
The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Warning: -Sexual content- Dual Cultivation ( pure fertilization ) -Not a Simp Mc -Op Mc, powerful system -I don't give a fuck you are dying, Type MC -Narcissist, Egoist Mc but not that mentally weak to react immediately #Book supports game element: - 500 Powerstone = 1 lottery for MC - 50 Golden ticket = 1 lottery for Mc - Holiday theme special plotlines. Cover: Thanks Miso_Hen ——— Ah! Here we go again, another edgy villain novel that haunts the protagonist, aka, the chosen son of heaven. Tsk! Such a cliche! Constantly used plotline with repeated storyline. Hunt the protagonist with a Jade like beautiful sister and steal his sister after 50 chapters milking his luck. Hunt the protagonist with this cheat, hunt the protagonist with that cheat. --- Beta: Ahhh! Damn it... When will the good day come? Author: Well, don't ask me, I just got here. Beta: Fuck it! I want a good story. Author: Junior, trust this senior, this is a good one Beta: Arggh! Shut up! I hate it. Author: courting death! Go and ask Yama how good this is. Beta: Y-You, how dare you? Author: I will give you 10 breaths of time, cripple your cultivation, and scram!! Beta: Good! Very Good! Author: *Raises his eyebrows and turns beta into useless dust particles* ----- Chad: senior, I have been enlightened, I wish to know more about what you have in this ancient script. Author: ah! An intelligent and wise junior, you have raised a very good question. Here are things this forbidden ancient script contains. •Sinful activity: this book contains the profound sinful activity of balancing the Yin and Yang, by, shoving the mighty Yang rod in the Yin Hole. •System - MC relationship: fuck... Ahem* Ahem* sorry for tongue slip. Forget the classic old system, here take this hot waifu tsundere system. ( not that edgy ) •Steal everything: junior! Are you tired of Mc only stealing the jade beauties that were created for the protagonist? Well, let's process further and add the Protagonist's mother, aunt, and sister, into Mc's harem. Chad: oh! The senior really blessed me with such a divine forbidden Scripture, here take my money and give me the chapters. Author: oh! Ho Ho! I haven't finished yet. Here are a few more. •Cold, ruthless, protagonist: sorry, but, he will even kill the child as long as he gets something in return. Throw; morality and humanity out the window. ( not a classical ‘Villan’ who only hunts the protagonist. The story doesn't just revolve around hunting the chosen one, ) •Just because you are a heroine doesn't mean, you can step on my head, know your place. Mc will even kill the heroine if they bother him. Chad: Say no less senior, from today onward, I will join your sect and follow you till I die. * Kneels and accept author as his master * Author: Very well, here is the key to join my sect. https://discord.com/invite/QaCzkvHsuN https://discord.com/invite/tknrUfPfrb https://dsc.gg/culturesect Chad: Thanks senior, I will join the sect immediately. Author: I see great potential in you junior, trust me, you will go way forward. Chad: You honor me with your words senior, please, let me read the forbidden Scripture that is banned by the heavens. Author: say no more! ——— Tags: OP MC, SYSTEM, HAREM, ACTION, ADVENTURE, THREESOME, Not so dumb Mc, Ancient treasure, Edgy writing, I don't give a Shit -Mc, not my problem- Mc, powerful battles, dual cultivation, diverse race harem, Evil Mc.

Cultured_Daoist69 · Fantasi Timur
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327 Chs

The Fall of all Family;

Amidst the chaos that gripped the grand hall, Bai Lung remained unfazed by patriarch Li charging at him.

But before Patriarch Li could reach him, a powerful force surged through the room, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.


The ground trembled beneath their feet.


Patriarch Bai had grabbed the palm of Patriarch Li, " You dare? " Bai Lung's grandpa spoke in his cold tone.

" Y-You! " Old man Li was taken aback, his pupils shrink while he grits his teeth in anger.

" Do you know what sin, have your blood committed? He killed the disciple of Zholong, you won't have a good time, your Bai Family is destined to fall, " Patriarch Li roared like a Karen.

" And? He wanted to kill someone else but got killed, that's his skill issue... Haven't you heard? Don't think of killing others if you are afraid of dying, " Bai Lung's grandfather muttered loudly while his saliva spits into patriarch Li's face.

Patriarch Li felt his body into chaos, it felt like his body was shrinking, he felt utterly disgusted getting Someone else saliva on his skin.

Nevertheless, he still looked at Bai Lung's grandfather with sharp cold eyes. " Good! Very good! It seems your Bai Family really wants to meet its end, " Patriarch Li uttered while he broke free his palm from Patriarch Bai's hands.

" Hmph! " Patriarch Li snorted while he went back to his seat looking at patriarch Zhao and Patriarch Qin.

Amidst the tense situation, Patriarch Li's eyes flickered dangerously as he contemplated his next move while taking his seat.

He knew that any action taken against Bai Lung would likely result in retaliation from the powerful Bai family, potentially igniting a full blown war between their respective family.

Fighting the Bai family won't be without any loss, in the worst case, their family might cease to exist.

With a narrow face with ugly expression, patriarch Li swallowed his saliva hard.

Despite the power dynamics, allowing such blatant disrespect to go unpunished was equally unthinkable,

it was especially impossible to let Bai Lung go easily, considering Chen Mo's status as a disciple of Zholong.

Meanwhile, Patriarch Qin couldn't help but feel uneasy about the entire situation.

While he didn't particularly care for either side involved in this conflict, he understood all too well how quickly things could spiral out of control when pride and power were at stake.

His daughter, however, seemed oddly captivated by Bai Lung despite everything happening around them.

' Sigh! Things will go downhill very soon, I don't think the Bai family can live past few weeks, ' Patriarch Qin thought.

At the same time,

Patriarch Zhao looked at Bai Lung with a sinister grin across his face, it seemed the heavens were helping him.

Things are turning out to be good for him, he can seize this opportunity to help the Li family, that way he can secure a long term connection with the Li family while...

The four major families will be reduced to three major families with the fall of the Bai family.

While killing Bai Lung, Patriarch Zhao can even establish his relationship with Master Zholong.

As for Bai Lung, he could see the evil grim in the face of Patriarch Zhao.

Bai Lung hadn't considered the Zhao family as his enemy but, if the other party seem to be seeking trouble with him then, he can't spare them, can he?

' Keke! I heard this Zhao dog has a sexy wife who is a peerless jade beauty, Good! Very good! Another pothole to the collection, ' Bai Lung looked at Patriarch Zhao with a small demonic smirk.

As their eyes met, Patriarch Zhao lowered his face, while his forehead began to sweat.

It was for a short moment but patriarch Zhao felt like he was looking at a cruel demon while looking at Bai Lung.

Obviously, that further increased the hatred in his heart, as he believed Bai Lung should die, and he should die right here and right now.

" Ahem* Ahem* Patriarch Li, I am willing to help you take down this brat, the bai family is going to fall very soon, we can't afford to offend Masted Zholong, " Patriarch Zhao got up from his seat and uttered while his smile turned deep.



Patriarch Li who was sipping his tea almost choked on his tea, while he looked at Patriarch Zhao with a devious smile.

If the Li family fought with the Bai family then the casualty on their side would be great, however, if the Zhao family is willing to lend a hand, then the situation is completely different.

Two powerful families against one? The Bai family would definitely fall.

With so many people and servants from the Li family and the Zhao family, they can easily overwhelm, these two menace.

" Hoho! It seems patriarch Zhao has some great insight, " Patriarch Li said as he understood the motive of patriarch Zhao.

Patriarch Zhao wants to befriend Zholong.

As the tension in the grand hall continued to rise, a sense of impending doom hung heavy over everyone present.

Despite Patriarch Zhao's offer to assist the Li family in taking down Bai Lung and his powerful family, there was no guarantee that such an alliance would ultimately succeed.

The Bai Lung seemed to possess some hidden cards, so, Patriarch Li wanted to make sure, his family could suffer minimum loss.

" Hoho! Then, I will try to hold old man Bai, while, you make a move on Bai Lung, " Patriarch stood up instantly.

Seeing such an act from Old man Li, Patriarch Zhao didn't think much, as it was easier for him as, he would be fighting a junior.

It's like a level 100 boss beating the shit out of a level 10 crook.

Nonetheless, he agreed with a smile on his face, " Haha! I hope Junior won't find it unfair, "


There is so much hype for Zholong, what if Mc cuck him 😂😂🤣🤣