
The Lust: Men's lust

Jk_world · Realistis
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5 Chs

Chapiter 2:Accepting the proposal.

Sang Hoon was a bit surprised and said:''What?'' Mr Nam:''The payment will be good and it will be your new good beginning.'' Sang Hoon:''Thanks for the offer but....'' Before he finishes mr Nam said:''Don't worry,During sex scenes,No behind the scenes will be taken but know that it will be real.Take your time and think about it.Notify me tonight after taking the desicion.'' They stood up and went. Sang Hoon stayed there for moment thinking about it.At night he was at his home.He lived alone in the apartment.He sat on his bed and kept thinking about the offer. Sang Hoon:''I need money for rent,food,clothing.'' He took his phone.He called mr Nam.Sang Hoon:''I will take the role.'' On the next day. Mr Nam,Mr Ko were sitting somewhere seemed to be meeting room.There were other people sitting there with computers.At that time,Sang Hoon opened the door and entered. All of them stood.Mr Nam:''Oooh you are here.'' Sang Hoon bowed and gret them,''Good morning.'' Others also replied.Mr Ko:''Take a seat.'' He sat on the left column near window and on right side of Mr Ko. Mr Ko gave him a script and said:''We are here to take some practices.'' Sang Hoon:''I know.'' Recently someone opened a door.It was Cha Chan Yeol.All of them stood up except for Sang Hoon.Mr Nam:''Good morning mr Cha.'' Chan Yeol:''Morning!'' He went and sat on other right column near the door.Someone was standing behind him who was his driver.Mr Nam:''Ok let's start.'' He stared at Sang Hoon and said:''Mr Cha,This Kim Sang Hoon.'' Sang Hoon raised his head and stared at Chan Yeol.Chan Yeol was also staring at him. Chan Yeol:''He is going to act as Lee Dae Joon.'' Mr Nam:''Yes.'' Chan Yeol:''It' okay.'' Mr Nam:''Ok any question before we start practicing?'' Sang Hoon stared at him and said:''Yes Mr Nam.'' Mr Nam:''Please go ahead.'' Sang Hoon:''Without beating around the bush,Who is going to be top?''Mr Ko:''What do you mean?'' Sang Hoon:''It seems like we are changing the story,Who is the one to make an action during sex scenes?''