
Chapter 46: Wolves in a Clearing

Randall’s POV

Klaus had experience shifting, that was for certain. He was agile and controlled, maneuvering through the trees with a kind of grace I had rarely witnessed in the western packs. I struggled to follow him at times, my bulky, barrel-chested build more adept at combat rather than sprinting between trees and over rocks, whereas Klaus was a smaller wolf, leaner and lighter, which allowed him to jump over the dense root systems without struggling or stumbling.

I knew he was luring me somewhere. He acted as though I was pursuing him, and in a way I was, but his movements and direction were too deliberate to fool me completely.

He had, of course, known I was looking for him, that the entire town of Adelaide was after him. He had probably been hunting me as much as I had hunted him. He was just waiting for the right time to show himself, and he had chosen well. The streets were dim and empty because of the storm, and I had been alone.