
Chapter 24: A Break from Society

Clara’s POV

“You missed three musicals, four picnics AND a ball!” Anabel turned away from the window, her lavender gown trailing along the floor as she made her way to my vanity. She looked in the mirror, tucking a rogue curl back in place and adjusting her hat before turning to face the bed.

“Should I have attended? Fevered as I was?” I laughed, setting the book I had been reading down on the bed.

“No, of course not,” she said with a sidelong look, sitting on the edge of the bed and folding her hands in her lap. “It’s only that I hope you’ll attend the next ball.”

“I will not be sick forever,” I said, leaning against the pillows and rolling my head to the side to look out the window. The thought of avoiding court for the rest of my life was appealing, however.