
Chapter 17 : College Woes

We met freshman year of college. It was some mixer to get to know people, but Rob and I ended up in the same group and started talking and we became friends.

Back then, college was new and sparkly. So much freedom, so much to do and learn, people to meet, things to experience. We didn’t have many classes together but we’d see each other around the same dorm and chat.

We didn’t get together right away, but we both knew something was there. For a while, we danced around each other and our feelings but we just clicked, getting along like a house on fire. I didn't realize how true that statement was until later.

It was near the end of our first year of college when it happened. We got together during our fourth semester, to the surprise of no one. Our friends even took bets for when we'd get together. Suffice to say, Karena got 500 bucks richer that day and I had a boyfriend.