
Chapter Twenty Six


I don't understand what's happening. Yesterday, I was so sure I wanted to be with Max. I was so sure he was my true mate.

But this morning, I woke up and I felt nothing for him. It was like he was a stranger.

Worse than a stranger.

He was repulsive to me.

He disgusted me.

He was not the man I was supposed to be with, and I had no idea why I'd ever agreed to marry him.

I still don't.

Did I do it just to prove something to myself?

Was I playing some sort of game with Jacklyn? I've never been one to play games. I've never done anything for attention or for the sake of competing with someone.

I've always been too laidback for that. I don't know why I'd do that.

But I did. I said yes to Max. I said yes to marrying him, just like that.

It's strange, to think that I would do that. But I did.

And then, I broke his heart.

He was just so...

I don't even know how to describe it.

I felt nothing but disgust.