the head opened up to reveal the academy.

Oh, The Academy. It was a neutral place, where potential magi from all three lands were sent like soldiers into the trenches. A vast majority would fail the first step, and the few that remained took a hard course. A curriculum of magic, beasts and more.

Rivalries and drama and romance galore! Oh, what a new world. To describe its appearance, first, One would be able to see it from space, it was a massive island dedicated to magic. In fact, its entire size was almost a quarter of Solari.

It looked like an old kingdom from back then, it was rusted and worn at the top but strangely new at the bottom. Colors of pure gray all around as the castle is made with a mortar stone, there was only color displayed in the flora and trees.

I saw some students walking around, all wearing gray robes. They all had a different design on them, I saw some suns, and some lions, many many animals. Some crests of different houses or fiefdoms or marquis or more.

We stepped out of the vehicle, the woman led as the men stood behind me. Many greeted the woman as they would a queen in a kingdom of her own. They called 'Chandra' a fantastical name. We walked and stepped and pitter-pattered on and forth through halls and fields and rows of houses.

Finally at last some building at the edge of the river, It was a one of the most stunning buildings, glowing rocks all around it, on the top was a large half-basin, and it seemed to reflect energy downwards.

Pitter-patter, we got to the building and inside there was nothing but a glowing orb, filling me with an ardent desire to push into it, to take it and make it mine.

"Place your hand on the stone. Most fail here, but…go ahead." That cold-hearted flaming 'Chandra' said. I stepped to the glowing orb, inside was a magical world it seemed.

I pressed my hand on it, and out of it shot bright blue laser beams, it lifted in the air and began to quake space itself. I took it in my hands as I felt my first taste of magic. Oh, how sweet it tasted, like the apple that Eve ate. Oh, I was in a magical world and for a second.

The moon spoke with clarity. "Keep going on the path."

I remember my chest heaving up and down as that frown turned around. The feeling inside of pure hope and joy, it only lasted for the briefest of seconds, but I couldn't help but moan sultry groans as I Grabbed the sphere with both hands.

More light and cracking space, gravity was pushing everything around in the place. I thought to consume it and leaned in to take a big bite.

But it was imprudently grabbed out of my hands and placed back on its pedestal. I lurched for it again, but the fire mage stopped me, soft yet flaming hand on my chest.

She spoke softly, her eyes no longer frosty or flaming. They had a stony look to them. "You…have incredible potential. Main element of light, an unknown blue light. Secondary element of gravity."

"Good." I didn't care for what any of that means. I knew that light came from the moon, so did that gravity. "How do I learn to control it?" Impatiently I asked, eager for strength.

"Just relax…there is a whole process to this."


What a waste of time. We went to grab me a gray robe, they asked what symbol I wanted to represent me. Take a guess as to what I chose. I put on the robe, and eventually settled in the dormitory.

Dormitory, who thought of these? To place a bunch of young, eager, competitive and savage little gremlins together in one place. A madman, surely. I had no issues, no one caused me trouble. Yet.

I read all the books in there that night, more details of magic and creatures and such. Many magical theories, of worldly energy, of heavens, or of gods. All held a modicum of truth, all contained it all. Still, it would not help me attain anything.

Tomorrow, I will need to find myself a teacher.


Tomorrow, I walked around, and noticed the stares from the others. Perhaps it was the one eye, or perhaps they heard the rumors. Unnecessarily, I attended basic classes. This time I did fine, there wasn't much to them.

I went looking for Taran, randomly asking a few people where he was.

"That one? I don't know"

"Probably with his teacher…" one random woman responded. "Who?" I asked and she said it was Chandra. After classes I wandered and wandered, asking around for help. Very little was given - damn useless lot.

I continued to wander until I found the teacher's residence. They were guarded and I could not enter.

"Look, how else do I get a teacher? Just let me in already." I spoke to the guards.

"You don't get one, they find you. Only very few can get an archmage to teach them."

"Fine, fine." I waved my hands and pretended to turn, then I looked at something behind them with a terrified and confused expression.

They turned, human curiosity will never be sated. I ran into the residences, wildly screaming, living up to my name and reputation as a madman.

"I need a teacher, I need a teacher!"

"Come on teach, come on!"

More guards came to tackle me, they clearly had learned some techniques. I was still just 8 years old. All I could do was dodge and run.

"Light and gravity! Light and Gravity!" I began to shout over and over. Then a guard used a gust of wind to charge forward and grab me, carrying me away. I simply shouted into the fading night

"Light and Gravity!"

And fate responded to me, an old man, long gray hair and dusty old beard. He looked like a hermit that just crawled out of a hut.

"Light and gravity?" he responded curiously. "Hmm, let me test."

Then he put his bag hairy hand on my chest, and I felt something strange inside begin to leap, warm and cold liquid in the core of my body. I could feel a little light dance around the moon inside of me, and gravity was in my control.

He had brought out my magic with a simple palm. I had the urge to beg him to be my teacher then and there, a pathetic mad man was about to get on his knees.

And he did, that old man, started pleading with me. "Please! Be my pupil!" he got on his knees and clasped his hands with a frenzy.

Another like soul. Birds of a feather, from that moment on, I was taught by a deranged lunatic named: "Tyr."