
01 A New Side

In a world called Rainshill the continents are divided in three large land masses known as Polarine, Isoul, and Astrali with a few large Islands spread around Isoul. If viewed from above it would look like a yin and yang symbol that was pulled apart with a few dots around the middle surrounded by water.

In Polarine lives the Elves and Beastkin who divided their territory in a horizontal half with the Beastkin taking the large open plains of the north and the Elves taking the rain forest in the south, separating the north and south a four mile wide rapid river that opens out to the ocean and slowly shrinks as it travels in land looking like a crack in the continent, also known as Crystal Rapid for its crystal clear water. In Astrali the Humans and Dwarves divided their land in a vertical half with the humans in control of the west coast along with most of the mainland, while the Dwarves lived in the rocky east mountains that spans entirely along the east of Astrali. Isoul with its islands remains inhabited a vast pioneer rich with unknown resources and danger.

The year 756ec. sparked the 163 year long world war in which peace talks and treaties were signed only to be broken repeatedly. The lands, water and skies of Rainshill devastated beyond recognition, perhaps because the world was weakened, a dimensional rift appeared and demon like monsters poured out in masses. A peace treaty that was finally enacted led to each race being selfish in defending themselves. Two years later each race on the verge of extinction united and summoned hero's. In a year the hero's created the guild with its ranking system. On the third year with the hero's speech of everyone fighting together battle slaves were freed to fight the demon army. Finally in the fourth year with almost the entire population of Rainshill the demon king was defeated and with the power of the demon king the hero's unable to close the rifts made the rifts into dungeons. With the remaining power the hero's returned home. The hero's were remembered as the hero of light for they appeared at the darkest of time.

Five years later in the middle of nowhere far in the west near the tip of Crystal Rapid in a small house a frustrated beastkin fox with her slender body that was seductive with her long grayish hair and her V shaped face with a somewhat sharp black eyes was pushing down with all her might. Just as it was giving way a door opens hearing the explosion of farts that erupted, she could only hide her embarrassment as she slowly looked towards the door to see a young slender five foot eleven inch teen with medium short black layered hair with a soft V shape face, his somewhat cold different colored eyes met eye to eye and an awkward stare commenced. Seconds felt like minutes as they continued to stare for four seconds, unexpectedly the teen turned his head while closing the door shut and walking away. The beastkin fox returning to her senses quickly cleaned herself and opened the door chasing after the teen calling out Aego.

Hearing his name being called out he stoped to turns around to see the beastkin fox jogging towards him. Finally catching up to him grabbing his hand "Aego" not having time to think on what to say she silently holds his hand while her brain was in overdrive thinking up an excuse. Just as she was opening her mouth to say something Aego mutters "You didn't wash your hand" her face visibly burning red as she yanks her hands away while looking down to try and hide. Hearing Aego give a chuckle she immediately looked up to see a devilish smile erasing her embarrassment. When was the last time he smiled? Is this his first time laughing? These thoughts crossed her mind as she was in a daze. "Sasori" hearing her name she woke up from her daze to only see an incoming face as Aego gave her a kiss.

Dazed again as the warm kiss parted her lips, only waking up when an arm wrapped around her waist pulling her waist in. Staring at the light blue left eye and the purple right eye a sadness hidden within the eyes caused Sasori's black eyes to slightly tear. Seeing the teary eye Sasori he recalled the last person if not the only person to shed tears for him his mother. As the memory crosses his mind he could feel his heart tightening as if some one was squeezing his heart. Realizing she might actually cry like the first few times, he started thinking just as he felt as there was no good solution Sasori's hand reaches for his cheeks. A perfect thought crosses his mind as a rare smile appears once again. Just as a tear was building up to fall Sasori noticed a smile confused as to why Aego would randomly smile. Just as she started thinking "It smells." echoed in her triangular shaped ears flushed with embarrassment again she pulled away turning to the side pulling her hands up close to her chin to sneakily take a sniff. "You liar!" her facial expression was angry but with the bright red cheeks it was cute. Aego seeing her action couldn't help but give a slightly louder chuckle as he turned to walk away. Hearing the laughter Sasori calmed down thinking about what she did to make him laugh and how it warmed her heart hearing him laugh.

She didn't think for long as she thought being embarrassed didn't seem funny and directly asked Aego. "It was a cute expression" hearing his response she asked "Should I be cuter in the future?" "No." Its not why I love you, you're fine the way you are. Having heard his answer an alluring smile appeared and disappeared she felt her heart flutter, but she still wanted to know why he's never laughed before."Are you funny?" Having almost instantly replied with a dead pan face "No"