
Chapter Thirteen



I look over to check on her and realize she's in trouble. The guard is on top of her, and he's getting ready to strike.

I have to help her. I don't know why, but I feel drawn to her. I feel compelled to keep her safe.

I run toward the guard and tackle him.  Before he knows it, the guard is on the ground, and I'm over him, ready to fight.

I can hear the other guards yelling and looking for something to use to help.  They see a branch nearby, and I know I'm in trouble.  I look back and see that the other guards have picked up the branch, and they're running toward us.

I have to get this guy off of me.  I push him away and jump to my feet. I know I only have a few seconds before the guards get to me, so I move back and get ready for the attack.

One of the guards throws the branch, and I bat it away.  I can see the others ready, and I know they're going to all attack at once.  I have to be ready, so I crouch down, and  brace for the attack.